Thursday, October 29, 2015

Poem 2391. Good moods

                                                            Good moods
Life is so wonderful gift on every point but hardest task is sticking to one point sometimes we just
Decide to do something in life and then in few moment life will turn in some totally different point
Life will show us new beauty from inside life will just start to understand that it will show us that
Sort of heaven in life when life will show us different point that this life will show that sort of feel
Which will have so much effect in life when at every point this life will look so wonderful effect
On our mind that life will show us new start on every point life will start to change that our thought
Will take us ahead to some point when life will show us new thinking from mind when life will
Sometimes it will change with every mood of life we need to understand every point when life will
Show us new effect on life then those sort of effect on life that life will start to change from one
Point to another point when life will differ on every point when life will differ on every point since
Life will show us new change of mind we need to understand our thought on every point we need
To understand just one thing on every point when life will show different effect on life since
With every mood we need to understand change of life we need to show those effect of moods
Will just look nice on sometimes but sometimes they may hurt others in life we have to take care
Of those moods on every point those thoughts are showing us new start from inside those sort of
Mood that change on every point will show us different feel of life we need to understand just one
Thought from inside mood will change on every point when life will show us new point we will
See those sort of understanding on every point which tell us change of mood can be like on just
Every point when mood will differ and hurt others they are not hurting just them but they are also
Hurting us inside since we are human and we care for others that only make us human in life but
When our mood cross limits we just do many things in life since every part of life will show us
Just change of every point with that mood which will create so much effect on life when life will
Have so much understanding for our mind that mood will have so much impact on mind we need
To understand mood will show us new effect on life those sort of feelings which will have so much
Feeling to this world on every point when we start to think mood will have impact on our mind
So those sort of mood will have up and down on every point when those mood will change so much
Effect on mind we feel just one thought from inside those mood will change our life different sort
Of mood will change on every second of life when mood will change our life when those sort of
Moods will change our life then at every section of life since mood will have so much understanding
On every part of life we need to have just one feel from inside that mood will create so much effect
On our mind when mood will have up and down at every point when mood will start to change in
Our life at every step of life when life will show us in way due to our mood on every point we just
Feel one thought from inside that mood will change fully our life we feel one thing that our life
Will look so much great at every point life will show us new start by change of mood on every point
So sometimes we start something great in good mood in life but we must not stop it just on that point
We need to understand mood will have effect on our life but if we change our life just according
To those moods from time to time it will look so much great for life to understand those moods
On every point we have to understand life must not jump just on our mood but we have to move
Our life with peaceful mind it happen to all on sometimes that mood will look bad and mood will
Look good on some point they will create effect on our mind we need to understand our life as
Something precious on every point we no longer need to move ahead at any point of life when
We move ahead in life that life will show us new feel from our mind at every point we need to
Just understand our life those moods which will have so much impact on mind then it will show
Different feel on every point moods will change our life but when good mood will give start to
Some good thinking we must not stop it with bad mood in life we need to understand mood will
Have impact on our mind we have to think again and again on every point should we let our mind
Think once again in positive way in our life good mood should be kept in positive way in life
We need to retain that mood on every point which will have so much feel from inside since that
Mood will retain peace of mind so we feel one thought from inside peace is need of our mind
We must try to keep positive way in life so good mood is always give shine in life so it's up to us
At every time to understand mood is one task of life we must understand and keep good mood
In life we may not succeed at first time but just remember friends it is always worth trying in life.

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