Sunday, June 17, 2012

Poem 277. That smile

                                                       That smile
Some memories are so sweet they just brings smile on your face and they make you happy
On every moment inside world on every point that this face look so nice and refreshing inside
Our future and inside our world on every moment I thought that my face can't forget smile then
I just feel smile is something nice inside life after all those lips look so perfect and nice but
Then once again in life our face was so nice and pleasant inside life that face may look so nice
Those lips are so beautiful on every point inside face are not that nice inside our life after all
These smiles are some thing which can be stored inside life but no with way of keeping it on
Every time for bring that true smile we need memories inside life because those memories have
Talent to bring smile inside your future inside our life so those memories seems like some key
To happiness inside our life because those memories are keys of those treasure inside our life
After all those memories are nothing but just useless things inside life so on every moment
Inside my future and my life I just feel one thing that I need pleasant sort of smile inside our life
Then I thought those memories which please me in life even when I am in sorrow still they
Manage to bring out that smile out of their life but on every moment inside future and life
We just feel one thing from mind that is our need of one thing that is our pleasure and smile
I like so much that smile that I feel on every moment of life that I can never understand that
Happiness inside life because when we start from one area of life that on one place we see
All those happiness and we can see sorrows on other side after all sorrows are nothing but
Just one side of that mind if only I can remember those happy memories on my sad time
I feel that still they bring happiness inside life maybe I don't forget my sorrows but at least
It seems that like some little help when life seems on wrong track on every point of my life
So on every moment inside my life I just feel one thing from my mind that is my memories
Are most precious for me inside my life so from each point I just think one thing inside life
That those memories are made on any occasions inside life sometimes even unknown
People help us on time to time inside life because their innocent act can bring out our smile
But just remember one thing appreciate that moment but let it capture our thoughts in life
So those memories are something so wonderful but only when you take care that you will
Not hurt other person on that point because if you do that then everything will harm you
Because when you hurt someone inside life nothing is wrong in that kind smile of life and
On every time smile is precious gift of god and it will be like angle to our heart so treat
It properly and never use it to hurt other heart even if you use it then apologize before
Goes away time and then you can even force with your pure heart to that person in joining
That person's laugh and smile on every moment of life that smile is so precious for our face
That we must understand of every person who bring that smile inside life but that don't
Happen every time inside our future and our life we began to think that we must think of
Those thoughts and their life after all smile is not free for it someone need to make sacrifice
And many times they get insulted by many person when they try to bring that smile so
That person who bring  many thoughts are not that important inside our future and life
But still for that person we have to force once at least stop our smile and have to think that
What really is that person's life because when someone give  gift to you then don't
You want to return it inside your life because inside life on many times we just feel one
Thought from our mind that is our want of having that person inside our life but then
That person don't seem that much important to many person inside life but in my heart
I just feel that is unfair of our thinking inside life after all we need that smile on each
And every time inside our life so we just act as we want inside our life so from time
To time we need people who understand our thoughts and our life we can always
Work as we like inside our life and those thoughts which enter inside our life began
To make happy but we forgot that maker of our life after all we want to run ahead and
Never looking back is one bad tendency of human mind but we can change it if we
Really want to change it inside our life so try to concentrate on also caring for person
Who bring for you inside your life and never just think that one is joker in life because
Most difficult task is to bring that smile inside life when everyone is laughing on you at that time.

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