Sunday, June 24, 2012

Poem 290. Extra brain

                                                        Extra brain
How sure we are sometimes that we have seen that thing and we just don't understand
Why did we need to understand that thing when we have never saw something before
Sometimes in life we feel that we have seen that things before now can you tell my heart
Why did this happen to me why sometimes some unknown way are hidden inside me
After all we all have just one mind as human being then how can we know so many things
But then some one told me that we just use so limited part of our brain that we just can't
Guess what we will do with rest of that brain our dear brain and our dear mind just remain
Idle for so many days and so many times sometimes we don't even know what is truth
Of our thought and of our mind how can we keep something so important just useless
For such long time so inside our life on each and every time we just feel one thing from
Our mind that we can use some parts of our mind we can act as we wish inside our life
We feel that if we concentrate then we can get that whole mind inside our life in such a way
That we can began to use that mind from time to time so inside our life from our mind we just
Feel one  thing from each and every point we feel inside our life on every point that our mind
Is not in full use on every time as time passes slowly inside our life our brain becomes
Something which is perfect for our mind we feel from our thought and from our thinking
In life that we must need to learn to use our mind after all our thoughts are something and
Our mind something totally different inside life on every day we need to understand our
Thoughts as well as our mind we feel just one thing from our mind that we need to use
Our whole thoughts but still we can't use them on many times because those thoughts are
Something so important for our future and for our life we feel that those thoughts are something
Which we get after spending lot of our mind we always think that we are thinking hard on
Each and every day of our life but then when we go to science or any other knowledge it will
Tell us inside our life that we are not working that hard inside our life they tell us on face that
We are not using many thing fully inside our life after hearing this I thought maybe those
Images belong to my some subconscious mind which stood with me on each and every time
And when I see those images which are truth I think that how is it possible in life but when
I heard this I know what this means in our life these images which we like are part of our future
And part of our life because those images are something can be created by some reading inside
Our future and our life but then I read one day that if our brain is so less used then we can
Even message to each other with brain inside our life and we can also tell future by it in life
At first it thrill me I thought it was wonderful thought for my mind but after some time I feel
Why did I need brain to sent message inside life after all we have already used enough of
Brain to create mobiles and computers in life so why did we need to use more of brain in life
Then I thought even by making those guess people have created enough problem in future
And inside life because by guessing some one winner they have created enough fights in
Every part life so after seeing this I think every brain don't deserve art of future telling at all
Inside our life so then these days inside our life we just feel one thing from each and every
Day inside life that do we really need those special skills inside our life because those skills
Will teach us on every day one thing inside our life they teach us that we must understand
Our thoughts from time to time inside our life because as our days went ahead we feel that
That maybe we should not use that mind because what we need is peace and I can hardly
Think that it can manage by use of extra mind but some may feel that they can get money
And power by that mind but if everyone started using it then it will not be that special
Inside our life because maybe we want whole earth just for us and we may claim that
We doing it just because we have big list of logical reasons inside life so on every moment
We feel that we want every thing inside life so if we have extra brain then once again we will
Use it just in destroying I just wish for some extra brain because sometimes I feel it from
My brain and mind maybe that extra brain will teach us that we are doing it all wrong by
Starting those fights on each and every day of future because it will destroy whole planet and life.

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