Friday, June 22, 2012

Poem 287. Mixing colours

                                                  Mixing colours
Sometimes some persons can't fit with each other inside life they just can't be suitable
On any project of their life so inside life on each and every point they just want things
But they can't work together to get those things inside their life after all as days went
Ahead inside our life we just feel one thing from our thoughts and from our mind we
Feel that we can't win because those people enter inside any project together on any
Thought and point so inside our life on each point we just feel one thing from our mind
We feel that those two people just don't work together properly inside life because
You can't fit black and white colour in one paint bottle at same time do you think if you
Try this then it will survive because black has a strength that will destroy white's beauty
Inside life we need that black colour as part of power inside our life sometimes we
Really need strength which will awake our positive thoughts inside our life as days pass
We feel after some time that black is good colour but it's darkness slowly started to
Keep low our heart because it just bring darkness from every side some times too power
Or too much energy in life will manage to destroy our thinking about life as days went
Ahead on every moment of life we just feel one thing from each and every point and
We want that darkness which will destroy our thinking in every part of life because
Black will give that darkness which will destroy peace of our future and mind when
On one point black seem so best inside our life on other point it seems as if black
Keeps power to destroy every thing from life that black gives that darkness which will
Manage to create problems inside our life because human being will never understand
That black colour is perfect until you don't use it over some limits inside your future
And inside your life as days went ahead I feel just one thing from my mind that I like
Power of black but sometimes I began to miss that peace which is given to me by white
When we look at white we see that peacefulness from every side that we want to float
In that colour for hour inside our life when we see that softness which is inside white
We just feel with our power we need that strength after some time inside our life
Because when our days went ahead slowly inside our life we just feel one thing from
Our thought and from our mind we feel that those colours which look so perfect
In life only if we can add them in proper way what else we did need inside our life
We have those two colours which help us on each and every day of our life and still
We feel just one thing that we need to understand those thoughts which take us away
From mixing those colours inside life because sometimes when we mix those two
Best things we don't get best thing always inside life sometimes we get just worst thing
From our future and from our entire life from time to time when those two colours mix
After some days and after some time they turn into grey and I don't feel it is perfect
Colour for our future and our life so when two things are best we must not always
Try to mix two good things inside our life on every point we feel that we are having
Success inside our life so after some days and after some time we just feel one thing
From our mind it was our something in which we need success inside life I just feel
One thing from my heart and from inside that I need to understand that sometimes
Two good things don't create thing which is so perfect for our future as well as for
Our life so from each and every point we just feel one thing inside our life that was
Our thought that these two colour which are perfect part of our future and our life
Because those two colour have special effects inside life so from time to time inside
After all those colours which are perfect for our thoughts and perfect for our life
Are something which are part of our future and our life so from each and every time
I just feel one thing from mind that was thinking about those colour we just think
About their perfectness not other factors of them inside life some may like that
Perfect grey but some may add them with hope get something cheerful inside their life
We can't get red ,blue yellow or green by mixing black and white because even if
They are two perfect colours but still they don't create cheerfulness by mixing inside
Our future and inside our life so mixing two perfect don't mean you can bring in world a smile.

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