Saturday, June 9, 2012

Poem 263. Dreams

Whenever I see a fairy tale I use to jump with joy I feel attach to that picture but
That picture which is nice and beautiful how pretty it was something which I just
Feel something in that picture there are something so interesting that when we saw
That picture I use to love it but still many times that picture which look perfect to me
No one can stop me from loving it from every angle and every thinking so inside
Our life and in our thinking those picture look so nice and perfect for picture which
Look so nice to me neither age nor other type of art can take it away from me so
From that picture I just feel that picture have many things which are precious for me
I used to think it is my liking which is always give me same pleasure on every day
And in my each and every thinking so from every point so I just thought those picture
Which look so perfect for me so I used to think these pictures and things are for
My liking when I see them I use to think that everything in that fairy land use to liked
By me and I use to get impress with it so inside our life on every point I just never
Thought that I can keep that it is my own and lovely dream so on every point
I thought it will give me power to have my happy life and I use to think that out of it
I can easily find our of those dream a lovely sort of dream so on each day of our dream
So that dream will be found inside those things so out of them I started finding my dream
Which will take me ahead on every moment as human being so inside our life as
A human being I just feel that in those fairy tales have each and every dream so
When I said I like them I just have inside my mind only one feeling on every time
I just have one thing so on in those picture I can see each and every dream and
With those dreams I can see each and every thing which is perfect for human being
After all they have every character inside our those tales so I never thought that behind
Those fairy tales I need to have some kind of dream which will make me happy but
When I said I like I just forgot that liking mean just admiring other person's thing
But that doesn't mean we can borrow it and make our dream to achieve success in life
So on every spot inside our life we just feel one thing is truth of our future and our life
If we want to win then we must have our dream when I use to think that if I follow
Those dreams I forgot one thing that some person have created those dreams because
That person want to enjoy success and win so that person must have already used
Those precious dream inside your life when you want to win you just can't borrow
Anyone else's dream because when you use someone else's dream because those
Picture look so nice for dream but after all those dream are not truly my dreams
They are just images of those dreams once they are used you can always use them
But then will just prosper you for some time but not for always and every day of life
Those dreams are just remain for developing things enough to get some money as
A human being but they can't give success as a human being on every moment
 Because we want to win inside our life so those picture and those meanings
Which are important for our world those picture which look perfect are nice for
Our future and our life from each and every time I just think one thing from my mind
That my life will never help me on any time because those things which are created
By others have limited use in our life on each and every point I just think one thing
Inside my life my dream never look as perfect as I prefer and like I just want one thing
From my heart and mind those fairy tales which I have created not which borrowed
From others every time I know it is hard to create something so nice and maybe at
Beginning I will fail many times but still inside my heart I just know one thing from mind
That dream which are created by me are true wealth of my hopes and life when those
Dream failed I create them once again in life because creating those own dream is
Something new and nice when I created them I have understood that what is meaning
Of like now I like those fairy tales but I never try to borrow them in life I just feel that
Those dreams are so lovely and I hope like that person's dream one day my dreams
Also become true and fulfil inside life but even if they don't still I love my dreams of life.

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