Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Poem 2388. Breaking cage

                                                         Breaking cage
How hard you may try to escape from that cage sometimes you manage to fly but sometimes you just
Remain stuck inside your cage but your tries which is need of your mind on every way I just feel one
Thing on every moment that tries are worthy and life's important base but when we fail I just have
One thought on every moment tries are those thinking which are hurting me at every point that sort
Of cage which will have so much hard for life we try to break that cage but sometimes we just get
Stuck in it on every point that cage is not that much easy for our life so we sometimes just don't want
To manage to break cage since it will have so much effect on my mind when those cages will have
So much feel from our life why even after so much those ratio at every point we just find those cages
So hard concepts in life that sort of thinking in which we are stuck on every moment to just one sort
Of thought on every point in life we need to understand since that cage have locked on every point
In life since that thought will have so understanding in life when we are caged for so many day in that
Thought or on that point at every thinking we need to understand what will happen to us in life when
Those cage are so powerful in life how can we expect them to vanish after some time those cages
Are full of so many troubles on every point that I feel breaking every cage will show us new light
When those cage are showing new thinking that stop on some point we feel just one thing that those
Cages are having so much understanding on each angle of life that complicated feel which it manage
To create effect on mind we need to understand at every step just one thing form inside those thought
Are hard for life they are not letting us move ahead towards that point where world will look so much
Better and with understanding in life we can't move ahead on every point since that cage is strong so
We need to break that cage after some point we need to understand that breaking that cage will have
So much power inside at some steps I feel that cage will create troubles in life they are some obstacle
Which will have effect on mind we can't easily break them on every point so many times we can just
Manage to break them but then on some times we can't break them on some point which will have so
Much effect on mind we can't break that cage which will so hard to understand our life those sort of
Cages which will form effect on mind those sort of effect which will have so much impact on our
Thinking and mind when our life show us new point I just have one feeling from my mind that
Our cages of emotion which will lock us in life are so wrong on every point those moment which
Will take us to that side where world will look great on every point since cage will show different
Feel of mind from inside on every point we have one thought from inside that we can break that
Cage on just first point but it never happen then we will start to confuse from inside with one sort
Of thought from our mind that we must break that cage but it will have wonderful effect on our
Thinking mind but when we can't do it on every time it is just due to that thinking which will
Have so much wrong understanding in life that if we can't do it on first time then we just can't
Able to do it in any time of life when we start to move ahead at every point when we start to
Create so much cage which have just one feel from inside that life will no longer look that much
Great at every point when thinking will start to just one thought from inside that once that cage
Is not open if it don't open at first time we just began to feel that we need to understand our thoughts
And our mind that opening first time is not possible that doesn't mean we can't open it on any time
We need to understand that cage will have effect on our mind that sort of cage which will change
Our life will start to create so much impact when we can't open it in life we just began to think
That cage will be something that have locked us on some point but we can alway unlock it after
Few tries we need to understand unlocking that cage is not easy task of our life we have to just
Work hard to unlock it on every point life will show us different feel in our mind we need to just
Understand life is not that much easy on any moment in that cage so we must open that cage with
Lot of tries never feel that you will remain locked since you remain lock for some time when
You will try hard that cage will open and show us new light we want to open that cage but sometimes
That cage will open and sometimes it will just remained closed in life we need to understand that
Opening and closing of that cage is different sides of same coin once it will open on one side then
That cage will show another side when we learn to open it on every point so then that cage will
Have impact on mind but we can open it if we gave it more tries and act wisely inside our life.

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