Monday, August 20, 2012

Poem 389. Wrong

Have you ever felt there are wrong thing inside life but then on every moment you can have
Just feeling that nothing is wrong except my thinking about life because when I think this way
Suddenly all things turn in wrong way inside life suddenly what we are dreaming about things
Turns with wrong side even small fault inside life become something so big that it will manage
To create problem on every point I just feel one thing from my mind when I start searching
For wrong then one word wrong become my whole life because when we reach W then
There are just two letters remaining in alphabets of life and out of them we can't form those
Pleasant word like peace and happiness because they are far behind inside our life so never
Ever we should let that word wrong enter inside our life we just prefer all other words like
Some thoughts which are unique in life when I start walking around on many thoughts and
On many points we just feel one thing that those words which belong to wrong are something
Totally bad for our future and our life I just never understand how can so easy that word call
Wrong enter inside my life and instead of staying away from it I start to want it on every point
And on every thought of life In every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Thoughts which will make me happy are part of my life only if I keep them alive on every point
And on every day of life as days went ahead from every time I just feel one thing from my mind
That those all thoughts which are part of my pleasant life seem to hide behind this word that
Says wrong thing may happen in life I just feel that those wrong thoughts of wrong things in life
But then suddenly when I start to walk and see something so tiny which hardly notice I normally
Notice in my future and my life suddenly become so important thing inside life I feel on every
Spot inside life that I need to find wrong thinking of life I have those thoughts which make
That thing seem like big pole inside life because those poles are something which are useless
For my future and my life I just feel one thing from my mind that those word wrong thinking
Enter inside life I feel those wrong thoughts are entered inside life due to that wrong thinking
Inside life when my wrong thinking use to harm me on many points I use to think that
Really something is so totally wrong in life I use to feel just one thing that my each day is
Poisoned by that apple which is full of magic of that evil witch in life and like a snowwhite
I will die due to that poison inside life I know it seem so nonsense and fantastic but that is
Truth of our thinking in life this is my thought but I feel surely each of us have one such a type
Of thought inside life because on sad moment when our mind is on wrong point because then
I feel that in life those wrong things which are so perfectly wrong inside life I just feel one thing
From my mind that those wrong thinking which will arise from every side of our life then
We use to feel that wrong things which enter inside our life are something so totally wrong in life
But not because we think them but when we make them big then they look more horrible to
Stood against inside our future and our life on every moment and on every time we just feel
One thing from mind that those wrong thoughts which enter in our life seems so wrong from
Every angle of our life I just feel one thing from our mind that those wrong things which happen
Inside life are turn into bigger and bigger from time after time I just feel one thing from mind
That if only that wrong thinking went away from our mind we will just feel one thing in life
That those wrong thoughts will just manage to hurt us on every point I feel one thing from
Point to point inside my life that if only I can stop that word wrong in my life but it seems that
More wrong things this word seem to enter in life on each step sometimes we just get
Scared inside life that our thinking will be wrong on many points we just feel one thing from
Our thoughts and from our mind that on every point wrong things will happen inside our life
But still those things remain same on every point because when something wrong happen
In our life and in our mind we just feel that it will happen again in life even in case of happiness
We keep same hope but that hope is pleasant for our life but when this hope enter in wrong way
Inside our future and our life I just feel one thing from my thought and from my mind that
Maybe on every point we can change our thinking on every point but still we just feel one thing
From inside of our mind that those wrong thoughts that happen in life are some thoughts
Which enter inside life from each and every point because wrong things are just important
Part and threat of our future and of our life on each and every moment and take us in wrong way
Of life and then only after some time we feel that nothing was wrong before but every thing
Was wrong after making that mistake of thinking some thing is totally wrong inside our life.

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