Saturday, June 30, 2012

Poem 301. Own heart

                                                        Own heart
Why always they ask about returns on first step of a building and on first piece of stone
After all every one know that building can't give return on first step inside our life but
We all know things inside our life building is one thing which is not useful for instant
Sort of profit inside life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
From our mind that we can do something so easily inside our future and our life on
Each and every point inside our life because those things are not something which are
So important for our future inside our life so that thing when we built it inside our life
We just feel one thing inside our life that how can someone expect us to have that thing
Inside life without much tries inside life so when we make that building inside our life
I feel that why don't those people understand those things inside future and inside life
That when someone do big thing then that person can't give quick results inside life
Because those results are something not that nice for our future and our life so on
Many points people began to ask us even on start inside life why don't we give them
Those results which we desire inside our life as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those results which are so perfect
For our future and our life that starting steps are not important for them just ending is
Important and valuable for their life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel
One thing from our mind that they are telling us that we should not waste our time
On first step but I just never understand them how can I walk in my life after all just
End steps are not important for our life those starting step also teach us many things
Inside our life so I just feel that our thought about starting step is not that perfect in our life
Because as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing that those start are
Some thing not that perfect for our life those starting step which are not that important
For our future and our life but still I feel that they are teaching me many things about life
So on every point inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those
Steps are basic of our life but some people are so convinced that those basics are so useless
For our future and our life so from each and every time we just feel one thing from our
Thoughts and our mind that those steps of basic are something not needed in life so on
Many points inside our life we just feel one thing from our thought and from our mind
We feel that we are standing on wrong side our life that maybe we don't need basic to
Get things inside our life but then when we think about doing something we just feel
One thing from our heart we feel that our thoughts will remain on each and every spot
Same from our heart we just feel one thing from our thoughts and our heart we feel
That we can't start anything which we can get inside our life without working and
Not getting profit at start but still some people just never understand those things from
Our brain and from our heart because from every thought inside our heart I just feel
One thing which wake me up on each and every part because we need to understand
Those thoughts from our thinking and our heart because as days went ahead from
Each and every part we just need to understand those things from our heart that those
People never want us to find any new way for our future or for our heart so they are
Just hoping that we will follow someone which was perfect for their heart and they just
Never like our new way of trying by our thoughts and our heart because on every thought
We just feel one thing from our thought about those new ways are not pleasing their heart
When they just tell us that they are concern about us and about our future in every part
I just feel that they are lying knowingly or unknowingly from our heart so for some days
I may feel that I am doing it all wrong but now a days I just feel one thing from my heart
People just don't want us to find our ways from our thoughts and from our heart so if we
Want to find our own way and built our own life from our heart we need to take risk
On our future and our heart but if we don't do it and obey them do you think it will please
Your mind and heart just think about one thing for once it is your heart not what other think
About your that act because others are not going to spend that life which you need to spend
With those regrets which you feel even after getting profit because you have not please own heart.

Poem 300. Peace of mind

                                                   Peace of mind
There are two faces of each and every person in life many times I read this but I don't
Agree with them inside my life I feel that there this thought is fully wrong for our life so
I think person got multiple faces inside life just by watching two will not help you because
That person will show you more colour in life some people just think that they have guessed
Enough when they guess two faces in life they just said as if they know whole secret of life
But do you really feel from your heart that every one just have good side and just one bad
Side inside life I just feel that we have many sides which are something so important part
Of our future and our life there are many sides inside our life as days went ahead on every
Point I feel sure like me you have also seen many sides of people inside our life not just one
Not just two a lot of faces and lot of sides which affects our thoughts inside our daily life
Sometimes they are good and sometimes they are bad but those are not just only faces inside
Our future and our life there are some faces which show greed as part of our life so inside
Our life on every point I just feel one thought from inside my mind there are kindness but
With it there is determination which stood on good side if we start counting those faces
Which are many in number and many inside our life but as days went ahead slowly we feel
That we are so right inside our life and our mind because those faces always have other
Faces which are hidden inside our life those faces are something which are important
Thought for our future and our life as those faces started entering inside our life we just
Feel one thing inside our mind we thought that those faces have many sides effects in
Our thoughts and in our life so from each and every point those faces are something
Just that part which come before us from time to time but still we can't understand them
Properly inside our future and our life so as days went ahead from time to time I just feel
One thing from my mind that was my wish to understand those faces are something
Which are important for our thought inside our life because those faces will have that
Kind of side effect inside our life as if those faces are something just come and go away
In minutes but they are still hidden inside mind and so they have power over our mind
So on every point inside life we just feel one thing from mind that those faces should be
More clear inside life after all those faces are something which look nice inside our life
There are many faces inside our life which changes from time to time sometimes I feel
If there were just two faces of one person inside our life so easy it would be to understand
Those people and their mind inside our life so those faces which we see from time to time
Are nothing but just problems inside our life because when we don't understand some
Person's thought and mind we just can't understand those thoughts inside our future and
Inside our life so from time to time those faces which we see are something not right
For our future and our life I just feel one thing from mind that in search of those faces
Which are important for our future and our life so from point to point they will just change
Their thoughts and their face on important time and then we have biggest problem inside
Our future and our life I have faced such problem many times due to sudden change of
That thoughts and faces we see many problems just on time of kind face that person agreed
To help you in every way even on that point this person even come ahead and help you in
Many ways inside our life and we see those lot of faces so inside our world on every day
We just feel one thing from our future and our life that those faces which we will see
Are something important part for our luck as well as for our future after all inside our world
We just hope for help when once someone come ahead and help but then when that person
Turn in life on other way I just feel that I am upset about those thoughts and those faces
Inside our future and our world we feel that inside our world so after some days inside
Our life there are many things inside our life we see many faces which are nice for our life
Those faces are something which are truth of our future and our life because those faces
Are something not that nice for our life because as days went ahead from time to time
We feel that those faces are something which are important part for our future and life
Because many times they built our future and sometimes they even manage to destroy
Our future as well as our life so on every point I just feel one thing from mind that was
Thought which is not right for our future as well as our life comes due to those wrong
Faces inside our life so I just feel there are not just two there are plenty of faces to many
People inside life so just never feel that you have understood some person in just few years of life.

Poem 299. Best medicine

                                               Best medicine
In green leaves I saw red flowers it was very lovely but still something was wrong
With that beautiful flower which I just can't able to ever guess because whenever I look
At that flower I just feel one thing that was my hate as days went ahead in life on every day
I just feel one thing from my mind on every day I feel that something hidden inside my
Mind which produces our hate and inside our life many times we feel nothing but that
Love or that hate we don't even know why did we hate that thinking but about that
Thing we feel one hating those thoughts hate will take us on wrong point on every day
Because inside our mind we feel that our ways are something which are not that nice
For our life on every day because when we assume inside our life we just feel one thing
From our thoughts inside our mind we feel that why did we hate something what is
Problem with out mind because just hating those red roses are something which
Are showing big thing from inside of our mind after all when we see those things
Inside life we just feel that we are on wrong track of our life so from point to point
That flower which look so perfect to everyone inside life so inside our thought we just
Never try to understand that hate inside our life just like some normal hatred or like
Some dislike which is normal sort of thing inside our life so from time to time in life
Those flowers are something inside our life not hate but to like inside our life so
From time to time inside our life I just feel that flowers are so perfect for life to dislike
So those flowers are something nice inside life but still those flowers are something
Which will look so perfect to world but still from inside our world those flowers
Are something which are so perfect then in life on every point those flowers which
Look so perfect inside life but then suddenly I feel that those thoughts are not normal
Inside life and I feel that dislike never mean hate inside our future inside our life
Because dislike is so simple inside our life so from every side we just feel one thing
Inside our life that dislike become something simple for our life but sometimes I feel
That inside our life those flowers which are nice inside our life nothing important
In life so our life after all those flowers which are not nice inside our life so on
Every time inside life those flowers are just our normal dislike but if it normal why did
We hate even that sight some thing in subconscious inside our mind we keep our
Hate so alive that as days passes from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind
We feel that those flowers are not that perfect as we thought inside life but we never think
That our hate is some wrong for our life as days went ahead from time to time we just
Need to understand those things from our mind our hate is something which is destroying
Our days as well as our night we just need to understand that truth of our mind on every
Moment we will need those things which we think we like inside our life are nice but
Then when even hate something instead of dislike we must need to find what is wrong
With our thoughts and thinking inside our life as days went ahead from time to time
We just need one thing from our mind that was our need to have those good things in life
So on every point in our life I feel that hate is something happen when some one take
Always that thing with force from our life or sometimes it even happen when some thing
Goes away in nature process out of our life in both cases we feel pain from inside but
Strange thing is that some people just feel hate without any cause inside life and it keep us
Irritating from time to time inside our life so on every moment inside our life I just feel
One thing from my mind I feel that those things which happen inside our life are something
Which look perfect for our life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
From our mind that those hates are part of their life so when you see them don't you feel
That those people are not happy inside life and that hate is killing them from inside so
Why did we need to keep that hate inside our mind which come in form of our like as well as
Dislike because when you hate something we began to claim we like other thing inside life
So we don't like other thing we just tell that to all because we hate other thing inside life
I just feel one thing we must remove that hate inside our life because that is our best medicine
Inside our life if our enemy wins then we can force that one to defeat with peaceful mind
We don't need to use that medicines which are so wrong for our future and for our life.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Poem 298. Disloyalty

I want to change you oh my friend I want you to be a loyal and best but when I ask
My heart how can I able to change you in that way my heart just tell me that one every
Way and on every day that I can't change you because you are just made that way so
 Inside this world I want to change whole world I can even try hard to change season
May be I don't change them completely but I can change them in small ways because
I can use air conditioner when it so hot that I just can't live without that cold wind on
Such day I can use my fan to get wind which I want to know it will not be that perfect
But still it enough for me to have enough change because as days went ahead I just feel
One thing from heart on that day I feel that those people who are so good and best that
I feel just one thought from our mind that we want everything to be best so nice and
So best as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing that we can change
Many things in life even when there is lack of water we can manage to get some rain so
Inside our life on each day I feel that from my heart I can have things which I prefer and
Wanted inside our life on every day if I can try hard I get everything from nature if
I can try to do it in proper way so inside my life on each day I just told myself that
I want my future to rise in proper and normal way so inside our life on every day I just
Feel one thing from mind on every way we feel that we can change things if we try to do
That again and again on every day but as life went ahead we just feel one thing in every way
That when world change in life on every day we just feel one thing on each moment
We feel that we must act as we wish on each and every day but inside our life on every way
We just face problems which arise on every day so inside our life on every way sometimes
I heard that we can also create rain if it is truly needed we get all those things which required
On each and every day after all we don't need in our life any thing which are so impossible
To get that is what I use think one every day and still sometime I think now the same way
That when we made friendship with some people in life's ways we just feel one thing that
They will improve us and take us ahead we feel that those people are some person who
Really know what is good for us and what is good for them so inside our life on every way
We just feel one thing from inside of our heart and our thoughts in each and every way so
When we made some friend then we assume one thing from heart that this one is going to be
Honest to us on every day dishonesty of that person never touch our mind and never cross
Our brain we just assume when someone work hard with us that person must honest and
Hard working like us but question is that can we judge in life who is truthful and honest
Or we just keep claiming when we know that in this world no one is nice and perfect so
Inside our life we assume  one thing from starting to the end that hard working person
Must someone who is honest I just never understand why did we assume that one quality
Without checking is it right assume and is it for our best so inside our life on every moment
We assume some qualities which confuse us on each and every day as days went ahead
On each and every moment we just assume one thing that was our thought of assuming
Inside our life what we thought so important and so best honest is something which is
Always worth of all those checks we can't just assume some one is honest with our checking
About them a person who work hard can be a nice person but that doesn't mean that
Hard working is one quality which belong to nice person some work hard in life to get
What they want every day but then after some time we will notice that they are not that
Good than rest as life went ahead on each and every spot we just assume that we are
On wrong thought or track which is taking us wrong way sometimes we just feel that
How hard working is that person so that one can be our good and best friend after all in life
Honesty is one thing which needed and those who cheat us inside friend are always useless
In friendship we can't compromise inside life on every day in friendship honesty is important
Which lack in you my friend so we can never teach someone to be loyal because that
Disloyalty is that person's quality in each and every sense so inside our life on every way
We just feel that we can't change person in this view and concept because when you want
To stop the water you can create dam on it and stop it from going ahead but with flood
And it's water you just can't change it's claim because that water will come and take away
Your land whenever that one wish to go ahead and when someone can't stop that water
How can you claim that person's disloyalty will change one day because there is need
Of trying in both times not from us but from that person on each and every day in every way.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Poem 297. Fight

Why person says that he has to fight for his right when we look around every time
I feel that whole life is just a big fight just because some show it to you and tell you
Then you began to believe in their big fight but if you ask I feel that every person whom
I see is already engaged inside life it doesn't matter they right or wrong or rich or poor
Everyone have their fight but I don't know why people classify according to choices their fight
They say some are hard and some are easy I just have one question in mind have you ever
Lived any one's life then how can you judge that person's fight it is so easy to say that
So easy is someone elses life but just when we try to live then only we can understand
The truth of their life as days went ahead from time to time those fights which we face
Inside our life are so nice and perfect type of fights so on each and every moment in
Our future and inside our life I just feel that fight which start from our heart is something
Important for life that fight which we always do is never big and small in my eyes
Because once my small fight become big for others and once their big fight become small
For me many times like when some who do this as hobby for that one it is nice but
For person who do it for living it is their big fight but question is that in eyes of god
Who is important in life I feel that god don't see those backgrounds god see just efforts which
Are made inside life because whether you are rich or poor it is not your fault in life so
When you do something then those efforts count most in life but some people just never
Understand it they keep on saying needy must get success on that point but if you think
This way then my friend one day that first person becomes needy because that person
Don't get things inside life our life is for each person a one strong fight from sunrise it starts
It continue till sunset in the life you have to fight for everything and right so just giving
Some one success because that person need it don't make logic inside life because no one
Have enough things to live fulfilled in life each person need some more things which are
Important on every point of life we can't just say that some one is having easy life because
That one don't come ahead with problem inside life and if you do that inside life then
You will see just line of people who carry on singing about their suffering in life just always
Remember one thing in life is about present not about pasts inside our life as our life went
Ahead on many thoughts and on many points I just feel one thing from mind that every one
Should learn to fight in life because even if you see the sun you see that sun also has to fight
When sun is in eclipse sun seem so helpless as useless because fighting is one undecided
Rule of our future and our life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
That was need of our fight we feel that even sun can't win easily it's power and light
Unless sun stood for that fight just look around your self you see even land and water
Always having their fight water tries to take land and land once again remain normal
Because water mostly don't win that fight so inside our life on every point we need to
See that sometimes water and land manage to come outside and sometime even water
Manage to take land inside so even those things are fighting with each other from time to time
It seems to me that our life is nothing but one constant fight which we do on every moment
Inside our life so as days went ahead we need to understand our fight so inside our life
On every moment we need to those fights because as days went ahead from time to time
We need to understand that fighting is truth of life but then why did some people say that
Some people are great because they did that fight I just feel that great people are those
Person who treated with respect to every one even enemy inside fight but in this world
People think some people are so great because they knew how to fight inside our life and
Then we feel that they are great but I feel that no one can be call great because person did
Some fight after all in our life we all have to fight so many types of fight and in life some
People have skill for one fight while other is fighting other sort of fight I just feel from heart
One thing that no one is greater and no one is less in life as people who do their duties are
Great people inside our future and our life because as days went ahead on every point in life
I just feel one thing we must do is learn to treat people with more respect inside our fight
Because many times they are not our enemies they are just those fellows who should be
On our side if only they can understand things properly about us and our thinking inside life.

Poem 296. Moved mountain

                                        Moved mountain
Have you move the mountain I have moved it once with not my effort but just by
My fortune and just by my luck so inside my life and inside that in each and every
Photo or picture I just never manage to do such a thing which I manage to do in
That photo or picture because as days went ahead on every step inside our world
We just feel one thing from our thought and from our picture we feel that those
Photos which are created inside this world are something so interesting that in that
Picture I just feel one thing from heart that I really manage to move that mountain
So that was very nice idea for my thought and for my world I just feel one thing
From my thinking about this world that when we click some photo we really need
Things to move in perfect way inside our world we need to watch them from time
To time inside our world we feel that those mountains which are perfect can't be
Moved by us inside our world but when this thing happen I just feel one thought in
My future and in my world so in every part of my thought and in that photo which
Belong to my world I just feel one thing from my mind it was my need to move
Mountain can be fulfill in that effort but when I got it once I feel that I can't repeat it
Again inside my world because if I want to get thing properly then I need to do them
Again and again to make myself so perfect inside our world those photos which we
Click in life are never that perfect for our thoughts and from our world I just feel
One thing from life that those mountains which we move are something so right for
That picture because as days went ahead in life on every moment inside our world
We just feel one thing from mind that those mountains can't move again until I made
Lots of efforts to understand things inside my world I know that we can find some thing
By mistakes but they are just not enough we need to work hard to fulfill them inside
Our thought and inside our world because as days went ahead on every point we just
Feel one thought from our world that mountain which are so strong and stable are
Something so important for our future and our world as days went ahead from time to time
Inside our world I just feel one thing from my mind that those mountain can be moved
Only when I learn that trick properly in my mind and my world people may say that
On many times they got that thing which they like by mistake inside their world and
Due to that mistake they can able to perform that miracles but I just feel one thing from mind
That mistake is just start inside their mind and world all things which happen inside their life
Are something that bring that light inside our world so from every point we just think that
We can win inside our future and our world as days went ahead from each and every time
Inside our world that by mistake we manage to win inside our world as days went ahead
On every moment inside our world we just feel one thing from mind that mistake is
Something which help us to win inside our world as days pass we feel that not just by
Their mistakes they are successful but they are winner because of their efforts so inside
Our life on every moment we feel that they just told us about their mistake not about
Their efforts but then when I think about it I think world just concentrate on their mistake
Or on their luck not their efforts we can't see their efforts because we never try to see them
Inside our future and inside our world as days went ahead on each and every point in world
We just feel that we want to believe on luck so we just choose to look at that luck I know
Luck is important part but nothing can be get in our world just by chance of luck when
Someone get that luck next thing matter more is their efforts inside our world because
As days went ahead on every point inside our world we just feel one thing from mind
That we must understand our thinking and our world never think that you can win by
Mistake without much efforts every time inside our life we need efforts no one can
Win in this life just without efforts but sometime people show us as if that person win
Inside life without efforts and we get to convince inside our world because we never
Think about it properly inside our world so just think properly inside your world and
You can see it clearly no one can in life win anything or do anything without efforts.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Poem 295. Thinking

When I say something Positive I just want my negative thinking to stop on that spot
And I want to see all my negative thought vanish before me and before my any time of want
Those thinking which are negative should vanish from our heart because on those moment
Inside our life I just feel one thing from my mind that those negative thoughts are harming
My heart and my mind so I have decided that I should not think negative at least for some
Moment of my life but when I start to do this I feel as if I just have to keep empty my mind
Because for at least half time negative thoughts manage to enter inside our thinking and
Inside my life so just to shut them from each and every side we need to adjust on every
Moment some thought inside our life because as per our thinking goes we feel from time
To time inside life those positive thoughts will bring success in our life as days went ahead
On each moment of life we just feel one thing from our thought that every part have some
Dark thought hidden inside it in our mind as days went ahead from point we just feel one thing
From our thinking and our mind that we can't change our thought at all inside our mind
Because since my childhood that negative thinking is part of our life on every moment I just
Feel one thing from my mind as days went ahead on each time inside my life that taking
Away negative thoughts is not that easy inside life because those thoughts will remain
A permanent part of our future and our mind we all just feel one thing from our mind that
Those thoughts which are part of our world are not some thing so easy goes away from
Life because cutting tree is easy than growing one inside our life after all in our life on
Each and every point we think that we will not cut branches of tree from each and every side
As cutting branches is not that easy task for our life so on every moment you can go as
We wish in life because those negative thoughts are something which will take us on
Wrong way in life on every moment we just feel on every moment inside our life so on
Every moment that darkness just kept entering inside our future and our life so from every
Point inside our life we just feel one thing inside our life so on every moment we just feel
That one thing inside our life that those positive thoughts are something so important in life
And negative thoughts are something like cutting trees in life I know sometimes big trees
Are hard to cut but they are never hard as growing trees inside our life so from every point
Because that don't need just our skill but also need nature to stood with us on each and
Every time inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind that those things which are
Perfect for our future and for our life will not remain same as passes our time we need
To get positive but sadly for those thoughts we need positive things inside life and for it
We need no negative thing happen to our side and even if we decide to accept negative still
Positive things and beautiful dreams are required inside our life on every point because
We just think one thing that we need some skills to create happiness inside our future and
Inside our life as days went ahead slowly from our life we just feel one thing from our thoughts
And about our mind those happiness which we get can't be easily stored and it vanish
Like sand from our fingers many times so inside our life on many times we just feel one
Thing from our mind that darkness which we see is something our truth of life and when
We start to think this way destruction begin in our life nothing so perfect for our future
On any time because our life show us those ways which are not perfect for our life
Because for growing sorrows we don't help of anything they are already enough in our mind
Many fears are stored inside which can come out with our wish or even without our wish
Inside our life so as days went ahead slowly inside our life we just feel one thing from our
Thoughts and our mind that we can't have happiness inside our life so from point to point
Inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind that our happiness is part of our world
But sorrows are not part of our world in life but if you ask your mind truthfully I feel
That as faithfully we stored our sorrows happiness hardly manage to get so much place
Inside our future and our life we just manage to store sorrows so negative thoughts become
Our life so if we want change our mind then we just need to store happiness instead
Of sorrows inside life so smile happily and say it's easy inside our life this is first positive
Thought for our thinking as well as for our life on each and every time inside our life.

Poem 294. Secret of life

                                                       Secret of life
Have you ever felt sorry for something you have done like accepting something wrong
Because you want what you think is right inside your life so on each and every moment
Inside our life I just feel one thing from each and every time I feel that those things which
Are so nice and perfect for our life are something so nice that you feel you can never
Have that happiness inside your life because what is your thinking is something you want
From your thoughts and from your mind so as days went ahead from time to time we just
Feel one thing from our mind we feel that what is our rightful should be inside our hand
But for getting it sometimes we do things which are not right like taking favour from
Someone else who use wrong ways to get our thing which is our  right so when you do
This I know you can tell me that I am not wrong unless I harm other people in that way
While getting thing in life after all is our right and those people who stop us in this way
Are wrong not  inside life so we should not just accept that we are at fault if some one
Forces us to do something wrong to get what is right I still many times inside my life
I just feel one thing from heart that when I take that wrong favour suddenly that thing
No longer became part of our future and credit for our life because when some one does
Wrong thing for it I suddenly began to feel that thing is not as it should be if I get it in
Right way as I suppose to be in life when we need to fight for rightful thing suddenly it
Becomes a thing which perfect for our thoughts and life because as days went ahead
From time to time we just feel one thing from our mind that what is mine by my rights
No longer remain same for my future and my life because those thoughts take me in wrong
Way inside my future and my life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
From our thoughts and our mind we feel that those went wrong sources touch them suddenly
All beauty was lost which was at first mine suddenly my success become nothing but just
Thing I got by not doing everything right inside our life so from each and every moment
I just feel one  thing from our mind that things which are so perfect and right for their life
Are not those things which are touched by wrong things inside life but still many times
I convince my heart it is not my fault that I force to take some shortcuts inside life but
Still every time heart tell me that I should have waited for justice instead of taking that
Shortcut which creates burden on our future and our life as days went ahead on every time
We just feel one thing that we will need that green road of shortcut which look so perfect
To our eyes when we are in dessert every pond look like something true to our eyes and
Our mind but just trust me there are not ponds in dessert which can please our eyes if
You really see such thing then you are most lucky person in life same apply to your justice
When you use wrong source to get it in life if you get it properly and still you are not harm
In any thought or any way then you are most lucky person inside life as days went ahead
We just feel one thing inside our life that those ponds which take us ahead are something
Out of our dreams and not something so perfect for our future and for our entire life so
As days went ahead from point to point we just feel one thing inside our future and in our life
That is just one question why did we force to take that shortcut inside life but just let your life
Move as it wish and on many moment inside our life I just feel one thing from thoughts and
One thing from mind that we just need one thing which is perfect for my luck as well as
For my future and life when we want to get justice I never thought that little bit of shortcut
Can do so much harm inside our future and inside our life so on each and every moment
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that our thirst is not over even after drinking
As much as water for pond because it seem like not truth to life our thirst of success will
Just vanish away in few moment inside our future and our life so on each and every moment
Inside our life I just feel that our success will never be that easy thing for our future or
For our life because those green shortcuts which we take are not that easy for our life
After all as our days go ahead we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that we can't
Win inside our life on every point we just feel that those shortcuts which are perfect are
Nothing but just wrong ways of our life only if we are not force to them but then we have
To accept what ever we force to do inside our life so we just keep that burden always inside
For our entire future as well as for our life never let it come out because it is secret of our life.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Adventure story 35. Curse on house

                                                                    Curse on house
Rina and Jay were working on the road.Rina was very excited about her engagement.She was shyly looking at Jay.When Jay suddenly began talking about that old house."Did you see that house?"After hearing his question Rina looked at that house.She saw that it was an old house which was full of dust.Even it had compound that was broken.It was scary.But mysterious at same time.Rina had many times seen such a houses so it didn't got anything special in her eyes.But Jay just continued looking at it with strange look.Rina"What is special in that house?""Nothing.I just always hated those old houses.""Why?""You know.They are very scary and too much dust."'Nothing is scary about them.But you are right.There is too much effort to keep them clean.They are just like a big pet white elephant.Just too costly for owner's budget and owner had to keep them for status.But in my opinion sooner you get rid of them,it's better."Jay nodded his head.But he didn't look fully convinced.Rina thought that it was strange that he was showing so much interest in an old house."So you don't like old houses."Rina "Not at all."She wanted to ask his some more questions.She answered like that just to please him.But she didn't know how to put her questions before him so she just kept quiet.Jay suddenly seemed on top of the world.Then he suggested that they should go to hotel.Rina liked that idea so they went to candle light dinner.They both enjoyed that dinner.Rina saw that Jay was fully normal and peaceful.They lived each moment happily.They were happiest couple of the world.Rina was very happy about this marriage.But there was one problem her mother-in-law.But in Rina's eyes it was universal problem.Her mother-in-law was not mean or cruel.Problem was she was too strict.Rina noticed many times even Jay was little bit scared of his mother.Rina had decided that after marriage she would obey her mother-in-law's every word.That would solve her problem.After all she would had to learn many things from her mother-in-law's heart.After that every day of Rina's life was full of happiness.
           Then one day Rina got married.She was very excited about it.When she reached there.She was so happy.Her mother-in-law appreciated her dressing sense before everyone.She liked Rina's sari.It was in a beautiful colour.After that she talked Rina very sweetly.Rina slowly got settled in that home.But just one thing bothered her that was smell of pesticides.Every day she felt there was strong smell of insects spray.She guessed that some spray must had leaked there by mistake.But slowly she noticed Jay was doing it everyday.One evening she came home from market and she found.Jay was using 'Hit' spray on every object.Whole room was wet because of chemical.Jay was using too much spray.She could clearly see white cloud of that poisonous insect spray.Rina"Jay I think you are using too much of spray."When Rina said this,Jay turned around and looked at her with strange scared expression.He was so scared.That he was sweating.Rina"What's wrong?"Jay looked little relaxed.He was wearing mask.Rina wished that she was also wearing mask like him.Rina"Why are you using 'Hit' everywhere?I don't see insects here.""I sprayed everyday.It is reason behind insect's absence."Now Rina understood reason of that smell.Rina was irritated now.Rina"Jay you are spoiling all air in room with this poisonous pesticides.I don't think I could able to breathe in this room.""Then go out now.I will call you.When smell will reduce.""I don't think it will reduce that easily.""Then you can stay out for whole night.Now Rina was angry.She didn't say anything for sometime.She could easily imagine what would be her in-law's reaction.If she screamed loudly.They would think that she was arrogant girl who could not give respect to her husband.Her in-laws were just going to blame her.They would never see fault in their son.But she could not sleep outside on sofa.After all she was newly married girl.They were married just for four days.If she went out to sleep on sofa.They all would think that something was wrong between Rina and Jay.Rina didn't want to create false impression.After all Rina and Jay were very much in love with each other.There was no problem in their relation expect Jay's obsession with Pest control.Then Rina got idea."Jay don't you call Pest control?""Pest control?!"Rina forcibly took spray from his hand.Rina"Ya.Herbal Pest Control.It is the best.It will kill all ants,cockroaches and all insects.There will not be strange kind of smell.""And spiders?""Spiders?But there are not spiders in this house.""There are.They are hidden.I have to Pest control for them.""Did you found one?""Many.""So that is reason behind this Pest control."Rina smiled so her husband didn't like spiders.Such a small problem and she thought many things.She thought Jay was doing this to irritate her and keep her out of room.She wanted to know why.Now that she knew the answer she felt like laughing on her stupidity.Rina"Any way I can't sleep outside like this.Everyone will think.We are having a fight.""Who told you to sleep alone?I am not going to sleep inside this room.I will also join you.We both will sleep in the hall."Rina liked this idea.It was far better than sleeping alone on sofa.Then she removed all mattresses,bedsheets and cushions from cabinet.She made all arrangement for them to sleep in the hall.That moment suddenly her mother-in-law came there.She angrily looked at Rina."Rina why are you sleeping here?""Jay sprayed 'Hit 'in room so we can't sleep there.Then we thought if we sleep.."Then Jay suddenly interrupted"Mom by mistake my glass of water poured on bed so I decided that we shall sleep in hall.Is it okay?"Now Mom was very angry after hearing this.Mom"I am still smell Jay.That deadly smell of 'Hit' had already spoiled everything in atmosphere of this room.There is no need to lie now."Jay was looking at ground as a child do when he does a mistake."Mom I am sorry."Rina could see from look of her mother-in-law's face that she wanted to say many things.But she didn't say them and went out of the room.
           Next morning her mother-in-law called her.Rina was very scared when she entered in her room.But Mother-in-law kindly smiled at her and Rina's fear vanished.She told Rina to sit near her on bed.Then she opened her cupboard and brought some boxes out of it.Then one by one she opened them.They were full of traditional jewellery.Rina was shocked to see beauty of each ornament.Rina just looked at them from distance.She just didn't dare to touch them.After all she was new in that house.She could not go and touch her mother-in-law's jewellery.But her mother-in-law smiled and put a heavy necklace around her neck.Rina smiled happily."Go and watch yourself in mirror."Rina turned to go to mirror.But her mother-in-law stopped."Rina wear this all."Rina was now on top of the world.She wore every piece of jewellery.Then she went to mirror.She was looking like a bride once again.Then Rina turned to her mother-in-law.Her mother-in-law brought one eyeliner.Then she put black mark behind her ear so that evil kept away from Rina.Rina fall in love with her mother-in-law after seeing her gesture.Then her mother-in-law began to tell"Rina this is our traditional jewellery given to me by my mother-in-law.Now it will be your."Then she brought some papers and photographs."These are papers and photographs of our old house.In our house it is a tradition that each newly wed bride goes in that old house and visit temple before going anywhere else.Now you all belong to new generation so may be you don't respect traditions.But I think you shall have to follow it.Just stay there for one day then go on honeymoon."Rina smiled happily.She didn't think anything against going there.Rina happily agreed to go there.Her mother-in-law started calling Jay.Jay entered in the room.Before Jay could say anything,her mother-in-law happily hugged Rina."I told you.She is my dear girl.She will never say no to me.I think you didn't told her properly.""Told me?!What?"Now Rina started looking at Jay accusingly.Jay was looking like a school boy caught red handed cheating during examination.His mother was also looking at him with confused expressions.Jay"Rina don't you remember?I showed you that old house before marriage.""That was your house?It was dirty and not in good condition.But I can understand.It is our house.We can improve it.It is our responsibility."Her mother-in-law"Our house is at village.""Mom I just shown her one old house at random.""What nonsense?Now she had agreed.I arranged a car.You are going tomorrow."Jay wanted to say 'no'.Rina could clearly saw anger in his eyes.But strange thing was that fear was also in them.As soon as they entered in room.Jay literally screamed on Rina."Why did you say"yes"?""Why should I say"no"?Just to insult your mom.Let me make one thing clear.I always respect your Mom like my ..."Before she could say something more Jay started apologizing.Then Jay started telling"Now I will tell you the truth.Actually that old house is cursed."Now Rina was shocked.Rina never thought that her mother-in-law was offering her a cursed house.Rina was confused.Her one part of mind didn't believe on that nonsense.She thought about education that she was given in school which was telling there were no thing as a curse or ghost.But then she thought about the folk stories.She learned in childhood.Rina was very scared.Rina"But I can't back out now.Your mom will get angry.""Don't worry.I will convince her that you are sick.""No.I can't pretend.""Then I will do it."Then suddenly Jay smiled.Jay"I got better idea."Jay banged his head on wall.Rina was shocked.But before she could stop,Jay banged his head once again.This time his guess had turned wrong and by mistake he banged his head more forcefully.All the blood was spread in whole room and Rina started screaming loudly.
       After hearing Rina's screams her mother-in-law and father-in-law entered in room.They all were shocked.Rina was about to tell the truth.But even in that condition Jay continued lying.Rina didn't want to cross his statement.But she didn't dare to lie so she just kept quiet.Jay's injuries were serious.They kept him in the hospital for some days.Rina was now very confused.How could her husband be so much superstitious than just to stop himself from being harm from a curse.He literally put himself in hospital.That time their all trips were cancelled.But Rina was sure that it was not end of the story.Her mother-in-law would arrange it sometime soon.Finally after three months her fear turned true.Her mother-in-law once again arranged trip.Rina"Jay now this time I don't want you to hurt yourself.""No need.This time I will say my boss has cancelled my vacation.""Jay this is too much.There is no thing in the world like curse or ghost.These are just part of our imagination.""I don't want to hear a lecture from you.I knew what is right and what is wrong.You never went to that place so you can't imagine.What that place looks like.It seems like castle of vampire.""Now will you stop exaggerating.""I am not exaggerating. I am telling you the whole truth.I didn't want to scare you so I didn't tell you that story.""Which story?"Then suddenly Jay stood up."I can't tell you .I had promised my mom that I will not ever repeat it before anyone."Now Rina was really scared.She never thought that the curse issue was so serious.She always thought curses were folktales until Jay banged his head.Now that she knew it was something serious.She wanted to knew about it from beginning to end.She didn't want to miss any part of it.After all it was effecting her life.But instead of telling it.Jay went out of room and left her alone.When he came back,he went straight to sleep without listening to her protests.Form that day Rina was also tense about going there.But she didn't want to hurt her mother-in-law.Jay was not ready to discuss things in details.
           Rina was very scared about it.Sometimes she thought that Jay was doing it with plan.He wanted her to reject that idea and talk against it.One day Rina decided that she should talk to her mother-in-law about the curse.Her mother-in-law was very upset because Jay had informed her that his application for vacation was rejected.But when Rina entered,she pretended that she was not upset."Rina come in.I know you are upset about your honeymoon.But don't worry.Some other time we will arrange it.""Mom I know about that curse.""Curse?!What curse?"Rina told everything that Jay told her."My God.There is no curse in that place.How can Jay act like that?He told me.You hated old and traditional things.That was the reason.I never gave you that old ornaments.""Lair!I just love our traditional and culture.Mom he even banged his head just to avoid going there."Then Rina told her mother-in-law about Jay's violent behaviour."I think I have to talk to Jay.Don't worry Rina.I will handle him."But her mother-in-law couldn't able to keep her word.As soon as she began to talk,Jay started screaming.Jay"I never go there.There will be spiders there."Rina and her mother-in-law both were shocked.Rina"You are doing this just to avoid spiders.Are you mad?Did you cheat me and fooled our family in marrying me to your mad son?""No Rina.I am not mad.I just don't like spiders.""I want you to come to psychiatrist.""No.My son is not mad.""Then I am leaving him."For Rina it was not easy but she just couldn't tolerate it.The smell of 'Hit' was always spoiling her health.Now she started getting throat infection.Rina just went away.After two weeks her-in-laws came at her house with Jay.Finally they agreed to take him to psychiatrist.When Jay went to doctor.Doctor told him that he was suffering from specific phobia.In his case it was Animal type phobia.In normal person if a person come across a feared insect or animal,they just startle and move away quickly.But person with phobia live in terror of encountering a animal.Rina remembered how Jay used to spray room in fear of spider.Then doctor said that people with phobias go to great lengths to avoid the object of their fears.Rina remembered Jay banging his head.After that Jay's treatment was started slowly his fear was reduced.Finally it was gone.Now in every vacation they always went to their old house.It was like a second home to them.
                                                                       The End

Monday, June 25, 2012

Poem 293. The fox


                                          The fox
Each person has his liking and each one has choice each person have different views inside
Our future and inside our life after all those person have views inside our life so from every
Point inside our life I feel that those people have their choices inside our life but when we saw
Some like foxes inside life we feel that is not okay from all side but sometimes I feel that maybe
Freedom means giving that person full choice to choose that thing which that one like but
After all foxes are also creature of nature and they are nice then some like rabbit because
They cute and nice even when we all know they are coward and run away on any wrong sight
Still we just fall in love with those rabbits because they are our choice so some people will like
Rabbit you can coward person's inside life but problem arises when they started claiming
Otherwise those who like foxes began to all us fox inside life and began to tell us how honest
Are their choice if you like a cheater then you have to face one truth in life that cheater will
Remain cheater for entire life but some people have habit of pointing at other on every point
They just claim that we are not right even when we see fox clearly since fox have bad name
They don't like they began to call their fox an angel which just come on earth from heaven
During some day or night but question not when angel came question is that how can we accept
That nonsense in life when we saw a fox we say that is fox inside our life we just can't call
That fox something else to please people inside life so from each and every moment inside
Our life we just see a fox is cheating but still we can't able to do anything inside our life because
As days pass inside our life we just feel one thing that our fox is something so special and
Important for our future and for our life we just have one feeling inside our life we feel that
We are on totally wrong point because fox is fooling every one and we just see them nodding
On each and every time we just feel one thing from our thoughts and from our mind that
We are not going to win on each and every point because fox was smart enough to fool people
Such way that intelligence don't matter any more in life what owls trying to tell is not something
Now matter more to our life we just fall in love with fox so we just love that fox cheating
From every angle of life I heard these things in fairy tale but I have never seen any fox this way
Inside life which can fool you on your face still you keep admiring that fox from every angle
Inside our future and our life our days went ahead on each and every time we just feel one thing
From our mind that if we can see how easily that fox is cheating why other people can't see
That inside life but in nature there are many animals some can get cheated easily by games
Which are paid by our thoughts and our mind I just feel one thing from my mind that was
Thought which help us on each and every point inside our life because those animals which
We like are those which also have problem in understanding rules of this life and sometimes
Our friends and sometimes our relatives feel things from mind it was about having nice
Thoughts about our future and about our life but our friends never think that we know enough
To tell them what is truth and what is right about life they just feel one thing that they know
Each and every thing about life they just never understood us sometimes but that also
Means that other people may understand us more inside our life so as days pass inside life
We just feel one thing from our thought and from our mind we feel that on every moment
Inside our life we need to convince others in our life so from point we can place those
Things before people from out side sometimes they can understand that voice because
From every point inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel we can live
Our life just as we like because we can say our things and unknown people listen to them
More carefully inside life because many times that charm of fox don't apply to their mind
So let those who like fox can like fox as much as they like when we get chance we can
Prove things inside life until they may be we should have accept that around us we have
More rabbits in life so in such case of life we must understand in fight never get hurt
When fox admirer call you wrong things inside life because that is special skill of fox
Which he applied and when those people see in his eyes they just see what they dream and
What they like and after some time it seem to me that their logic was left so behind that
They can hardly able to use it and if they use it then it's just for admiring fox from every side.

Poem 292. Anger

Sometimes I feel something is reminding me of same thing that injustice in past which
Mentioned inside book will become alive for me on each day and on each and every view
So inside our life on each and every book we just feel one thing from our mind that was
Our thinking about those books as days passes in life we just feel from every point that
We need to understand those things which are part of our future and our life because as
Those past may become part of our future again and inside our life in our mind we just
Feel one thing from every side that this past which is part of our life will never become
Something so nice for our life when we read each sentence we just see those pains inside
That past tense so we just wish from our heart never to see them again so inside our life
On every pain we just feel one thing every day we feel that we can fight that injustice
Before it came but is it possible inside our life on each and every day because as days
Pass we feel it again and again they are making same mistake which they have done in past
And which cause so much pain but inside those books they said it again and again that
Those people don't fight for justice so they have to face that whole mess so inside life
On every day I just feel one thing from our brain I feel that in life on every point they are
Feeling thing which is just the same so inside our life on each and every point we just feel
One thing in our life we feel that those people are not any more part of our life so from
Each and every point inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that
Those people who are inside our life are those people who just never understand that mess
Which cause so much trouble inside our life because as days pass we feel just one thing
And I am sure it is just same in life that those people who are doing it acting same way
Once again in life when we read those things we feel inside our life that we must understand
Our thinking about those things inside our life after all when that injustice was done then
We blame the people who acted in wrong way inside life so on each and every point in life
We just feel that we must stop that person before we began to regret those things inside life
Because when those things happen there are just some circumstances and line but sometimes
I think these are all wrong signal given to me by my mind because I feel from my heart
That my mind will not repeat things inside life I feel from my thoughts that I need to understand
Those things inside life so from time to time inside our life we just feel one thing from our
Thoughts and from our mind we feel that as days went ahead from time to time and our
Thoughts become something so perfect for our future and for our life we just feel one thing
From our mind that we are on wrong side of our life so on that moment we start to convince
All those people who are part of our life that we must need to understand those thoughts
Which are perfect for our future and our life we feel as life goes ahead that every step is
Repeated on each and every point but some people just say one thing that what was wrong
In future of those people who supported wrong side if some one began to admire wrong person
Then we just feel so much shock in life we just can't able to understand what people think
About those aspects of our future and our life because life is something which is so interesting
From each and every side and we can't understand life until we can understand those people
Inside our life and after understanding them hating or disliking them is worst part of our life
We just feel on every moment inside our life we need to understand that people have their
Thoughts and views and they will remain stuck to them from time to time inside life so
When we talk about those views inside life because those views are something so nice for
Our future and our life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from
Our thought and from our mind we feel that we must understand what is wrong and what is
Right inside our life we just feel one thing that was we must understand those people who
Look just like that villain are not perfect for our life but sometimes for some people villains
Are a lot better than heroes inside life as life went ahead we will see those villains from time
To time inside our life because on each and every moment we just feel one thing from out
Thoughts and mind we feel that we can't control our anger over people on that time but let me
Tell you if you read history properly people have done same mistake in life and we don't
Need to understand people and their mind when it was all needed to tell the truth and then
We must try to control our anger and we must have to put a nice smile on our face every time.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Poem 291. Teacher

They says life will change in every week and day and on every day we will say one sort
Of change inside our life I just feel one thing that inside our life we think one thing from
Our heart and from our thought we just feel that our life will change about time to time
But I never thought even my teacher will change I expected her to remain years after years
Just the same because as that teacher manage to teach me each and every thing so perfect
So inside our life on every day I just feel one thing from my mind it was my need to understand
How can so easily my teacher manage to change because as slowly my life start to go ahead
I began to give special respect to my teacher on each and every day because my teacher
Was saying each and every thing so perfect that inside our life on each day so from every side
On each and every moment I just feel one thing my this teacher is that best that teacher
Give me inside my life on every day and night some thoughts which are nice and the best
But still inside my life when I heard every thought inside my life which is taught me by
My teacher on each and every day so inside our life on each day I just learn best things
Which are needed when my teacher suggest me something so nice and so perfect I just
Feel one thing that my teacher's training is just the best my teacher was someone who taught me
All my best way I went on them just because my teacher taught me those ways again and again
So inside my life on each and every day I just feel one thing from my heart in every way
After all inside my life my teacher taught me how to stand properly when things went against
Our thought and our life look shattered every way my teacher taught me how those problems
Are so small that seem like having capacity to shatter our life on any day that was best way
To handle problem because sometimes when problems started looking bigger than life we need
Teacher just like that one I got on that way so inside our life on every way I just feel one thing
Inside my life that teacher taught me how did I suppose to manage those things on each day
That is how she helped me to solve my each problems each way she taught me there is no
Argument but just best I always feel that I just stood properly even on some cases then
That credit go to my teacher who taught me them those books which she suggested taught me
How to remain happy every day she taught me how properly stood inside life on every day
And in every way I just have one feeling on every day that when I feel stress my teacher will be
My best adviser on every day so now we all know that my teacher was such best that every one
Feel that they just want that teacher on every day but then comes next question my teacher
Who was living inside her life just the same way which was suggested then why did that
Teacher decides to change her ways I know that she was so perfect but then next day I just
Understood one thing inside my life that was just one thought which explain us on every point
Inside our world and our future so on every moment inside our world I just feel one thing
That my teacher taught me many things inside my world I just feel one thing from my thoughts
And from my heart that what ways taught to me are best ways for my life as well as they are
Best ways for my teacher but when my teacher changed her way suddenly everything change
Inside our world because as days pass we just feel one thing from our mind and our world
We feel that we can always have those things inside our world so on every part inside
Our future and our world we just feel one thought inside our world we want that old teacher
When our teacher started suggesting us that we must change our world I just feel that I like
Her old principals and our old world may be my teacher no longer like those principles but
Truth of life is that I more like her principles that teacher whenever I went to learn something
Inside my life I just did one thing in my world I just love that education more than teacher
Some love and like their teacher and they change their views according to thoughts of their
Teacher so inside life they act just as their teacher told them to act inside their life so as days
Pass slowly in their life they just follow their teacher every time but I have one habit that
I follow my principles on each and every time because life mostly have two choices that are
Either you can follow your principle or you can follow your teacher on each and every day of life
And I like principles so my teachers always change inside life from one type to totally different type.

Poem 290. Extra brain

                                                        Extra brain
How sure we are sometimes that we have seen that thing and we just don't understand
Why did we need to understand that thing when we have never saw something before
Sometimes in life we feel that we have seen that things before now can you tell my heart
Why did this happen to me why sometimes some unknown way are hidden inside me
After all we all have just one mind as human being then how can we know so many things
But then some one told me that we just use so limited part of our brain that we just can't
Guess what we will do with rest of that brain our dear brain and our dear mind just remain
Idle for so many days and so many times sometimes we don't even know what is truth
Of our thought and of our mind how can we keep something so important just useless
For such long time so inside our life on each and every time we just feel one thing from
Our mind that we can use some parts of our mind we can act as we wish inside our life
We feel that if we concentrate then we can get that whole mind inside our life in such a way
That we can began to use that mind from time to time so inside our life from our mind we just
Feel one  thing from each and every point we feel inside our life on every point that our mind
Is not in full use on every time as time passes slowly inside our life our brain becomes
Something which is perfect for our mind we feel from our thought and from our thinking
In life that we must need to learn to use our mind after all our thoughts are something and
Our mind something totally different inside life on every day we need to understand our
Thoughts as well as our mind we feel just one thing from our mind that we need to use
Our whole thoughts but still we can't use them on many times because those thoughts are
Something so important for our future and for our life we feel that those thoughts are something
Which we get after spending lot of our mind we always think that we are thinking hard on
Each and every day of our life but then when we go to science or any other knowledge it will
Tell us inside our life that we are not working that hard inside our life they tell us on face that
We are not using many thing fully inside our life after hearing this I thought maybe those
Images belong to my some subconscious mind which stood with me on each and every time
And when I see those images which are truth I think that how is it possible in life but when
I heard this I know what this means in our life these images which we like are part of our future
And part of our life because those images are something can be created by some reading inside
Our future and our life but then I read one day that if our brain is so less used then we can
Even message to each other with brain inside our life and we can also tell future by it in life
At first it thrill me I thought it was wonderful thought for my mind but after some time I feel
Why did I need brain to sent message inside life after all we have already used enough of
Brain to create mobiles and computers in life so why did we need to use more of brain in life
Then I thought even by making those guess people have created enough problem in future
And inside life because by guessing some one winner they have created enough fights in
Every part life so after seeing this I think every brain don't deserve art of future telling at all
Inside our life so then these days inside our life we just feel one thing from each and every
Day inside life that do we really need those special skills inside our life because those skills
Will teach us on every day one thing inside our life they teach us that we must understand
Our thoughts from time to time inside our life because as our days went ahead we feel that
That maybe we should not use that mind because what we need is peace and I can hardly
Think that it can manage by use of extra mind but some may feel that they can get money
And power by that mind but if everyone started using it then it will not be that special
Inside our life because maybe we want whole earth just for us and we may claim that
We doing it just because we have big list of logical reasons inside life so on every moment
We feel that we want every thing inside life so if we have extra brain then once again we will
Use it just in destroying I just wish for some extra brain because sometimes I feel it from
My brain and mind maybe that extra brain will teach us that we are doing it all wrong by
Starting those fights on each and every day of future because it will destroy whole planet and life.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Poem 289. Bad future

                                                      Bad future
There are many faces still hidden from us who will come in life and become part of
Our future and our world so from every moment inside my world I just keep thinking
About those faces inside this world I just feel one thing from my mind on every day
Of this world that every time I just feel one thought about this world our future on
Each day have many problems for our world because on every moment inside our life
I feel just one thing about those hard work from future I feel that those faces which
Belong to my enemies are something so important for our thoughts about world and
I feel just one thing that those faces which look so perfect are part of our perfect
Sort of future as days went ahead on every time inside our world we just feel one thing
From destiny that we must understand our enemies because we want to be prepared
For them at least that is my thinking and on each and every moment I just follow that
Thoughts and that thinking so on each day and night I keep just one thinking I keep
Thinking that my enemy can be strong so I must prepare fully on every moment for
My that worst type of enemy no one knows which person can be called my enemy
But I sacrificed my hours after hours just for that perfect enemy as days went ahead
Inside our life we just have one feeling from our mind we feel that we are on wrong
Track of our thinking we just don't understand importance of our enemy who was
So nice for us on each and every day who was from every angle was so perfect that
From each heart we just have one feeling that we can't say some people have problems
Inside life with me so I spend my hours just thinking about my sad days and my enemies
I never have a time to discuss about those friends which are part of my future and
Part of me because I always have one feeling inside my heart which always manage
To tell me on each and every part of our thinking that my life can have good things
And I can have them as much as I wish for me but one thing is always worst for me
That was my problem so I must learn to solve them as my heart wish it fully so inside
My life I just keep believing on problems which may arrive daily at beginning it seem so
Fine when I took precautions for those problems fully but as days passed I feel just
One thought that those problems are something become so sure for me that when ever
Someone forecast for some problem it becomes truth for me but when some one says
Something good about my future I just seem to lose faith in that thinking so as days pass
And we get information on everyday basis we just feel one thing from our thought that
We must understand every thing on every occasion and daily we just feel one thing from
Thought that we know every thing from our thinking daily we all feel in life that we must
Understand on thoughts of our life I just feel one thing daily inside this life on every moment
And on every time we just need to improve our thoughts and our thinking because after
Some time inside our life we just think about everything on each and every day fully
We just began to think about bad thing because avoiding them become one important job
For us in our thinking daily so inside our life after some points we just think one thing
That is about our bad future daily I just wish from my heart that maybe I should change
My that type of thinking on daily basis which just manage to depress my thoughts and
Manage to depress me fully so inside our life at least on some points I just wish that
I can manage to become fond of thinking about good future daily because some people
Manage to change their future just by hopeful thinking so inside our world and inside
Our life we just feel one thing on basis of daily we feel that we must understand those
Thoughts which will cheer up our heart fully and daily so inside our life on each and every
Point we just think one thing daily that positive thoughts are something which are interesting
For our world and for our thinking daily so inside our life and in our thinking we just feel
One thing from inside of my thinking that when I think about some thing daily I just wish
It would be happiness instead of those sorrows which began our life daily because when
We walk we just feel one thought on every day thinking that bad future is truth and good
Future is false hope so we need to remind our bad future just to forget it on basis of wrong
Thinking from our heart which just began to operate in totally wrong way and same way daily.

Poem 288. Speaking skills

                                               Speaking skills
One day while walking on the road I met one friendly girl inside my life who told me
That I am too quiet when I should at least talk something about life maybe I need to talk
Little bit about some things inside my life because no one like a person who keep so
Quiet when we don't speak to other it manage to irritate them and when we don't talk
Then some people feel that we are some unknown people to them so inside our life on
Some of those points we just feel some thoughts which are not part of our future and
Part of our life but still we like to suggest it to others but then we mostly don't dare to
Suggest them to another person with one fear in life that they will hurt them as much as
They hurt us inside our life because from time to time inside our life we just feel so
Scared inside our life after all those thoughts which are part of our life when on every
Thought and on every point I just feel one thing from our mind we have one feeling
From inside my life that those suggestion hurt me mostly so I avoid them inside life
So from point to point inside our life we just feel one thing from our mind we have
Feeling of winning on every day and on every night I feel that we must talk inside
Our life about many things which will give us happiness from time to time inside life
From every point I just feel one thing in life that when heart speak to us it tell us
Many times that we should speak something inside our life but still we just don't dare
To speak them in our life after all in our life on every point we just feel one thing that
Our mind never go as we wish in life our mind many times tell us we must suggest
And that will be worst thing for our entire life maybe those suggestions stop me from
Speaking inside our life about that future which will always remain a strong part of
Our future and our entire life because from point to point inside our life we just feel
One thing from our mind we feel that we should not suggest someone wrong thing in life
And while doing this we began to think inside our life that our speech will never look more
Perfect inside our life only if we stop suggesting things inside our life after all those suggestions
Will never go away from our future and from our mind our life never let us quit them
Inside our thoughts and life those suggestions which we gave are some part of life but
Does that mean that we can't suggest at all inside our life after all when we suggest
We just feel so perfect and wise inside life so instead of trying to control it we began to
Avoid talking in life and there is another fear which is part of our life which will tell us
On every moment that we can't do anything inside our life as we all know very well that
We don't deserve any success inside our life because as days went ahead we feel that
We are getting different things inside our life because when we just don't understand those
Thoughts  about thinking inside our life we just never feel that we are some people who
Are so part of our life as days went ahead inside our life we feel just one thing from our mind
We feel that we can win all those races if we keep quiet because if we don't speak then
We will not hurt any one inside life but then when that girl suggested to me that I must
Understand those thoughts inside life that I must understand those thinkings which are
Part of our future and our life I began to feel one every moment and on every time that
When I don't speak maybe I just make people so confuse about me inside life some people
Fill that I am not interested in talking with them and consider it as insult inside our life
While other people feel that are something totally wrong inside their life I just want to say
Something about life I want to find some person who will teach me how to speak in life
So that I will not fail and develop that skill inside life but if you want the truth then you
Must understand what you want inside life that skills which you want can't be always taught
But sometimes they are develop inside life by us on every point so inside our life on every
Thought and point we just feel one thing that we must understand each and every thing
Inside our life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing inside our life
That we must learn to speak but it is not by teaching by some teacher we need to practice it
Before it become perfect in nature and once it become perfect we feel that we can do that
Talking in same way with anyone it doesn't matter to us even if that person is our friend
Or some one whom is our best enemy inside our mind as well as some times before world.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Poem 287. Mixing colours

                                                  Mixing colours
Sometimes some persons can't fit with each other inside life they just can't be suitable
On any project of their life so inside life on each and every point they just want things
But they can't work together to get those things inside their life after all as days went
Ahead inside our life we just feel one thing from our thoughts and from our mind we
Feel that we can't win because those people enter inside any project together on any
Thought and point so inside our life on each point we just feel one thing from our mind
We feel that those two people just don't work together properly inside life because
You can't fit black and white colour in one paint bottle at same time do you think if you
Try this then it will survive because black has a strength that will destroy white's beauty
Inside life we need that black colour as part of power inside our life sometimes we
Really need strength which will awake our positive thoughts inside our life as days pass
We feel after some time that black is good colour but it's darkness slowly started to
Keep low our heart because it just bring darkness from every side some times too power
Or too much energy in life will manage to destroy our thinking about life as days went
Ahead on every moment of life we just feel one thing from each and every point and
We want that darkness which will destroy our thinking in every part of life because
Black will give that darkness which will destroy peace of our future and mind when
On one point black seem so best inside our life on other point it seems as if black
Keeps power to destroy every thing from life that black gives that darkness which will
Manage to create problems inside our life because human being will never understand
That black colour is perfect until you don't use it over some limits inside your future
And inside your life as days went ahead I feel just one thing from my mind that I like
Power of black but sometimes I began to miss that peace which is given to me by white
When we look at white we see that peacefulness from every side that we want to float
In that colour for hour inside our life when we see that softness which is inside white
We just feel with our power we need that strength after some time inside our life
Because when our days went ahead slowly inside our life we just feel one thing from
Our thought and from our mind we feel that those colours which look so perfect
In life only if we can add them in proper way what else we did need inside our life
We have those two colours which help us on each and every day of our life and still
We feel just one thing that we need to understand those thoughts which take us away
From mixing those colours inside life because sometimes when we mix those two
Best things we don't get best thing always inside life sometimes we get just worst thing
From our future and from our entire life from time to time when those two colours mix
After some days and after some time they turn into grey and I don't feel it is perfect
Colour for our future and our life so when two things are best we must not always
Try to mix two good things inside our life on every point we feel that we are having
Success inside our life so after some days and after some time we just feel one thing
From our mind it was our something in which we need success inside life I just feel
One thing from my heart and from inside that I need to understand that sometimes
Two good things don't create thing which is so perfect for our future as well as for
Our life so from each and every point we just feel one thing inside our life that was
Our thought that these two colour which are perfect part of our future and our life
Because those two colour have special effects inside life so from time to time inside
After all those colours which are perfect for our thoughts and perfect for our life
Are something which are part of our future and our life so from each and every time
I just feel one thing from mind that was thinking about those colour we just think
About their perfectness not other factors of them inside life some may like that
Perfect grey but some may add them with hope get something cheerful inside their life
We can't get red ,blue yellow or green by mixing black and white because even if
They are two perfect colours but still they don't create cheerfulness by mixing inside
Our future and inside our life so mixing two perfect don't mean you can bring in world a smile.

Poem 286. My Instinct

                                                       My Instinct
Many types I saw many things even when I start walking they all come to me without much
Efforts and much things because those things are part of my future and my surrounding so on
Each point in my thinking I just feel one basic instinct because in that surrounding I see many
Things which look so pleasant for a human being after all inside our life in our thinking we just
Feel one thought inside us as human being we feel that we are having many problems as a
Human being inside our life so from each and every time in our life I just feel that every new thing
Tell me something new and as well as interesting about life after all with each touch and each
Look inside life do we really need those instincts which look perfect for our thoughts and our mind
We feel that those instincts are something which are perfect inside our life so from every point
We think in our life that our instincts are something so unique for every thought inside our life
After all those things which are important for our life we feel those thoughts which look perfect
Because those things have some unique feeling on each and every time inside our life but then
We just feel one thing from our life that those instincts are something so perfect for our future
And for our life because inside those instincts we feel that there are different feeling which will
Stay with us for our entire life so on every point we just think one thing from our mind we feel
That on every moment we need some thing which tell us what is right and what is wrong for
Our future and for our life when I see those things inside my life I just feel one thing from my mind
I feel that those instincts which help us on each and every day of our life are so disastrous for
Our thoughts and our mind so on each and every time we feel one thing from our mind so
When on some points inside our life I feel that instincts are something important inside our life
So then after some time I feel that maybe those instincts are something so important for mind
And those important things which are part of our life so those instincts are somewhere in life
Which will be part our life that those instincts are something so perfect for our thoughts and
Inside our life those instincts will be somewhere inside our life so we need to understand
Those thoughts inside life these instincts will be so perfect for our life because those instincts
Which look perfect for our life because when things turn in different way we feel that we will
Need some thing which will be part of our life because those feeling are something inside life
Because instincts will be perfect for our life after all in our life on every point we just think
One thing inside our life after all in our life we feel that those instincts which are perfect for
Our life inside this life on each and every point we just feel one thing that we can get that
Power from those things to understand it inside our life because as days went ahead we feel
From our mind that we need to understand that every time our instinct will not be perfect
And right our instincts will be changed from time to time and then we will just feel one thing
Inside life those instincts which we feel will be so nice that our life will feel them on every point
So those instincts which tell us many things from many side but sometimes we don't need them
We need proper logic inside our life after all our thinking will help us on each and every point
If we can act with that thinking inside our life so on every point inside our life I just feel one thing
That we can act as per our instincts inside our life so those instincts are something which are
Perfect for our life after all those things are something which are important for our life so
Then we think those logics are part of our life after all logic is something not important for life
After all those thoughts which make that logic alive are something not that interesting for
Our life so when we began to think about our life we just feel one thing from our mind
Because logic will help us on every point inside our life and those logics have created many
Rules inside our life those logics which we see from time to time are something so interesting
That it will tell us every thing inside our life so all those logics which we will see in life are
Something so important for our thoughts and for our mind as days went ahead slowly in life
Those instincts which we see become something so wrong for our mind logic tell us what is
True and what is right and logic take away all those thoughts which are part of our life so
When we use our logic we need people inside our life who tell us that we need each thing
Which is part of our life after all logic means judging thing not with emotions but with
Peaceful mind and those things which logic tell us will vanish after some time inside life
So when we act with peace we need logic inside life and so from point to point inside
I feel just one thing inside life that instinct is a fire burning in heart on every day of our life
While logic is a cold ice which gives body shiver I need both fire and ice but sadly in life
We can't keep together both things in life no one can keep together fire and ice even
If that thing give us victory inside our life and help us from each and every point in life.

Poem. 7220. Door of light create

                             Door of light create  Door of light create new word to thinking of mind which open new appeal to knowledge towa...