Saturday, June 9, 2012

Poem 262. Photos


Whenever I see photos I just love to watch photo is normally being said but
Truthfully from my heart if I tell you my feelings I really don't like to see those photos
As much as I like to claim because when I think of my past and my those days
I like to feel that I am something most beautiful and great I know I look nice from
Each and every way because every one admire me on those days but question is that
What I fancy myself is not as truth as I wish of my face I can be nice but not that best
When we think of past we made many dreams and each dream have some of those
Fantastic things so inside our life on each and every way I just think that in our life
On each and every day I have those photos which tell me truth of that time on every day
But I like my fantasy about my past in each and every way but sometimes I feel those
Photos are something so precious to people on their each day that they just keep
Showing them to every one whoever came inside my life I show them only when all
Things are over and I want to waste my time and that is last option of that day after all
In life on each and every way I want those photos to look that nice or that perfect but
Sadly those photos never look perfect whenever I show them some one manage to make
Fun of them so I feel hurt when some one taunt me about my past self in present I can
Have bear many taunt so I just wish at least to keep safe my past how strange are people
And how strange are their way they just come and criticize us and say it is nothing but
For just best they say that those who criticize will do it for just good I just have one question
In criticizing what is so good you suggest other person what was worst in that one is never
Going to help and sometimes their solution are just useless no one is perfect in every one's eyes
Every person have some bad side so inside our life on each and every day we need to find
Someone who really cares but sometimes when things are really wrong they even our friends
Need to tell say something which will hurt us in some way but question is that who is our
True friend who criticize us sometimes or who just keep quiet because that one knows that
It will hurt us in many ways I just feel inside life no one is the best sometimes one type seem
Better and sometimes other seems the best because sometime those things have solution
Sometimes there is no solution inside them so on each and every point we need to think
Which one is best I feel one thing in my life I can't understand who is best but the one
Who says that I look better in past don't seem to me that best even if someone says that
I look worst in past it is not going to help so if someone just say about past with our comparing
Today it will be a big help but never things happen that way because people love comparing
On each and every day so when some one see picture from old album they just began to
Compare so I just hate to show people what I want to call best inside my heart and in my life
Every day I know I am not best but still I want to think that way after all what is wrong in
Thinking good about yourself until you don't insult others and think you are so great that
You can insult others each and every day it is good to feel nice about our self and think that
We are something unique and so great but when someone criticize them I just feel my anger
Began to rise again and again when I show photos from past there are two ways to hurt me
In every way one is to tell other people that I don't look that nice now in my past I looked
Best and other way is to start smiling on my photos of past and saying that I look worst
On both case so sometimes in life I just feel in life why should I show my photos of past
To any one any day but then after some time I decide to share because my heart ask me
One question again and again those people who like to criticize me will do it on each and
Every day and they will find a thing to do it in one way or on other way I just can't think
That by not sharing those photos I just feel that I am not at all happy in each and every way
After all by showing them at least someone will like them but if I don't share them even
Then criticize becomes my life's part again and again never let those criticize stop you from
Doing which your heart feel on each and every day so inside our life on each day we must
Understand one thing that we have right to do anything which we like on each and every day
So began to share them again I must have love in them from heart because I like to share them.

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