Thursday, August 2, 2012

Poem 358. Settle

Have you ever dare to go against the wind and tried ever to conquer your dream
There are some persons who love to do it for them that is life and that is their thrill they just
Don't feel that they made for those roads which are already made for walking they want to
Find new ways of life and thinking so then after some points and thinking they just go there
Own way even if it is against many people's will they don't harm others but they never like
Anyone coming ahead and dominating because they want in their way many types of thing
But they never want other people to tell them to have their thoughts and thinking because
On every moment and on every thinking I just want to walk in one way which is suitable
For you and for your thinking so then after some time I just walk on some way and have
That feeling that some people just like new roads and new thinking but inside mind they
Have just one feeling that on every day we have same thoughts and same thinking but
Then on every point and on every sort of thinking I just have one type of feeling and
After some thoughts as human being I feel that we are walking on one road which will
Be nice for us in every thinking but we should complain about other people and their thinking
Because there are also some people who never like to walk on new ways or want to go
On unknown road as per their liking they just walk on that perfect way which will nice
For their thinking they just want to go by those rules which are settled by other human being
They want to travel a lot maybe inside world but they want it to be all on things which are
Written on map and have perfect type of comfort for human being some people want to go
As fast as wind and some people want go slowly as air but do you think from heart any one
From this is unfair because as we walk in life on many thoughts and many things that in life
I just feel one thing from my mind that I can't feel that choose anything between wind and air
In my life because they both are nice and happy for our life I just feel one thing from my mind
That on both points inside our life I feel that those feelings are something so perfect and nice
For our life I just feel one thing from my mind that both people are perfect and nice for
Our life because I just feel both thoughts and perfect for our life because when we start
On road of life we need both people inside our life because on every moment of our life
We just feel one thought from our mind that there are two ways of our life we can always
Feel those thoughts from my mind that on every moment in our life I just feel one thought
From my mind that both types of thoughts are part of our life we just feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind that none of them is low and none of them is high inside life
As we start walking on roads of life we need both sort of people inside life we need some
People who will find unknown roads can show us many ways and name those road after
Their souls many times but they just never want to settle on that road sometimes because
They want to go ahead on next adventure inside life they just feel one thing from mind
That those roads are something known world inside life so then I feel something in life
They just feel every day in our life that I need to understand those roads are something
Which are important in life because after some time in our life because they want to find
Something interesting in our life so then they can search as much as I like in life so then
In life because after some time in our life I feel that those people who like safe road can
Always take care of those roads in life because on every moment in our life after some
 Time in life I feel that both things are perfect for our thoughts and our life because
Then I feel that I need some thing unique inside our life because when I began to feel
Just one thing in life after all those thoughts are something which are important for our life
That we should not criticize any of them in  our life as our life went ahead on every point
I just feel one thought from my mind that it is wrong when some people began to force
Any person in life because some feel that they are nice in life when they force one person
To change in other person inside life as days went ahead on every point they just tell
One thing that they are helping other person to settle in life those who take safe road must
Understand adventure in life and those who like adventure must understand safety of life
So as our life went ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that they need
To understand one thing in life they are not settling people in life they are just creating
Confusion in life and it will lead to depression and stress on each and every point in life.

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