Thursday, October 22, 2015

Poem 2380. New picture

                                                           New picture
Every type of picture will have so much interesting look on every point when in every picture we
Will have so much effect in life when in those picture there are many sort of interesting look in life
In that picture we will see many sort of appeal in life at every time different picture will have so
Much beautiful look in life at every picture we see many wonderful look on every point when we
Move ahead at every point when new picture will enter in our life those picture will look so great
And they will show us new look of life when I see last picture I feel that is end of beauty on just
Each and every point when beauty seem on every point it seem as if that beauty can't be defeated
On any point when we start to move ahead on every section of life we just feel one thing from inside
Those picture will have enchanting effect on our life when we start to move on every point with
Just one picture on every point at every picture we feel that we have so wonderful effect on life
Then at every point picture will look so much great on every point when we start to understand just
One understanding on every point when picture will show us beauty of world we feel that it is just
End of beauty or wonders of world at every point but it is not end of world on any point it is just
Some wonderful spot of life when we start to move at every point we need to understand that life
Is not over with that picture since life will show us many interesting appeals to our life we never
Understand life's different effect on every point of life those pictures are showing us new appeal
To our heart when we start to move ahead every picture will create new feel for our heart when we
Start to move ahead on every part each picture will have that appeal to our heart when those picture
Will show us new look on every part we just feel one thing from our heart that those pictures are
Managing to show us new thinking at every part but those pictures will create that feel from our
Thought at every picture will introduce new world to our heart when new world is introduce then
It seem as if end of that beautiful part but it is not perfect on any part those sort of thinking will
Show us different pictures which will show us new sort of look at every part then picture will look so
Much enchanting in life at every section to our heart when some picture will began to look so good
On every part then that picture will appeal to our heart when new picture will show new feel will
Have so much effect on our mind and at every part when mind will see new picture once again
It will see life's new beauty on every part those pictures are our need on every part we need to just
Understand from our heart that beauty never stop at one picture since god have create so much
Good and wonderful effect on our heart then at some part those pictures will look so interesting
On every part then picture will look so much feeling which will have so wonderful look on just
Every part when that new picture will look so nice on every part then we will start to understand
Some sort of wonderful feel on every part those picture will create so much feel on each and every
Moment and will show us different effect on our thought and heart that sort of picture will just
Create appeal on every part when new picture enter we create so much new and interesting appeal
For our future and our heart when we start to move ahead we have to understand one thought from
Our heart that new things are there to enter in world on every part when world will start to just
Introduce new part they never reduce by our thoughts and our heart when we start to move ahead
On every part picture will have so much understanding on each and every part picture will create to
Show us new thinking at every part so we have new picture to be introduced to that part when
Picture will create enchanting look on every part when picture will show us new understanding
At every part we feel just one thing from our heart that we know this world but new world will
Look so much better on every part we just have one desire from our heart that those sort of new
Sort of pictures will look great at every part those pictures are creating new understanding on each
Moment and part we can't understand world will have so many angles until we don't enter in that
World which will have have so good effect on every part we need to understand our heart which
Will tell us that picture will show new start of our life and show us world feel for our thinking
And heart then those picture will look so much enchanting and showing us new feel from our
Mind and heart when we began to understand picture we will understand one thing from our heart
World is not something which can be capture in one picture but one picture can tell you just one
Thing or part those picture are not enough to stop beauty of world so never think that we can
Judge world on any part so we must understand and wait for new picture and new start for heart.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

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