Friday, August 31, 2012

Poem 407. Ignore

They always says people always forget you when they get bigger and successful but I feel
That in this world it is not truth people don't ignore you when they turn into something famous
And they felt that they are great before you I just feel that people have one hobby to ignore
Sometimes people who are not before you we all just feel one thing from our mind that on
Every point we need to pay attention to those people who really matter inside life for my thought
And my thinking and view I just feel one thing in life that when we start thinking peacefully
We will find that even people have habit of ignoring things inside life on every moment I just
Feel one thought from my mind that on every moment I just don't think people need success
To ignore people inside life I just can't believe on every moment inside life there are also
Some unsuccessful people who ignore us inside life I just feel one thing on every day and
On every point that those people who ignore us have just one habit in their life I have one
Feeling inside life that people who don't feel much sensitive about things inside life they just
Go ahead on every moment of life and they never feel how problematic are things inside life
I have one thought which manage to enter inside life that when I start to go ahead then I just
Feel one thing from my mind that some people just never care much about those people
Who are part of life they just feel that they had to ignore those people who are part of life
They just went ahead on every moment like some train inside life they just never stop on
Any moment from any side I just feel one thing from my mind that when people have
Habit of forgetting past they just do it on every time I know there are some people who are
Too busy inside life that they never have time to think about other people inside life I just
Feel one thing when that person is someone who can be ignored I just ignore that person
In life because when I went ahead I just feel one thing from my thought and from my life
On every point I need to ignore something which are important for my life when I went
Ahead I just feel that these people are born that way inside life because they just never care
Inside life but some times when some people who are on top don't manage to get time and
We just feel that they are made just like these people in thinking and life I don't think each
Successful person ignore you when that person rise but sometimes they are so tense that
They just can't manage that plastic smile I just feel one thing from every point that those
People are not ignoring you they are just upset with things inside their life I just feel one
Thing on every point I feel that I can go ahead in life I just feel one thought that these
People might need things as they wish inside life I have just one thought that on every
Moment I need to go ahead in life because something in life happen only when that person
Have just one habit inside life I just feel that ignoring some person inside life is one bad
Kind of habit in future and life on every moment I just feel that I need to go ahead in life
I just have one thought from inside that people have just one habit to ignore in their life
While other people are so engrossed in their problem and they can't say them loudly in life
Because when person get famous their trust vanish in just few moments inside life I just
Feel that on every point I need to have one thought inside life I need to understand that
I can always have people who can go ahead on every point inside life I have just one
Feeling from my mind that many times we just see too many bad people so we observe
Other people in bad way inside life I just feel one thing from every point but I just never
Understand those thoughts of life because I just feel that every one is going wrong way
In life never think that people are ignoring you because they feel you are nothing and
They are every thing in life mostly they ignore you because they want to hide their problems
Inside their life no one can easily trust other person and that is true problem of life so
Sometimes while thinking about their problem they even forget to give smile inside life
So those thoughts which tell you that famous people ignore you in life just forget them
And think that some people will ignore you in life and some are in such big problem that
They try to ignore us inside our life and we just feel one thing that they are famous so
They act that way inside life I just feel that many times we just destroy our friendship
Because we are prejudiced and sometimes we keep our friendship because we needed it
In life even when that person is ignoring you clearly on your each and every needful point.

Poem 406. Others dream

                                                      Others dream
I live near the sea and I just love my sea and I never ever dreamed to have some one's thing
I am just happy with what I have as human being that one moment and on everything I just
Feel one thought as human being because on every point I just have one thinking that in my
Life I just feel that I need those thoughts which are perfect to me as human being I can live
In life with what thinking I have just one thought as a human being that I am happy with
What I have inside my life as human being on every point I just feel one thought and one
Thinking that I have enough in life as human being on every moment I just thought one thing
That I got enough with my efforts so I don't need other person's thing I just have to go ahead
In life as a human being I just keep one thought alive that I need to move ahead with my
Every thinking then I can have enough inside this world as human being I just feel one thing
From my heart that we all got enough things but still many times in life we just love fighting
Because we all feel on some point we are cheated as human being as days went ahead with
Our thinking on every day of life we just feel one thing that when we walk ahead on every
Point and thinking we just keep in mind our every thinking because when I just look around
I feel that we are not fighting for some justice as human being we are just doing it because
We want to get back each and every thing on every point we just feel one thought or one
Thinking that on every moment we feel that we need to achieve success as a human being
When we thought that we have adjusted with some thing we just feel that we are getting
Cheated or we are robbed in life of every thing we just have one thought that after some time
Inside our life that person will ask for some different thing I just feel one thing from my mind
And from one thinking that on every moment inside our world we feel people are doing this
To us and we are acting in wrong way and we are getting cheated in each and every thing
Because inside our world on that thinking I just feel that my dream is destroyed on every
Point because when people start telling me that if I just tolerate that then theses people will
Demand from my important and new things I just feel one thing in life that those dreams
Are something so perfect for us as human being I have just one thought in this world as
A human being that I just never let in my world anyone to get all those things I have just
One thought and just one feeling that on every moment in my world I just keep different type
And different sort of feeling I just have one thought as a human being that on every moment
I need to find some one to whom I can look at to protect my dream then I just have one
Feeling that even when I like just my dream I have to be alert of someone else looking at my dream
But inside my heart I just never understand one thing how can we want others dream when
We have our own lovely dream but this world is so strange each human being want some thing
Better on each moment and on each thinking inside this world we all need something better
As a human being I have just one thought that maybe in life when we see more beautiful
Thought or thing we just went towards it without second thought or thinking because we
All want to go ahead as human being and it seems so nice to move ahead as human being
Inside our life on every point we just feel disturbed by one thought that we can't able to get
That thing so inside our life on every moment we just dream to have perfect type of thing
When in life I have some dream I just kept alive my thinking that on every moment in life
I have one thinking in my life sometimes even I like others things but some people like me
Just like those things they try to create same thing or just admire and then went back to
Their own things  some people are so strange and so strange are their wants that they
Start to want other person's dream not by trying but by robing other human being I just
Never understand when you have one nice dream how can you say it is bad and then
Try to snatch other person's dream every time when I went ahead in life as human being
I feel that we can always live our life with what we got as a human being on every moment
And on every thinking I just feel one thought from my mind that how can any one in life
Began to hate so much their own dream that to get others dream in their life they even
Risk their life and their dream I just never do that because I always love my life and my dream.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Poem 405. Warning

Sometimes I think I live more in my sorrows and forget to enjoy my dreams because on every
Thought and every thinking I just feel one thought that I just don't want to take any kind of risk
Sometimes I feel that in my thinking I just feel that I have spend so much part of my life inside
Those wings that every moment I just want to hide under those thoughts and those wings but
Sometimes I feel that my thinking is robbing my freedom of going ahead as human being as
I start to look at those feelings with suspicion on everything as I just have one thing in my life
And in my thinking that I feel as if I am under some wings because on every moment and on
Every part of life I just feel one thing that I spend my each day as human being because on
Every point as I just feel one thing as human being I just feel one thing that I can understand
Those thoughts as human being I just feel one thought from my thinking that on every time
I feel so many suspicions about thing in around my world that I just never dare to go ahead
Inside this world I just feel that sometimes we get warn too much we just went ahead on
Every moment as we wish inside our world on every thought we feel just one thing in world
That those warning which are given to us are something far away from our thinking and our
World because when I start to going ahead on every moment inside our world I just feel one
Thought from my mind about this world that those warning which are given to us in this
World are something so precious to our world I just feel one thing that I never able to understand
Or think about this world until I just feel that I am warn too much inside my world because
On every moment inside my world I just feel one thing around this world that on every moment
I just feel that I like to spend on my dreams more hours which are wasted inside this world
On every moment and on every thought inside my world I just feel one thinking that on every
Point some suspicion scare me in this world I feel only one thing from my mind that when
I get too much warn in world suddenly I feel as if every ambition is lost inside my mind and
Inside my thinking about my world I just never think about that world too much because I feel
That this world can harm inside my thinking and then suddenly when I see things inside world
I feel that on some moment just run after suspicion and then in few thought I just feel that
I want to change this world but how can I move ahead if I can scared on every moment
Of thinking of this world on every moment I just feel one thought from my world that when
I went ahead inside my world I just feel that I need one thing in this world that on every
Moment I have one feeling from my thoughts and my world when I start to go ahead in this
Thinking of world I just feel that I have scared myself so much that sometimes I just stay
Too much inside shadows and even forgot to enjoy some nice sun rays of sun I know that
Sometimes we get sun burn but does that mean that we should never enjoy  sun in world
I just get one feeling from my world that on every moment inside our world I just feel that
Too much warning can manage to destroy every nice thing of this world and on every moment
I just feel one thing inside world that on every thought in this world I have just one thinking
About those warning in this world sometimes they manage to take me ahead in this world
But sometimes they just manage to destroy our freedom inside world because some warning
Are just shadows of true world and some warning are far away from truth of this world so
On every moment inside my world I just feel that before believing or ignoring warning I need
To have all knowledge inside this world because when we start moving around our world
Then we just feel one thing inside our world that on every moment I just need to adjust with
Those things which are valuable and important for our world when we want to go ahead
Inside this world we just feel one thing from our thoughts of this world that on every moment
Inside our world we give so much warning about every thing that if we listen to them all
Then we can hardly walk in this world we need to keep limit in every thing inside our future
We need to keep in our mind on thing from world that on every moment when we get in
Touch with our world I just feel one thing about future of this world that on every moment
We need to have some understanding about our world because on every moment when
I went ahead in this world I just feel that risks are part of this world if I just don't take them
I can't walk ahead in world but there is just one question how much risk I should take in
This world and it will be answered just by my thinking and my thoughts about my future and world.

Poem 404. Writer of destiny

                                                  Writer of destiny
I always tried to have a hold on my life I want it to go in perfect way inside life because
Then I just feel one thing inside my life because on every moment inside my life I just feel oneThing inside life that this thing is not nice for my life because on every moment inside life but
Then suddenly I just feel one thing inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that on every
Point inside life I just feel one thing from my mind I just feel on every point in life because
On every moment I just wish that those things will look so perfect inside life but then I  feel
One thing in my mind that  I don't want problem inside life because then I just feel one
Thing in life I just feel that my thoughts are something so important inside life I have just
One thing from every thinking in life because on every point I just have one thought from my
Mind which tell me that I want at least some control on my life every moment when I went
Ahead in life I can expect some part will rule by destiny but I want some part at least in my
Hand on sometimes and that also happens sometimes in life and really destiny let me enjoy
My freedom for some time I just manage my life in my way and as I wish for some part of
My life and then I just began to think that every thing is under my control and I can rule my life
But destiny takes away hold from me and once again tell me that I can't dictate my life and
On every moment I just feel that I have lost every control on my life I know that mostly
It is not that worst and sometimes it is even better for my life but still sometimes it feel so
Wrong not to have right on our life on every occasion we just feel one thing from our mind
That we can't control all our wishes inside our life we just feel one thing from our thought
And from our mind that when we walk ahead in life we need to keep our mind in control on
Each and every time inside life I just feel one thing on every moment of life that I am just
A doll which move as per wishes of some one inside life I know it is looks so sad but when
I live this way inside my life I just feel that it is best process inside life because when I start
Dominating things mostly I just don't able to guess it properly in life I just never feel any sense
In getting thing right inside my life I just feel one thing on every day and on every time that
My life is maybe in better hand than mine but that is what I feel from my heart but some
People want different things in life but when I look at those people I just feel that I just can't
Comment because they are truly getting bad luck in life but then I also have another thought
Inside life that when I have my fine luck then why should I just think about what others have
Inside life I know that I don't have best luck but I also not have worst luck in life so it seems
As if inside our life it is better if some other person will manage to win inside our future and
Inside our life I just have one feeling which will make me happy from time to time that in
Our life I just feel one thing that our brain is not that good to decide things in life but question
Is that don't we need some freedom at least on some times but then when suddenly my
Destiny gives me some wonderful gift I just feel that it is perfect for my future and for my life
On every moment when I went ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that may be
I should let my destiny rule inside my life on every moment I just feel something wonderful
Inside my life I feel that on every moment I can walk ahead on every part of my future
And on every part of my life I just feel that on every moment I need to have my control
But I don't want good things to be lost in that process of life I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and from my mind that my destiny gives me so much that maybe I like to
Keep it's control on my life but then when things turns wrong I just began to scream again
Inside my life but inside heart I feel one truth that destiny know better how to handle my life
When life went ahead I just feel one thing from every point that those things which happen
In my life are something which are taken away from destiny on some points and when it
Takes away those things I just scream against it in life because I like those things from
My heart and no one like when thing are taken away from life but when same destiny gift me
Something precious I just began to feel that I could have never manage to get things inside life
I just feel one thing from my mind that destiny will gives me whatever is better inside life
Because destiny knows better than us on every point after all destiny know everything about
Me and my life and I never know who have write that destiny and never able to meet that one in life.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Poem 403. Tension

Many time I wish I can flow freely like a rain inside life because that rain is so important
Inside life after all those which free without restriction seems so nice sometimes I know
That rain also fall in limits and it is also restricted on some points inside my life I just feel
One thing inside life that those tensions are not their in life when I see that rain with my
Mind and my eyes I just feel one thing from my thought and mind that there is no restriction
Inside our life can be seen on those rains inside life because then I just feel that from window
Inside our life then suddenly I see something flow of rain on every time because then when
As rain began to feel nice inside life after all that from window I saw that rain inside life
When I look at corner inside life I just saw those beautiful rain inside life because on every
Moment inside life from window I just always watch that rain every time even when that
Rain was falling heavily inside life but then rain began to come from every side I just feel
That those rain which is not wrong on every point I just feel that this rain are something
Which are so nice inside life on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind and then
I just feel that heavy rain is so important inside life when that rain look so nice inside life
I just feel that rain is so perfect and nice on every time even those storms look so exciting
Inside life I just have one feeling from my mind that many things are important inside life
This nature is something which never look so perfect inside life but then as rain began to
Fall on land inside life so then I just feel that rain is something so important inside life
When that nature look something so nice inside life but then nature seem so happy and
Peaceful inside life I just feel one thing inside our life that nature never have that tension
Inside even that lightening which shines and that thunder which make so much noise
Don't seem as best inside life so then I just feel one thing inside our life then suddenly
I just feel one thing in life I just have one thought from my thinking and from my life
That even in that lightening and thunder there is just power inside them in life then I just
Feel one thing inside life because that tension which I have inside my life I can never
Able to see that in other thing inside life because our nature which look so perfect inside
Our thinking and our life but then I just feel one thing in life I just have one thought
From everything inside life I just feel one thing that rain is not nice in our life so then
I just feel one thing from our thinking and our mind those problems which are from
Nature look so interesting inside life even when those crisis comes something it seem
Nature is so unique and nice but then I just feel one thing in life because on many
Times inside life I have just something in life I just feel that from childhood in life
Human have same type of tension which we all have inside but after all these is something
Important in nature which is so perfect inside life so then I just feel that those thoughts
Are something so important in life I have just one feeling from my thinking and my mind
That on every day we just feel one thing inside life that this tension is just inside our life
But then I just feel one thing inside life after all those things are something important
In life because these nature are something important inside life because on every point
Inside our life I just feel that tension is there on every point I just feel one thing from
Every point but then I just feel one thing that tension is something so important inside life
But then I just feel one thing from our life that those things are important inside our life
I just feel one thing inside life that those tension are just part of our human mind on
One point I just feel one thing from my mind that on every point I have just one thinking
From my mind that on every occasion inside life I just feel that those tensions are
Something of other side of that powerful mind which always take ahead every time and
Help us to rule in life when we think about things sometimes we just think too much
In our life because we want to win inside life which manage to hurt us on many points
So inside our life I just feel that tension have come to us from beginning of our life
They are not due to outside factors they are something which we let grow inside our mind
So then on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that I will never win because
Tension look so wrong inside our life but then I just feel that we must control our mind
Not other things like nature or situation of life because we can handle them if we can
Able to keep away that tension and manage to achieve peace of our thinking and mind.

Poem 402. Busy one

                                                           Busy one
Sometime you will see a person who act so strange as if they never know who is around them
When they are sitting with us on every moment but then if we think properly in each way then
Mostly we find that was truth inside life because these people were never there when they are
Call and needed they are just too busy in something which is fully unknown to them so inside
Our life on every moment we all just felt that these people are so busy on every thought and
On every moment I just feel that those people are so busy in something which was so important
To them and at starting we just start to accept that they must be busy in life due to something
Which is so important to them but then after some time we just began to miss them but then
We all just find some replacement and that replacement seem to work perfect because inside
Our life all relationship are not stuck to person on every day we can always have many people
Chat with me because after all we can always manage to get someone who can chat with us
When we get bored again then slowly every began to settle in best way and every one slowly
Began to forget that person was invited there but then one day that person comes and start
To act as if that everything is wrong in each way just because that one just is not coming
Become programmed in our mind so we don't wait for that person except some person
Who are sensitive enough to remember that each fellow who was attached to their life
But then after some moment I just feel one thought from my thinking and my mind because
Then after some time I have one feeling in my life that I have already forgotten that person
And such entry hurt me from time to time I just feel that those thoughts which are some
Things which are important in life I have one thing from my thinking and in those thoughts
Of life I just feel that these thoughts are something totally wrong in life but then I just feel
One thing from my mind that this busy person enter suddenly inside our life I have to give
That person forced smile and then I mostly try to act normal with that person in life but
Strangest thing is that this person observe every one can began to feel that those things
Are changed inside life that person began to claim that every one have grown so fast in life
And then that person began to ask about other things inside life it seems as if that person
Is not living on earth but that person look so special in life I just feel one thing important
Inside life that this person is talking as if we are moving ahead is some crime I just don't
Understand them in life why should they wish to think that we should not able to think
This thing inside life after all those thoughts are something which are totally wrong inside life
Then I just never understand that person in life why did that person want to stay away
For so many days  from life if we are forced to work so hard that we can't live with
Other and enjoy in life then don't they feel that they should enjoy their life on every moment
I just feel that one thing in life instead of going ahead on that point I just feel that those
Things are something which are important in life and on every moment I have one thought
That I need to have this thought in my mind after all those persons are something which
Are nice inside life but then I just feel one thing wrong inside life that these person want
To accept something wrong in life because after all on some part of our life those thoughts
Are something totally wrong inside life I have something which is important in life but
Then when I began to think that those person are something totally wrong inside life
Because on every point inside our life I have just one thought from my mind I feel that
These people instead of going ahead on every point I just feel that everything was
Totally wrong inside life when they started searching past on every point I want these
Busy people to come ahead instead of taking us back inside life I just feel one thing
From my thoughts and thinking on every point I have one feeling that those people are
Totally important inside life but then I just feel that these busy people should move ahead
On every moment inside life so I just have one feeling inside our mind that those thought
Which are about those things that are past of our life because after some moment in life
I just feel that they are wrong side at least these people should come ahead with us after
Some time but some of these people are not ready to come ahead just force us to past time to time.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Adventure story 46. Ghost in well

                                                                    Ghost in well
When Rina was entering in that house.She thought all her dreams were going to turn in to true.She just loved that small house.In that neighbourhood peace was everywhere.She needed it.She wanted to spend her week peacefully.But there was one problem with this house.School were on long distance.But it was cheaper and Surya insisted on low budget so they took that house.Another reason behind cheapness of that house was that something was mysterious about it's past.They didn't know it properly.They also didn't care about it.They just wanted that house because they needed home.For many years Surya was living alone in Goa.Now he wanted his family to settle with him.They all were hoping that this house would be best for them.When their son Anand started dancing after seeing their house.Rina thought that Surya made a perfect decision.She looked at that big house it was like her dream come true.A small cottage with six rooms.One room for them.One for Anand.One for study.One for guest.Rina was counting those rooms and found one was extra.She was so happy.Slowly they all got settled in their house.Everything was fine.Until one day Anand came running home from school.
            That Rina was happily gardening around her house.Her neighbour Shyamal specially brought some small plants of mango and guava.She was so excited about.Shyamal brought an experienced servant with her who was helping her in farming.That servant was also decided to work in Rina's house in very small amount of money.Her name was Maina and she was going to be full time servant.In exchange Maina wanted all food and clothing free.Rina was willing to do it.Most importantly there was well in backyard of house and Maina told them that she would take out that water and use for gardening.Rina was on top of the world to hear this.She desperately wanted to use that water of well.Instead of ruining it so it was happiest day of her life until Anand came running in the garden.When Anand came running into garden two to three servants from neighbour and many neighbour were gathered to see the planting.When suddenly Anand came running.Anand"Mom do you know that this house is cursed?"All people who were standing around got shocked.But after some minutes gossiping started.Rina was so shocked.Anand never embarrassed her like this before people.Rina"What are you talking about who told you this nonsense?This house is our new house and it will bring us as much good luck as our old house.""Mom don't you see clearly?It is destroying you slowly.Look at dark circles under your eyes."Suddenly Rina began to she was really getting sick.But still Rina decided to oppose him.Rina" I am perfectly healthy and this house is perfect.Now go to your room."After hearing anger in her command Anand ran in his room.But harm was already done.All people were started looking at that house in strange way.But Maina said loudly"Why are you looking at that house this way?We all know it is not curse."Everyone nodded in agreement and they all started to work.But Rina knew that there would be many rumours about this incidence soon.They would be either against her son or against her house.In both the cases they would do big harm.Her worst fear was Surya's anger when he learned about it.
             Surya was just like his name useful and bright.But when he got angry,he just went out of control and Rina didn't like it.After all Anand was growing up day by day slapping him was totally wrong so Rina didn't like it.When Surya hit him,but Surya never listened her.He always said that he hit slowly.But Rina felt that a slap create a effect on kid's mind.Anand must be felt insulted when he got slapped.But Surya never listened to Rina so she decided to act normal and forget that incidence.But she had to convince Maina about it.Before she could say anything,Maina herself expressed the same thought so problem was solved.When Surya came Rina happily served food and Maina was properly introduced to his as a maid.Surya was happy to finally get his family back with his so he nodded on Rina's every word.Until he noticed that Anand's chair was empty.Surya"Where is Anand?I thought that he was going eat his food with us today.""Actually he had to complete his studies so I told him to eat his dinner in room.""But it was his first day in school.I like to talk to him about it.I will call him."Then he started calling his son.Now both ladies were confused.They didn't want Surya to see Anand in this condition.Anand's eyes were swollen because of crying.If Surya asked him about the eyes.Rina was sure that Anand would tell him the truth which would lead to a beating.But when she heard Anand's footsteps,she became sure that she could not avoid the beating.
             When Anand entered in the room,Rina clearly saw shock on Surya's face.Surya"Why do you look like that?Are you crying whole day?"Rina wanted to avoid further discussion of that subject so she started speaking"Come on Surya.It is nothing big.Just small childish demand.""And what is that demand?"Now Rina wished from her heart that Anand would not answer this question.But Anand answered it in details"Papa this house is cursed a woman jumped in that well on the backside of house.She had some tragic story behind her suicide.I don't know it properly.But she was seen even after her death."After hearing this Surya started laughing and Rina thanked her stars. Surya"So who told you this story?"Surya looked at Maina.Maina"Now don't look at me like this.I never tell such nonsense to children."Rina"Of course we know.You are on our side and you made it clear by taking our side before people today.""Before people?Anand said this before guests?"Suddenly lines of worry started appearing on Surya's forehead.Rina knew that she made a mistake by saying about people.But it was too late.She had to explain it now.She told everything.Now Surya started angrily looking at Anand.Surya"Anand I never want you to say such a nonsense before guests.If you speak before family;it is okay.But not before guests."Anand just nodded.Surya"Now go to your room and always remember there is no thing called ghost existed in world.They are just things people made up to scare other people."Anand nodded and went to his room.Rina was happy that due to Anand's obedience Surya's anger didn't go out of hands.But she could still see it in his eyes.
              When Surya came into room,he started expressing his anger.Surya"Who is telling this rubbish to our son?"Rina just ignored this comment which made Surya angry."Why are you quiet?You are his mother.You must know where did he learn this thing.""How do I suppose to know?He went to school and came out running at home full of this ghost story.""So somebody in school I think I have to talk his principal about it.""Now don't create scene out of this.If people know about this,they will just think our son is mad."Surya was confused after hearing this.He had to agree on this topic with Rina.He could not complaint about it.Then he suddenly heard screaming from Anand's room.They ran towards his room.Anand was screaming inside his room and pointing at his window.They just could stop him from screaming until a long time.Rina was so scared.She thought that Anand might lose his voice due to that screaming or they would turn deaf.Finally when he stopped screaming they forced him to sleep so whole night they had to sit with Anand.Next day when Surya asked Anand why did he was so upset last night.They all were shocked to hear his."Papa that ghost of that woman last night came in my room by window.Papa I must tell you that I so it last night by my eyes.I locked that window.But it unlocked with her eyes.Then she came near me and bite me.Look here."There were clear mark of bite on his hands.Maina"No.Ghost can't bite you."They all suddenly looked at Maina.They totally forgot about her.She must had watching those incidence silently last night.Rina suddenly got tense that she might spread rumours.Rina"Maina you may go..."Maina"Don't worry.I will go.But I must tell you one thing before I go.I saw Anand bite himself last night when I went to his room to put the water.Don't blame this house.It is good house."Now Surya was very angry and Anand started shaking.Rina no longer interested in getting Maina out of that room.In fact she hoped that if Maina stayed in that room.Surya might control his anger.But before she could say anything Surya went near Anand and started beating his.Rina had to forcibly separate them. But she could clearly saw Anand was already effected.Rina"Can we try to solve this problem quietly?""Quietly?After what he had done?I don't believe it.You are blaming me."Anand"She force me to do it.""Now look at his stubbornness."Anand had started crying now.Rina was scared that Surya would beat his again so she sent him to his room.After that day Anand started staying at house all day because he was scared to see that well.
            For some days Rina kept quiet about it.But after a week she thought that he must be forced to attend the school.She started forcing his.But he was not ready to give up.Finally Surya noticed it.Surya"Why are you not going into school?""Papa I am sick.""No you are perfectly healthy.Rina get him ready.I will drop him at school."Rina forcibly got him ready.Anand never acted that way about going to school in fact when first time she went to drop him in his playschool all children were crying except Anand who just looked at Rina with tears in eyes.Then he easily adjusted with school.But this time he was acting like a spoiled child.Finally Rina got him ready with help of Maina who was equally angry with Anand.Maina"Why don't you understand your parents are doing this for you?Don't you want to be educated like them?Look at me.If you don't study,one day you will be just like me."Rina suddenly looked at Maina.That woman was telling the truth.Her hard work was giving her nothing.She was looking far more aged than her true age.Illiteracy could do this to you.Rina made mental note of giving her costly clothes of city to wear.Finally Rina and Maina forcibly got Anand ready and Surya took him to school.Whole time Anand was creating so strange sounds that all neighbourhood gathered there. Rina could see everyone was convinced that ghost was really existed in their house.Her fear turned out to be true and whole day she received a long line of guest who were giving her ideas regarding keeping away ghosts.If Maina was not standing with her like pillar and convincing everyone that there was no ghost.Rina was so sure that by the end of the day she would started thinking there was really ghost in her house.Maina was not just servant.She was just like her friend now.Finally in afternoon Anand returned from school.He looked so pale as white as paper.Rina"What happened?""Papa told principle that some of my classmates were telling ghost stories.Principle got angry and scolded them so they were all against me now.Mom I am scared now they can do anything to me.""Come on you can just go and say sorry to them.They will forgive you.""No Mom.Mom please let's go back to city.""No way.We are going to stay here.""Then send me to hostel."Suddenly Rina liked that option.She wanted to get rid of this problem.She wanted to stay here with Surya which was far more cheaper than city.But if Anand loved staying in city,they could always sent him in hostel.Rina smiled happily."Of course sweetheart you can always do that.I can convince your Papa about hostel."She saw that Anand looked very hurt now.Anand"So you don't want me now.You can throw away me like a dust."Then he started running in his room while crying.Rina was so confused.She wanted to keep everyone happy.But she only got successful in making her son angry and she was sure that Surya didn't like this idea also.Maina"Madam can I say something?""Yes.""I think Anand is spoiling day by day.You have to do something.""I just didn't know what to do."Maina then lost in her thoughts.She was thinking but when she didn't find any idea.She just went in to kitchen.
           That night once again Anand screamed and created big drama.Surya was upset with this harassment that he also started screaming on him.Their noises slowly reached to neighbourhood and all neighbour started gathering which was worst.Surya was already started beating Anand.Then neighbour interfered and finally Shyamal took Rina and Anand at her home with her.Shyamal"Can I suggest you something?""Sure.""Why don't take you Anand to psychiatrist?"Rina screamed angrily"My son is not mad."Shyamal smiled in strange way.Then said"He says that he sees a ghost.He screams at night and make strange sounds.If he is not mad,then who do you consider mad.I am telling you as a well wisher.Before whole town starts to call him mad or victim of exorcism."After saying this Shyamal left the room.Rina had to accept it her son was acting like mad person.She had to take him to doctor.Then she went inside her house while Anand was sleeping in Shyamal's house.Surya was crying in their bedroom.It must be a worst day of his life.When Rina put her hand on his shoulder.he looked at her with tortured expression."What is it?Do you think I have say sorry to that devil.""Surya I think he need a psychiatrist.""My son is not.."Then suddenly Surya stopped in middle of his sentence.Surya"You are right.Tomorrow we all will go to city and show him to good doctor."Then with help of relatives they arranged it.When they told doctor everything.At first Doctor looked serious.Then he told them to go out and talked with Anand alone.When they returned,he was smiling."Actually your son is scared of well.""Well.But it is just on one side and we never ever went near it.""But he saw many students jumping in to well near school for swimming.He is scared to swim."Surya"But I never suggested it.""But he is scared.You may suggest it.I must tell you.You must learn relaxation to control the anger.You must not beat him."Surya learned his lesson and got the point.He started relaxation exersices and slowly father and son became shadows of each other.Anand was no longer scared of that well.
                                                                          The End      

Monday, August 27, 2012

Poem 401. Forced friend

                                                 Forced friend
Some time in life we force to keep some friends because we are stuck in such way that
Those friends are not one who are chosen by us inside life I feel that those friends are those
Who are given to us due to circumstances in life I just feel one thing from time to time
That those friends will not enter in our life if life have given us some choice but then
Things turns worst on every time and we just manage to get wrong friends in life if you
Ask me people are not wrong but neither they are right they are just those parts which
Are forced on us and for some people they are perfect for their life I just feel one thing
From my thoughts and mind that those friend which are forced on us where sometimes
Are not right because when we say that person is not perfect for our life it is not always
Because of something normal but because of something emotion inside sometimes we
Have one wish and our friend wish opposite thing in life and then that friendship seem to
Look and shatter on many points we just never understand our need of friendship is not
Just want of companionship it is something we need from inside our friend is suppose to be
With us on our happiness and on our sorrows of our life I just feel that those friends which
Are forced on us are something wrong on every point so then I thought those things are
Something so useful in life I just have one thinking that friendship is not just being with
Each other in cafes are spending sometimes friendship and something in which even when
You are far away still inside life they just feel that on every moment inside our mind
I just think one thing from my mind that when I start creating that friendship I want
My friend to understand my mind but that don't happen when we are forced to make
Friendship inside life because then those two friends are just keep hiding things from
Each other inside life I just feel one thought from my mind their thinking is just about
Something which are nice inside life but then I just feel one thing from my thought and
My mind that I have just feeling one thing inside life on every moment and every point
I have one thought inside my mind that friend is something which will stay with me in
My life so on my crisis I want that friend to stood by my side but every thing it is not
Possible in person so I want even that understanding from my thoughts and from my
Mind on every moment I just feel one thing from thinking something so interesting in
Our future and our life as I feel on every moment inside my life my friend should also
Need to understand with something is wrong in life when forced friend can't achieve it
Even when that one stand with you in life because that one have counted all those times
When you come for them so they are coming for you in life so maybe that forced friend
Will come but what is use of that friend inside life I just feel one thought that I need
That friend who truly enter in my mind but when we have same thoughts then only
We can enter in others mind but when that don't happen we are just far away in mind
Because forced friendship never give my friendship true satisfaction to my thoughts
And my mind I just feel that we should not make friend when willingly in life then
Those friends will look so different on every point that I will just have one feeling
From my thinking and my mind on every moment I just feel one thing in life that
When I choose friend that one must be made just for friendship not for any selfish
Thought inside life but forced friends are nothing but just a deals in life even in those
Situation some lucky people find friendship inside that point because those people just
Went ahead on every side and try to adjust with their friend on every point and when
Only it happen from both sides friendship's bond was established inside life on every
Thought and we all just feel one thing from heart that we all need to find that friendship
Just a burden inside our future and our life so on every moment and on every time
We just try to keep that friendship alive so when we forget our own wish at least for
Some moment and think about others in some time friendship will begin in life but that
Don't mean your friend can forget everything and come to you without much thinking
Inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that on every point I need to find a friend
But I don't need a goat to sacrifice I need a friend who help me only when that one
Can manage it and it is even okay when my friends will just say some words on phone
From time to time I don't need to be so selfish that expect my friends to forget their life.

Poem 400. Pride and ego

                                                      Pride and ego
When someone insults you then you feel so hurt from inside because it will hurt you from
Your mind but then on every point inside our point that insult just keep playing it's record
Again and again in mind I just feel one thing from my mind that why should I tolerate that
Insult on many times I just feel one thing from my mind that this insult is hurting my self
Respect and my pride after all each person have some pride how can I just ignore it in life
I just feel that on many thoughts that this pride is perfect for me and so nice that on every
Thought and on every point I just need to understand those thoughts of my life which tell
My mind that I need to have a right on some self respect inside my life I just keep shifting
From one thought that I can adjust to another thought and forget that insult in life I just
Shift to another thought how much can I tolerate inside life so then I just feel something
Wrong inside life I need to understand those thoughts from every thinking and every point
And those thoughts will feel one thing inside my life that sometimes I feel that I can
Ignore that insult but I just don't want to tolerate it on other side I just want some thing
To stop inside life after all many times I have learn that tolerating such insult will just
Lead to problems inside our life I have just one feeling from my thinking and my mind
That I want to win on any point of life but if for that I need to fight I just feel I can easily
Went ahead on every point because on every thought and on every point I just feel one
Thinking inside life which tell me that I must understand things inside life that I can get
Those thoughts which will make me happy but question is that which action is right to
Get those thoughts inside life because when I start from one point I just feel that I am
Standing on confused ground in life some says that don't argue peace is important in life
But I can see same people picketing for their point after some points inside life but then
After some time I just feel one thought from my mind which tell me one thing from
My thinking and from my life that how can I listen to those people who fought for life
I just keep inside my mind one thought alive on every point that I need to have someone
Who can live as they say in life but then after sometime I just feel that I must fight but
When I start to fight I just observe person who was ahead of me and already fighting in life
That person don't seem so perfect and nice for our life I just have one feeling from my mind
That on every point this person feel that we need to ignore those thoughts which are hidden
Inside our mind we want justice but we don't want to look that bad inside life I have just
One feeling from every point that those thoughts which look so perfect inside life because
I need to understand those thoughts inside life I feel that this success depend on how
I act in life but that fighting don't look nice inside life suddenly I feel so confuse in my life
When we observe others fight we just feel that it is ego not their pride we all know that
In this world we all have rights but sometimes when we says it is question of pride we just
Forget when ego enter inside some point when slowly our pride will vanish and ego take
Our thinking on every point I just feel that one thing is true about our mind that we are
Proud of our things and when someone hurt them we feel so insulted in life I know that
We all feel that we must fight but question it that sometimes we do something which
Are so wrong in our life that suddenly our pride turns into ego for our life on every
Occasion and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those people who are
So  sure that it is just their pride and they are doing it just for their self respect began
To look totally wrong inside life I have just one feeling from each and every point that
Sometimes inside our life I need to understand from each and every point that in this
Life I have just one feeling from my mind those people who have so much thought for
Their self respect suddenly looked like just people full of ego and not pride so many times
I think when I start that fight I feel that I don't need to go in wrong way inside my life
So maybe I just stop that fight which turns my pride into ego inside my life because on
Every thought and on every point I just need to understand my thinking and my life because
In my life I just never understand difference between ego and pride so now a days I just
Say one or two sentence and then left that fight because I don't want pride to turn into ego in life.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Poem 399. Mistake

Sometimes people don't accept mistake ever inside their life I just feel one thing from our thinking
And from our mind on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that on every point
We will feel that mistakes are something so wrong that we just don't want to face them in life
On each thought we just feel one thinking which will manage to harm us on worst point but
Inside our life I have just thought that what is use of hiding that mistake when we know it inside
Our thoughts and our mind on every point I just feel one thing from our mind that those thinking
Which are important for life are something so wrong on every point I just feel one thing that
When we know mistake inside our heart it is useless to hide it from every point inside life but
Then I suddenly feel that I did wrong thing inside life I have just one feeling that I am standing
On one part which is not nice for our life I feel those mistakes which we make inside life are
Mirror of those things which happen inside life I know we may suffer losses because we accept
Those mistakes inside life I just feel one thing that I am standing on wrong point inside life and
I just feel mistakes are something important inside life which take us ahead inside life but then
On every moment and every point inside life I sense that their mistakes are around them in life
When I did something wrong saying sorry is most easy thing I have done in life even if then
I heard accusation but I know from inside of my mind that no one is without mistake then
Why should be that mistake will become that big crime after sometimes I just feel that those
Thoughts are something right inside life that we must confess inside life I have just one feeling
From every thoughts inside life that when we confess mistake it will go away at least after
Sometime and even if it will return then it will before everyone inside life so people will accept
Us with our mistake inside life so then on every moment we don't need to hide inside our life
We just come out with freedom inside life but some people just never understand that thing in
Their mind and never act that way inside life because when we start hiding one day our mistake
Will come out in life and even if it doesn't come out what stress we will feel when that mistake
Is inside our mind I feel that it is like living on one volcano which can be burst or may not
Don't burst in life but still I just feel one thing that those mistake don't let us sleep peacefully
In life they give us those nightmares which manage to hurt us from time to time and we just
Feel one thing that our mistakes are that part which never let us sleep peacefully in life but
Still I saw many people not accepting their mistakes in life they just say that is not true in
Our or their life they just tell us that before every one  in bright light and when we see
That they are having any sorrows regarding that mistake inside life I just feel one thing from
Life's each and every side that on every moment and on every point we need to understand
Those mistakes which turn into deadly way from time to time inside life I have just one thought
And one feeling from my mind that how can other people don't able to see that truth or how
Can other people ignore that mistake inside life but then after some times I just feel that my
Worst enemy enter on that point in life that is my anger towards that person on each and
Every time inside my life because when I start moving towards that hatred in life which is
Not about truth but about how can some one did dare to do it inside life so then on those
Thoughts and those points I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that on many
Points my anger began to dominate my thinking and my mind after all those thoughts are
Something so wrong inside life I just feel that while claiming that thoughts are something
Totally wrong inside life on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Thoughts are some thing not that much interesting in life because they seems like some
Traps set for us inside life with anger we did mistake on those points when anger manage
To enter inside life I just have one feeling from each and every point that those people are
Doing it just to encourage our mistake inside life because when we make mistake they can
Easily show them and said their mistakes are compensated inside life and their mistakes
Become something so perfect on every point when they can show our mistake inside life
So when some person after doing mistakes comes out in broad light just remember one
Thing on every point we just feel that those mistake which happen to us on every point
Are something just set as a bait before us so that we can take that mistake and then they
Could show us before world in bad light and then their mistake will look so small and light
Due to our wrong excitement which we saw on that point inside our anger inside our life.

Poem 398. Deal

It is a strange thing about crisis that at some times you think you feel that you have dealt
With them and then they are just vanish so you feel so happy inside life and inside mind
And how happily you started walking ahead on every day and on every moment of our life
On each moment we just feel that we are standing on wrong point we just keep thinking
About those crisis on each and every time we just feel that crisis are not that easy thing
In life on every moment we just feel that they are just going to enter on every moment
Inside our life I just feel that those crisis are not something so perfect inside my future
And inside my life on every moment I just feel that those crisis are something not so wanted
And when they vanish I just feel that I have dealt with them so perfectly inside life and
Many times I even boost my self in my heart for keeping so intelligent mind that I have
Manage to deal with those crisis in just few moments and in just small time so then in few
Moment and then in limited time I just feel one thing from my life that I need to deal with
Things inside my life and I have manage to learn it in my life everything seems so perfect
Inside life I just feel that on every spot and on every time I can win in my thought and
In my mind that inside my life I just feel one thing from mind that on every moment I feel
That I want to deal with crisis and my life but I just never want to see them again because
Being hero is easy when crisis left your life but no one want to be hero when crisis are
Part of future and our life on every moment and on every time we just feel one thought
From our mind that those crisis which enter in our life are something not good for us
On many times because when crisis enter they may teach you many things in life but
Still when we learn from them things in life they will ask in return some type of price
It is not easy to pay that price and so no one want to bear again that price inside life but
Then I just think of one thing from my mind that on every crisis I just need to find some
Important thing inside life I just feel that learning those crisis is not that easy for our life
Because after each moment crisis manage to enter on many points I just feel that on every
Moment and on every time I have just one thought from inside that those crisis which
Visit me from time to time are not that much perfect for our future and for our life but
When I think about those crisis from my brain and from my mind I just feel one thing
From thinking and from every point that those crisis which enter in life are something
That never left so easily our life we want to win in each and every point because inside
Our life and on every thought and on every mind we just feel that we are standing on
Wrong point we just never understand how hard it will be for our thinking and our life
When we feel that crisis are done and then they return to our life I just feel one thing
From my thinking and from my mind that those crisis which are part of my life are not
Going to leave me so easily in life crisis are something like shadows of our life they always
Comes and goes away from life some says they are examination in life but I just feel that
I don't want to think about them much in life but still they will remain with me on every point
They are those friends who stay with us on every point I just feel one thing from my thought
And from my mind that on each and every point these crisis are something wrong in life
I just feel that they are just part of my future and my mind so I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and from my mind I just feel one thing from my thinking and from my life
That on every moment inside my thoughts and my mind I have got just one feeling from
Inside of my mind that on every day and on every point I just feel one thing from my thinking
And from my mind that on every moment I just have one thinking in my life I want myself
To accept those crisis with nice thinking and full pleasant mind and I just don't want them
To complicate inside my life on every thought and on every point I just feel one thing from
My mind that when things turn against us in life we just feel shock because we are not
Ready for crisis inside life but sometimes I just feel one thing from my mind that on every
Crisis and on every point I just feel one thing from my thinking and from my mind that
On every day and on every point I just don't want those crisis to enter in life if only I quit
That thought and learn to fight then I just feel that will be most important sort of sunshine
For our future and for our life on every occasion and on every point of our future and our life.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Poem 397. Wishes

They always say god will fulfill our wish which we made from our heart but they never said that
God will only fulfill that wish which are made by good and honest heart sometimes I just
Feel one that we just need to understand one thing from our heart that god will fulfill
Our thought or wish only when we keep wishing it until long time and just keep on walking
In same route from our mind and only if we keep same wish for long time but somewhere
In heart and inside our mind I just feel one thing on every point that my thinking about
That wish just limited to some time and it will vanish when I feel it is hard to get it in
My future and in my life on every moment I just feel one thing from mind that when
I dream about something I feel that it should in range of my eyes but sadly all nice things
Seem so far away in life that we can hardly manage to get them so sadly in our mind
How much steps we may take from our thought and from our mind that every moment
We just feel one thing from mind that on every moment we just wish that our wishes
Are not going to be fulfilled on every time I just wish one thing from my mind that was
My only wish it was about getting things as we wish in our life it is also about going ahead
On every point I just feel that sometimes we people who have good wish just start to go
Ahead on every point we all began to wish that we are standing on right front of life but
As days went ahead I notice many times I quit asking that wish from my thinking and
From my mind that on every moment I just feel that my wishes are so perfect for my life
I just feel one thing since they are not getting fulfilled I should not waste my time because
Fulfilling my wish was something don't seem as possible in life I just feel one thing that
My thoughts are confusing me from time to time so I just quit asking that wish and began
To ask for new things in life so that new wish will once again need same time to fulfill in life
While many times I see bad people spend so much hours in fulfilling just one wish in life
It seems as if they are so wrong from my thinking and from my life every day when I walk
I just feel one thought from my mind that bad people feel they need that thing so they spend
In searching of that thing just whole life but then when I look at those things mostly it seems
So hard and impossible in life I just feel that I want my things to become so perfect in life
On every moment I just went ahead as I want inside life because on every thought I just feel
One thing from my mind I feel that those things which I get in life are not that perfect for
Our future and our life I just feel that why should I have to say same thing for so many
Times when I am asking for nice thing in life on every moment I just feel one thought from
My thinking and my mind that on every moment I can't get things as I like so I will just
Quit asking for them inside life on every moment I just began to think that I am standing
On wrong concept of my future and my life so I just forget about it but bad person just
Never forget their ambition in life they just keep asking for it even when sun set or
When sun rise they just never think of logic they just feel one thing from their mind that
They just want that thing in their future and their life and for getting that thing they just
Spend hours after hours and days after days inside life on every moment I just feel
One thought from my mind every day I just keep thinking about my success and failure
In life and it reduce my dedication towards getting that thing inside my life every moment
When I move ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that every day I feel I am standing
On wrong point inside my life and then when I change my thoughts maybe I made biggest
And most horrible mistake of life only if I went ahead on every moment of our future
And on every moment of our life I just feel one thing from my thoughts that I will not
Change my future so easily inside life because my dedication lack in many ways inside life
God can give me what I want only if I am patient enough to ask for it even after some
Crisis or wrong things enter in my life sometimes wishes of bad people seems so strong
Than good one in life that was why many times bad people can get things when good one
Just keep standing in life because if there is long line before god for our wishes in our life
Just think that how can you get it if you keep changing you line just with one hope that
You can get things quickly in your life because it is not line before counter in which
This trick do wonder in our life but it is before god who was watching our every trick
Carefully in life so maybe good people must learn to show patience and wait in that line
Only if good people can work together without arguing and turning apart then I think
God can willingly help us And we can get it all just as we prefer and as we like in life.

Poem 396. Shy friend

                                                         Shy friend
Some people are so shy that they never know proper way to come ahead and tell before
Our world that they are with us and they will always stood there during our fights and crisis
They always stood their but they hardly come forward to express their feelings their I just
Feel one thing from my thoughts and from my mind that my these type of shy friends
Hardly understand those crisis inside life I just feel one thing from my thinking on every day
That inside my life I was just thinking again and again those friend who stood with me
But sadly I can't see them because they are hidden behind that cover which never show them
But many times in life we just feel this way what is use of that friend who don't fight for us
And never for us comes ahead on every moment inside my thinking I just feel that this is
What our wrong thought and thinking even if that friend is silent but still that friend can be
One of your powerful friend because sometimes those people who are silent have power
Inside their mind and their thinking in every day I just feel one thing from my mind and
On every day that those friends which I can able to see are not those friends who are going
To visit us again and again on every thought and thinking of every way I just feel one thing
That I am praying in silent way I should have to understand those thought and thinking on
Each and every day because those thinking which look so perfect for our world is something
Totally wrong on each and every day I have just one thought in my mind on every way that
When I just feel something then I should must understand that thinking on every day I have
Just got one thought which will help me each day and tell me every time that my thinking
Is not just about silent friend if some one don't scream for our side and don't make show off
That this person is going to help do you think that help is not important in any way on many
Thoughts and points I just began to think again and again that on every way I just thought
That I am turning into totally wrong way I should give respect to all those friends who will
Help us in life but those friends who showed their support sometimes just pretend so then
Another question enter in my mind on every way which tell us on every time that my thinking
Will matter me more and more on each and every day I just feel one thing from my mind
And on every day that I just like those people who do show off on every way inside our life
On each and every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that we need to get things
Easily and properly on every day I just got one thought inside my mind on every day that
When I think about life I just feel that sun is not shining so brightly above me as it pretend
Those friends who make big noises are going to vanish just in few days and those friends
Who enter in life should be some one who really care even if they don't know way to express
I just feel one thing from my mind that I need to properly train my eyes to notice such a friends
And even if I don't notice them still I can always treat every one nicely if I want to respect them
Those silent friends who just help us but never ready come before people are not useless
They just have different way of helping people inside life on each and every day I just feel
One thought from my mind on every day that I need to understand those friends are really
Great those flowers which hide behind leaves can be superb and best those people who don't
Value them are having their own fault of thinking on every point again and again I just feel
One thing from my thinking that I need to understand my thoughts about my friend how can
I just ignore that type of good friend but problem with life is that in our hurry we hardly
Notice those silent friends they just manage to vanish inside our surrounding on every day
And slowly they become that shadow which come with us on every day but still we hardly
Notice or value that shadow on any way I just feel one thing from my mind that I must need
To understand that shadow in every way because it will stay with me sometimes until death
Those silent and shy friends are that type if friends who will stay with us on every part and
Every way I just feel one thing that those friends are more valuable than any thing in any way
I just feel one thing that in my life I am missing many things when I forgot to notice those
Important friends we all have in life that type of friend so I just wish from my heart that in
My poem I want to thank my that shy and silent friend because in case of expressing feeling
Maybe that one lack but that person never lack in giving me support on each and every day
So I feel that from inside my heart I just want to say that sometimes even I forgot to show
My gratitude towards some of my best and important type of precious friend in each and every way.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Adventure story 45. Strange Dream

                                                                   Strange Dream
It started with that strange dream. At first she thought that it was just a normal and stupid dream. But then all things started to change in worst way. That day when she woke up ,she was little bit upset. But she saw alarm clock, Betty was sure that she was getting late. Betty had a bad dream. It was very normal. Betty was trying hard to act normal. She wasn't able to act normal. She was so involved in her thoughts that she just could not able to cook anything properly. She was trying so hard to concentrate. But she just could not. Then she started making breakfast. She carefully warmed milk just enough to fulfill little Sam’s wish. Then she added two spoon sugar and chocolate powder. By then Richard was awake he started preparing the sandwiches. This was rule of their house. Every morning Richard used to prepare sandwich and preparing of milk was Betty’s duty. Richard never interferes in Betty’s cooking. But today he just could not keep quiet. Betty was very late. She didn't have made anything ready so she was literally dumping with Richard in every second. Richard was very upset about it all. Betty had two times stepped on his leg. Richard “Tomorrow onwards I will wake up and do my sandwiches. You can come later.” “No I have selected my time and I am not going to change it further.” Richard wanted to argue further. But after seeing Betty’s face he decided to keep quiet. Betty seemed very upset about everything.Richard just couldn't guess what was wrong with her yesterday she was perfect and today.She didn't even able to make milk.She had to be ill.Finally Richard asked"Honey are you all right?I hope you are not having some fever etc." "Who told you this?""No need of anyone to tell me.Your face is telling everything.What's wrong with my face?"Until now she had made milk ready for kids so she ran towards to bathroom to check her face in mirror.
          When she went inside the bathroom,she started looking at her face.There was strange expression on her face.She was looking so much older as if she slept for many years.Betty really didn't like that look.She thought that Richard might be right.She was already suffering from viral and by evening she might have fever.It was her worst dream.She always hated to be sick.She just didn't want to be sick.Then she heard a scream from kitchen.She ran into kitchen.She saw her son Rocky had thrown out his milk.She was shocked.Rocky was good boy.He never acted like this so Rocky must had fever.Then Rocky screamed on his younger sister and told her not drink that milk.His younger sister Rosy was already scared.She was holding her glass of milk in her chubby hands and crying as well as shivering same it.Rosy always worshiped her brother.He was her guide,protector and teacher.His reaction created worst effect on her.She started thinking something like poison in that milk and she started crying loudly.Richard"Why are you acting like this?You are scaring your younger sister.""Papa Mom had put salt in our milk. Rosy had vomited her sandwich if she had drank her milk."Rosy"Rocky is right Papa.I can't drink a salted milk.I don't like it."Now Richard was frustrated after hearing his daughter's innocent comment.Richard looked at Betty with anger.Then when he saw that there was all ready tears in Betty's eyes.He thought that anyone could make a big mistake once  in a while. Richard"No sweet heart Mom gave it by mistake."Rocky"But it was a big mistake.""Now that's enough.Both of you eat your sandwich."By then Betty already ran away in her room.She just didn't understand what is wrong with her.She wanted to cry.But she couldn't suddenly even crying also became big task for her.She just sat there.Richard came in her room.
             Richard was accepting Betty to be crying.But when he went in her room.She was just sitting there like a statue.Richard didn't understand her attitude.But he decided to keep quiet.Richard"Don't worry.Such a mistakes happen sometimes.Kids are overreacting but we have to understand them.After all we are elder."Even after hearing this when Betty didn't reacted.Richard found it strange so he put hand on her shoulder.Betty felt it all.But she didn't able to turn.She was just too tired to turn. She just kept watching at wall.Her neck felt as if it was stuck in iron.It was too much for her to move neck.She just kept sitting like a statue.Richard didn't like her behaviour.She could at least looked at him.Richard wanted to see her face.But she didn't turn.Finally he walked to other side to see her face.Richard"What's wrong with you?Are you planning to take leave today?"She didn't even answer his question.Richard was very frustrated.He wanted to talk to her and she was completely ignoring him.In fact there was strange vacant look in her eyes.As if she was staring at something which Richard didn't able to see.Then suddenly after sometime she came her senses and she said"I must get ready for my office.Don't worry.I will make milk again.In few minutes she was once again in kitchen.Richard was shocked with sudden change of her moods.He wanted to comment but then he looked at watch.He was already getting late so he ran to get ready for his office.
             After some time Betty once again started feeling tired.Actually she never stopped feeling tired.She just pretended before Richard that she was all right.Now for her moving a step was also effort.But she had to go in office.She had one project to finish.Normally she could complete it in a day.But now she didn't feel that confidence.But as soon as she entered in office her colleagues were so excited.They all thought that she would easily complete that project.After all she was project head for seven years and she never missed her date.Suddenly after looking at her colleagues her confidence returned.She started moving fast and she went near those files.She started to concentrate on them.But her brain was not cooperating.She just couldn't get any idea. If only she could found a idea.Then suddenly her friend Sarika came near her.Sarika"Hey!What's wrong with you?You are box of ideas.Suddenly it seems as if all got missing."Betty suddenly thought about that dream.Then she knew that the dream was cause of problem.One bad dream.Betty"Actually I had one bad dream yesterday which is cause of this trouble.""Oh!So you couldn't able to sleep because of it.""No.I slept soundly.But when I woke up this morning,I started feeling so tried  that I just didn't want to wake up."Then Betty told Sarika about her whole experience in morning.Sarika"This is very strange.Any way sometimes dreams creates that kind of effects on persons.I will give an idea.You can develop it as per your wish."Betty was so happy that she finally got one idea.Now she could easily work on it.But when she began to hear that idea.She started feeling tired and sleepy.She just couldn't grasp it.Finally Sarika asked her"What's wrong with you?Can't you concentrate on ready made idea?Are you sick or something?""No I am fine.I just feeling tired."After giving her an idea Sarika went back to her chair.Now all staff was waiting for results.But Betty just could not control her sleep.Finally when her Boss came Betty's project was still on it's first sentence.It was a shock to every one.They never expected such failure from Betty.Her Boss was very angry with her because of her negligence company was about suffer losses in terms of lakhs.But Sarika came ahead and saved the day.But Boss suggested Betty to take unpaid leave for some days.Betty willingly took it.She was feeling so tired inside her heart.She wanted to quit her Boss so when she returned home.She already decided to quit her job.
            When she reached home,she was too tired to do any cooking.Instead of cooking she decided to order food so she ordered food and went to sleep.Whole time she was just sleeping on bed and looking at ceiling.She just didn't understand why did she want to sleep like that. Then she began to think all things which she never wished to think about.All those bad things like one day world was to end and here she was without any any work.Just a normal employee and just one wife;just mother of two children.Suddenly that just began to seem more important to her that anything else.She began to think that she was in worst situation and that situation never going to improve.She began to hate herself.When she felt that children had came home after playing.They entered in the kitchen.She noticed them.Normally she used to hug her kids whenever she returned from office.She used to miss them so when Rocky and Rosy noticed Betty's purse.They started searching for her excitedly.But when they noticed that she was sleeping.They went away.Betty felt that her children were watching her.But she couldn't move.Then she heard doorbell.She knew food had came as per her order.But still she felt that she was too tired to take that order.Then Rocky came inside room with Rosy in tow.Rocky"Mom that man was asking for money."Betty didn't want to turn.But finally she turned and pointed just her finger towards purse.Now she started feeling that talking was also a effort.Then Rocky opened her purse.Betty could clearly see that Rocky was scared still she didn't want to answer.She just kept staring and sleeping.Finally Rocky took the money from her purse and made all payments.
               When Richard came home,both the kids were crying.Rocky told him about his Mom's condition.Rocky was thinking that Betty was going to die.Richard got very confused after hearing this.Richard literally ran inside their bedroom.Betty was looking at ceiling with same vacant look.Richard went near her slowly and touched her head.She didn't have fever.In fact she seemed perfect physically.Then he thought that she might get fever by next day so he went outside.He arranged everything for kids and told them not disturb her.But Richard was confused this time.Betty was sick still she didn't seem sick physically.He didn't know what he supposed to do.He decided to wait till next day.When next day Betty woke up,she was feeling worst than yesterday.She just told Richard that she was no longer going on job and once again slept.Richard wanted to talk to her.But she didn't seem willing.Anyway Richard was never interested in her job.It was for her pleasure.She wanted quit it.It was okay with him.But he didn't like her strange way of quitting it. Richard had to talk with her.Richard"Betty something happened in office?"Finally she turned towards him.Betty"Actually I am too tired.""But why?"He once again.He checked her temperature.She didn't got fever."Actually it is because of that strange dream.""What kind of dream?""I don't remember it.But I started feeling tired After having it."Richard didn't understand what did she talking about.But he decided let her rest for some days."Okay take rest today."But after that day situation turned worst everyday.She didn't seem to ready to come out of their room.Everyday she just slept in her room.At first they ordered food from outside.Slowly Richard started cooking.It was too much work for him.He even tried to argue with her about it.But there was no use in talking to her.Finally she started losing interest in her food also.She always said the same thing.It was that strange dream which was making her sad.Finally they had to go to doctor who recommented a psychiatrist.When they went to that Doctor.He told them that she was Unipolar depression.When Richard asked about cause.He gave big list of them and there were many medical terms in it which went about his head."But that dream?" Doctor"That was just part of her imagination.It was not reason of her problem.Many patients blame many things for their problem.They just find reason to satisfy their heart."But he just understood it was his bad luck.Then he asked about cure.Doctor gave them medicines and a hope that she would be alright.But inside his heart Richard knew that it would take long time.Worst part was before she would be cured.It was possible that many member of family would start having problem.But when Richard came home and talked to his children.He felt that he was raising them right way. They both gave him support that they would help him and they taught Richard to smile in sorrows that day.It was his first lesson that he learned from his kids.
                                                                     The End           

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Poem 395. Faults

They say it's easy to see someone's  fault but we can how easily point out others
Mistake and their fault but there is just one question arise from our heart that we can't
Just go ahead and accept our fault sometimes we are so busy in just finding others fault
That we will not able to see that person's fault on each and every day I just feel one
Thing or one thought that inside our life on every part after all those mistake which are
Something important for our thinking and our heart because on each and every point
I just feel one thing from my heart that my faults seem smaller to me then other side
But there are always other side of thinking and faults I just began to feel on each and
Every part I just feel one thing from my thoughts and from my heart because on every
Point and on every moment I just feel that if that other person don't have any fault
Then I should have win inside my life on each and every part I just feel one thing from
My mind that mind will not look great from my heart because on each and every moment
I just notice how big are other person's fault I know no one like to accept it but this is
Truth of our heart many times we don't want other person to make mistakes but we also
Make many mistakes inside life on every point we just think one thing from our mind
That those mistakes which we have done are part of our life which will just create
Problems for us on every point in life I have just one feeling inside my life that when
I make fault I try to adjust it in life but when someone else does fault it looks bigger in life
But I don't think this happen because I have tendency to look at other people for my
Mistakes in life on every moment it seems as if things are not good as we wish them
From our thinking and our mind I just have one feeling from my mind that I feel that
I can rectify my fault but I can't rectify those faults which other people do in life but
Still those faults are affected by those thinking of our mind on every moment I just feel
That things are wrong from each and every point I have just one feeling from my thought
And from my mind that on every occasion inside life on every moment I just think that
On every moment I feel that those faults are wrong inside life I have my thinking in life
Which look perfect on every thought and side I have just one feeling from my mind that
I am suffering due to my faults which is enough for me why did I have to suffer for
Others fault in life suddenly my happy life turns into something unique and nice in life
I just feel those faults which are part of our life where something is not so nice in our life
I just keep feeling one thing from thinking inside mind that I have to adjust with my faults
So I also need to adjust with other things in life that inside my life I just feel one thing
From my thought that those faults are something so disturbing in my mind that even
When I know my own faults are creating problem but still I feel that I don't want other
Person's faults to enter inside life but now a days I just feel one thing that this is wrong
Thinking from my mind on each and every fault I feel that those faults are some interesting
And nice for my life I just keep thinking every day about those things in life I feel that
On many points I need to understand those thoughts of my life I just feel on every moment
That my thinking is hurting me but I just don't want others to support that wrong side
And while improving my thinking I began to disapprove others not because I feel their faults
Are bigger but because I feel their faults are just wrong side of our future and our mind
I just feel that on every moment I need to find something perfect and nice but then while
Finding it I don't want to see more confusion in life I know that when someone gives me
Help I just jump to take it inside life but when things goes other way I began to feel that
I am standing on totally wrong point of life I just keep telling my heart that I am standing
On wrong thought and totally wrong point I just have one feeling from my heart that
My suffering will increase if I get their faults so I just want their positive side but then
After some times of that stress I normally understand my that mistake in life but sadly
Inside my life I saw many people who don't understand their mistakes in life because
On every moment those mistakes just increase on time to time so I just feel one thing that
We all should understand how wrong we are when we think this way inside our future and life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...