Thursday, June 21, 2012

Poem 285. Fault

How easily we forget when someone did a favour and how easily we forget that
Person's good nature so inside our mind from time to time we just feel one thing
From our mind that as days went ahead on each and every time I just feel one thing
That we will survive without remembering nice person who did good things for us
Inside our life and we just store those things but forget that niceness in our life so
Same apply to a country even country forgets it's founder and godfather many times
When we get that thing we just forget that person who give us those things inside life
We just feel one thing from our thought and from our mind that we can easily forget
Goodness of some person and only their faults take hold of their mind so from time
To time inside our life I just feel one thing from each and every time that I can see
People forget good point of person and saying that only faults are something which
Are truly part of that person inside our life I just feel so sad from my thoughts and
From my mind when I see people insulting those people who help them many times
Inside future as well as inside life so on many points inside my life I saw people using
All those great people and then screaming against them from time to time inside life
I just never agree with those thoughts inside my mind I just feel one thing inside my life
That pointing some one's faults after getting their benefits will be easy for our life and
From point to point inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that
In our life on each and every point we have one feeling inside our life that those faults
Which we have something so wrong for our life because faults are something so perfect
On every thought of life I feel that even than our skills faults seem to be always on
Perfect part of our life which we always use to show others how wrong they are when
We don't even know one word that is right inside our life on each and every point we
Just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we need some people who will help us
In life and then when we find next useful person we start to find faults inside last
Person who was part of our future and our life we just feel one thing from our mind
That faults which we saw are just because we no longer want that person inside life
On every moment inside our life we think just one thought from our mind that we all
Want our thinking to become some way in which we can throw away that person out
Of our future and our life because we just don't need that one on that point how interesting
It may look inside our life we feel that we are wrong on many times when some one
Help us at first we take help of that person inside our life so from each and every point
Inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that person who help us
On every moment inside our life is someone who was fully needed inside that time but
As time went ahead we saw better options which are good for our future and good for
Our life we just never like that first one inside our life so from point to point inside life
I just feel one thing from each and every point that we are so selfish inside our life that
We just never like to bear with fault and just want profit from every side and for it
We can do anything inside life we can even insult our best friend for such long time and
We can also forget our benefits which we have got inside our life how interesting is that
Thought which comes after taking full benefit from one person inside life and then telling
Every one that person was so wrong inside our life how can someone say such thing
Don't their god stop them sometimes but someone told me god never stop those who
Began to think they are god of this life on each and every moment inside our life we just
Feel one thought from our mind we feel that we are something so great on every time
That we can use anyone when we like and throw that person just went we think that
This person is most painful person inside life that slowly we began to search just bad things
Inside that person from time to time we just feel one thing from every thought inside our life
We just never think that we can survive with that person inside life so we all want to throw
Away that person like some dirt out of our life and of course we can do it because god
Never stop us in between our life mostly god keep all memories and then decide how to
Punish us inside our life so if we have any problem then we must remember we have
Done many mistakes inside life so never feel sad when we get problem inside life just
Remember that big mistake and then you can easily understand those bad lucks in our life.

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