Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Poem 281. My friend

                                                      My friend
Stay with my friend in all crisis of my life and I will give you my best chocolate
Just tell me don't you made in your life such type of friends just to keep them you have
To give many things from your life even if you really want them but you have to give
Just keep alive that friendship and before willingly in front of every one you have gave
If it gives you true delight then you do anything just keep that friend so inside your life
Unknowingly many times you just gave each and every thing to that friend who just
Keep asking things from you inside your life as days went ahead you just feel so helpless
Because this friend just keep asking to you every thing on each and every day and
Inside your life after some point you just keep obeying that one as if that one is your
Only hope in life that person don't remain just one of many friends because you began
To treat that one as your best friend this is one post which can't dedicated to most so
In life on each day you just need to find that proper type of friend so inside life on
Every moment I just have one feeling that I need more sacrifice to keep that friend
Whenever you give thing or obey to your friend you just feel one thing that this friend
Will be with you until end but I just have one question to ask every day why did in life
We need to find some nice type of friend but inside our thoughts on every day I just
Feel one thing from mind that is our need to find proper friend we don't need people
To tell us what is perfect and best but still sometimes inside our life we feel that we can't
Able to get that best so we decide to adjust whatever we got and to keep that thing
With us we just do as we are told or said how wrong it feel when you think it this way
Our each and every thing is wrong until don't understand that it better to have no friend
Instead of getting wrong type of and wrong sort of friend so on each every point we just
Do it for one surety which is needed this one will stood with us on each and every moment
But our life never walk as we like and we hope so it sometimes don't go straight and due to
That we can't able to get that kind of best friend as days went ahead with just little bit of night
We just never understand that friend have turn back to our friendship inside our future and life
Because on each and every day we just feel one way that our friendship is so perfect that
Our life never walk in wrong way because when we such friend that friend shows us that
We are safe until that friend stood with us from each and every point so inside our life
On each and every point I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind I have done
Everything wrong and right on same time I just wanted safety of that friendship which I can
See in other person's laugh and smile so on that moment I just thought giving some of my thing
Is just part my deal in friendship inside life some just gives thing and other gives their freedom
Inside life don't you think every one of us did this type of friendship on some time inside life
I never understood how wrong I am doing in case of that friendship inside life so on each
Day we feel that we don't want people to have that freedom inside life so on every moment
Inside our life we just feel one thing from each and every point we just feel that we are on
Wrong track of friendship on many times of life but still we feel this way we can keep our
Friendship alive because we don't want to be alone or lonely inside life but then giving things
Is not nice thing of our future and our life I just feel one thing from my mind that I just don't
Need any one inside life I just feel every moment that our friendship is something so important
And precious inside our future and our life so we all feel that our thinking about friendship
Is so perfect inside life after all we need that friendship as part of our life we feel from
Our heart that friendship is something so nice from each side that I just feel one thing on
Every point that maybe we thought that's our friendship but to me it looks like a business
Deal which we are doing for our life because it is not done with emotions but it is done
With just exchange of our benefits inside our future and our life so from point to point inside
Our life we just feel one thing that we don't need any person who is perfect for our future
And for our life on every point we think that exchange of the things is nothing but just need
Of time but when I ask my heart then it told me inside life that my friendship will be something
Special not just that sort business deal to keep two person safe inside life so I think that
I am better without friend that having that kind of friend who will not help but use you in their life.

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