Sunday, October 18, 2015

Poem 2372. Change in quality

                                                    Change in quality
Each quality will come in our life as good wish in start but it's up to us how we turn it in life since
God never want wrong but human will began to do it in life since god want everything to be perfect
In life they want that quality as basic of life those quality will create effect on life those qualities
Are just qualities in life how did they will change depend on our mind when we start to move ahead
With one thought from mind that we want quality to take us ahead in life we will use it just with
That one view on every point when at some point we start to move ahead towards that point on which
We feel we can change them to that point where life will show us new feel from inside that those sort
Of quality which will have effect on life I just feel one thing quality which will have so much effect
In our life some quality will have different feel inside life then quality will have some reaction in life
When then on that point one quality will have some effect on life when we start to understand one
Sort of effect on life when quality will have so much different feel in life when we start to move ahead
On every point those quality will show us good and bad effect on life just due to which we feel one
Sort of feel in life quality will turn in wrong way just due to wrong way of life then at every point
Then every point quality will have so many types of effect in life when we start to move towards
That point where quality will show us right feel in life but then on some points those quality will
Just manage to show us different light that light which will have so much effect on our mind that
On every point we just feel one thought from inside that this quality is not right but it is not wrong
Wrong is that thinking which we use to understand our mind that tell us we want our benefit and
No more care how we use our quality in life that quality which should be blessing for our life then
Become that hard thing which will hurt our mind when some quality will create worst effect on life
Then quality will have so many effects in life but then at some point we need to understand that sort
Of thinking in life that quality will show us new effect on life it will tell us on some point that our
Future and life that sort of quality will show us different impact on mind we needed to understand
That good quality will show us new feel in life but good quality will began to turn in bad one in life
When quality will began on good notes and then quality will turn in wrong way in life when we start
To move at good side when quality will have so much effect on life that quality will start to turn in
Good way on every point when we start to move ahead at every step of our life those qualities that
Will began to move towards that point where world will create good effect on life when we start
With good quality will turn in to bad one due to our selfish way in life after all those qualities will
Have two sides in life when one quality will began in good way just due to wrong act of life will
Turn into wrong way in life when we start to understand those qualities on every point when that
Thought will have effect on our life then we want to move towards that point where good quality
Will have so many effect on life those good quality will have so many effect on life that will turn
In bad one since due to wrong acts in life we have one feelings from inside that even good sort of
Quality will turn in wrong way in life but then two different sort of feel in life when we need to
Just understand our life no quality is bad one when it is given by god on every point when we start
To move ahead with every point we just feel one thing that quality will have so many effect in life
Good qualities will enter good way but we turn them in bad one on every point of life we need to
Understand qualities on every point but they are hard to understand at every section of life we need
To create so much feelings in mind that quality will look so much good when those sort of quality
Will create effect on our mind we need to understand that qualities are need of our life but they
Are never create in good way by god on every point they will look wrong only when they will
Enter in good way after some point those qualities which will appeal to our mind seem as if those
Sort of quality which will began as good and then turn in wrong way for our mind and life we just
Feel one thought from inside good quality will show us nice effect on mind but when we turn it
In wrong that is our mistake in our life those qualities are never bad one but we just use them in
Wrong way and turn them into bad one for our life we need to understand that good qualities are
Always good on every point but just by using them in wrong way we are turning them in some
Wrong thing for our life we need to understand good qualities are good for our life they will turn
In to bad only when those qualities used for selfish purpose in our whole life then they are bad one
For life's every point they will show this world in wrong way on every moment and point so we
Just feel one thing that good quality will turn in wrong quality due to selfish feel not by other things
In life since qualities are always good bad are those effect of wrong acts inside our life on every time.

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