Thursday, August 23, 2012

Poem 394. Suggestion of Intelligent mind

                                            Suggestion of Intelligent mind
Why do after rising on mountains and admiring someone we just feel one thing in our life
That this person should don't deserve anything inside life on every moment in life I just feel
That many person who seemed hero at beginning seem like villain by end of their life I just
Never understand why did we think this way in life some people says when person rises
Ahead with him that person's ego rises inside sky as that person went ahead on every moment
And on every thought in our life I just feel one thing from my brain and from my mind that
I think on every day that it is not question of ego but it is mistake which people make
In life when some person acts good we just began to call that one god and began to obey
That person inside life I just feel that why are not we using our heads inside life after all
Our brain are perfect and we can use them whenever we feel that is required inside life
I feel that god have given us a brain and thoughtful mind on every moment we just feel
One thing from our mind that on every point we just need that use our brain on some times
But still we just obey them and then cry foul inside our life when success comes to a person
That person have some good qualities in life but that doesn't mean that this person don't
Have any fault inside on every point this person feels that winning is not that easy for our
Future and our life on every moment we just feel one thing from our mind I feel that we are
Standing on wrong front of our life I feel that when someone get success we just put too
Much thoughts and too much hope in that person inside life I just never understand that
Person inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that this person will always have
Small and limited problems inside life I just feel that those small weakness which are normal
For us are inside that successful mind but when that person is on top we just see their best
And what is nice inside them on every day of life I just feel one thing from my thought and
One thing from my mind that on every day I just feel that success is something which is
Limited in achieving for just some time when some days went ahead success will normally
Vanish away from their sight we will just see that person is not getting that success which
Was once promised inside life I just feel on every moment I am so happy about every thought
And every part of life but when that person began to fail I feel sorrow but I feel more sorrow
When other people began to taunt that person inside life when every one began to taunt it
Normally hurt them inside after all how much you can call them god but still they are human
Inside their heart and mind they also wish for something and want that thing to become part
Of their future and their life I just feel on every moment that I will lose many things in life
I just keep one feeling on every day of our future and our life I want to go ahead on every
Point same thing happen to that person when every admirer turn back towards their side
They just want to prove themselves so then they took hurried decisions in life instead of
Getting help by them they manage to harm us inside life I just feel one thing from every thought
And every concept of my mind that on every moment I just feel one thing that those successful
Person gets confused by failures in life so then they just do something wrong and which will
Just manage to create problems in life and then we all began to scream against them and then
Their fault becomes only truth of life how easily we forget their good and their intelligent mind
We just use them for our benefit and when they give wrong suggestion we scream against
That person in life when some one say in that time they have to follow that suggestion I just
Feel it is wrong thought of mind we must understand our mistake that how easily we began
To stop using our mind and when majority does that then how can we say we are not part
Of that majority in life we have accept it as truth of our future and our life and on every
Moment of life that life is not that easy thing it always gets upset on some point but blaming
Some one for it is not some thing wise people have just one bad habit first they run to one
Thought and one side but when they see bad effect they ran to another side but this running
Never help you I have told by many intelligent minds that just wait for few days then they
Will see truth more clearly and then they will once again come back to that same side but
I just feel one thing from heart if we want to return back then why don't we good bye
With respect to that side because if you keep running like that one day you will lost respect
In every one's eyes and due to that one thing have happen that those people who are on
Top of success are first thing which is taught by every one that is never pay attention to
Public who scream against you from time to time so this way we just lose our respect inside life
So just treat everyone with respect it is not only my suggestion it is suggestion of many
Intelligent people who spend their life in lot of work and who teach you how to go ahead in life.

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