Thursday, October 1, 2015

Poem 2344. Power

Those words or those feelings which you let enter in your life will depend on you and just only on
Your thinking at every point if you feel this way then think just twice do those negative feel which
Tell you have every thing under your thumb will be that much right when life will move ahead on
Just every point we feel one thing many people have same desire from inside some may feel it is
Wrong but many feel it is right on that point began all those troubles of life which we start with just
One view from inside those feelings which we see at every step are not some sort of feel which we
Desire have to be right when we began to move ahead on every point we have to think where our
Thought is taking us on every point when our desire become too much in life we just began to feel
That may be our feelings are ruling our mind we are not having control on those feelings but those
Feelings will be having control on our mind since we forget our happiness and just to get control
We forget our joys we just manage to forget those happiness of hobbies and forget our desire on just
Each and every point we have to understand words will show us new meaning which will show us
So good sort of feel from inside when words will show us those meaning that will troubles on just
Each and every point when words will show new meaning from inside of our mind we have just one
Feel from inside that we are controlling our life but power become that desire which too hold of mind
Then we are not spending money for us but just spending ourselves to get money in life but then on
Many times it happen our desire from inside those sort of feel which will have so much impact on
Our mind will become something that will have so much effect on mind which have so much feel
On every point feelings will have show us different things in life but sometimes power will began
To rule on every area of life and we just forget those basic things of life like our people who are
Need of our soul on every point may be we must think again in life before letting power rule in life
Our power will become truth of our life and we just forget those for whom we desire power from
Inside that power began to rule our thoughts and mind we just began to think that without that power
We are nothing in life but power never create us as human on any point power is not need as kind
And soft feelings in life what your loved one will desire not power but your kindness and help in life
And those who desire your power are those who never loved you in life because love never teach you
To count power it teaches you pleasant aspects of life love is something which began from our birth
With first kiss of our mom when power is never understood from inside power is that thing which
Enter many years later in life so you can't say your love will vanish when power will vanish from
Your life that person who vanish when power goes away never was truly part of your life at each
And every step we just feel one thing that power is important like our breathe because it went in
Our brain such a way that it began to rule our mind we must let power to capture our thought and
Our mind we never need to think that power is need of life even without power we can live pleasant
Sort of peaceful life power is just one burden after some point but then power will have so much feel
Of benefit in life that we began to feel that without those benefit we can't live life and people who
Are around us began to convince our mind that we need that power but if you ask your heart that
Heart never desire power on any point those innocent sort of feel from our heart will show our life
That sort of shine when heart want it will have laughs and smiles those sort of laughs which we
Will desire have become need of life those laugh and smiles are innocent sort of feel from our mind
We just feel those innocent feel will show us different understanding to our mind those pleasant
Sort of feel which look so much pure will have desire of life we need to understand power is not that
Much need on any point but when power comes we need to use it for right may be we can able to
Make change on sometimes but there will be moment when we can't able to do it in life those sort
Of moment which we have in life will tell us that sometimes our power can't help us then we can
Even quit it than becoming it's slave for life power must become worship of evil on any point we
Have to learn to treat power like tide it will comes and goes away from our life we must not try to
Stop it in life because then it can hurt you or drown you since power have strength which is better
And stronger than on every point so never try to grab power but stood in that power life we stood
In sea's tide then it will pleasant and scary to us on same point but it will goes away and never ever
Dare to run after that tide because we must not run after power we must stood on our one stand of
Our morals of every point power will comes and goes away with it's speed from time to time since
Power is nothing but just game of tides it is never need of life it is just part of life which comes on
Sometimes inside our life and then it will vanish after all that power will not needed for whole life
What we need is just happiness and smiles on each and every point of our entire life innocence is need of life.

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