Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Poem 2376. Begin from one thing

                                                     Begin from one thing
Those seven colors which are showing effect of weather on every time we feel one thought from
Inside when different style of colors are not just showing beauty of nature but it will show that sort
Of feel in life we feel one thought from inside those different colors are coming from one light so
Then from that light we see many sort of look on every point those seven colors are coming from
Just one light then when those many colors coming from one light in life when then life will have
Those seven colors are coming from sky different look on every point when that sort of beauty
Will show us that look in life which will show us beauty that will show us new wonder on every
Point may be those colors are telling us different shades are showing us so many feel in them on
Every point of life when many colors came out of one thing on many points those colors will look
So much great for our life those colors are coming from just one colors may be same thing apply
To other things in life we feel those different colors are touching our life by appearing in sky on
Just every point we feel that those colors are telling us difference will not matter that much in life
From one thing we see many sort of things which are part of one thing from inside then at some
Part of every point when one thing will have different sort of things at every point of life when we
Start to see so many times of things which will have so much effect in life they are showing then
How many miracles in life from one point we feel many sort of things will have wonderful colors
In life when we start that from one thing we can see many different things from inside then at
Some point from one thing will have so many things which are never look like basic thing in life
Are created from it where greatest part on every point then from beginning we start to understand
Many part of one single thing on every point those many colors are from one thing at every point
When we start to move ahead on some point we feel just one thought that may be totally different
Things may have part of one thing on every point when we understand it then only we will manage
To understand life since many things don't look same in any way still they are part of just one thing
On every point when we start to move ahead on that point we feel one thought that we need to move
Ahead only after understanding it in life that we just can't understand what one thing have inside
If light have seven colors how many colors may be we have in human mind on just every point
We just never understand what things are hidden inside when some things are hidden on just each
And every point we just never know how to choose things on every point since in one colors
We can see many colors in life when from one light we see many colors will have so much nice
Feel in life from one point many sort of things which are so interesting in life when we start to
See new things in life we just never guess from where it start to appear in life on some point
We feel that from one thing we see many things are on many parts in life when we start to just
Need to understand in life from one thing we can see many sort of things in life when we start
To find many things from one thing in life we feel one feeling from inside then when we start to
Move ahead at every point from one thing there will be beginning of many things in life all those
Sort of things will have started from one thing on every point we just have one feeling from inside
Those things which are many parts of one thing at every angle of life seem as if some thing which
Will have effect on our mind when we start to move ahead from some point we just feel that in
One light we can see many thing same way we see them on many point of light but we can't see
Many thing which began from one point we never understand how many things are just part of
One point we never understand value of one thing until we don't see many things which can come
Out of it in life but sadly we just never understand they all belong to same we just began to make
Out them some choice we never understand we are comparing same thing at every point from one
Sort of light we can see many sections in life when light will have so much power inside but it
Never tell us what it have inside we need to understand our thoughts and mind we have tell our
Heart that from one light we can see many sort of sections on every point from one part they will
Began and create for us new world in life we need to understand that many things are just part
Of one concept on every point we have to understand we can see many things from just one thing
We can see many concepts inside life from one thing we can see those many colors which are
Always precious in life are began from one color so understand in life that many things are just
Part of one concept which we can't even able to see clearly on many time in this life, in this mind.

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