Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Poem 2532. Hiding in life

                                                                 Hiding in life
Sometimes hiding seem so safe but it is totally wrong on sometimes we have to understand hiding is not wise
On every point some times hiding is right but on some occasions it is totally wrong for our life hiding will not
Just help our mind on every point it will create so much confusion in life but then those appeals which are
Having so many understanding on every point hiding will show world in different style since hiding will show
World in different way and on every point since those hiding are having effect on our mind we need to understand
Hiding will start to show world in different style when hiding will began to form many concepts on each point
We need to understand those hiding which will start to show those touches on every point since hiding will
Show world in just one way that hiding is that concept which will hidden on every point hiding is not those
Concepts are having so much appeal to our mind when we will have so many different feelings from inside
When we will start to move ahead hiding will show world in new style we need to understand hiding will show
Those thoughts from mind we have to just move ahead with one thought from our mind hiding will start to
Show world in different style we need to understand those feels on every point we have to just understand
Hiding is basic feel of life when we will start to hide on every point what is left behind will start to touch our
Words and soul on every point when we will began to move ahead on each point of life we have to understand
Those appeals are showing world in new understanding on every point since those touches are showing world
In wonderful style when we have to understand hiding as basic thought of mind when life will start to show
Those effect which will have so much appeal on our mind hiding will start to have effect on mind when those
Effect on hiding will start to show those effect on mind hiding form different ways in life when feelings start
To show different appeals to our mind hiding will show impact on world at each point when hiding will form
So much effect on mind we need to understand remaining in some corner will start to form effect in life when
We will start to understand those touches which are having impact on mind they seem to show world in totally
Different way and thoughts on each point since those understanding will show world those effect on mind
That will have hidden feelings on every point we have to understand one thought that hiding is not that way
Which we need to understand on every section of life when we hide our things we just feel it is so perfect
For our life but what seem so perfect is not that much great on any point since those facts are showing those
Appeals which are having effect on any point since those touches are showing world in one way in our life
Hiding will differ on any point but hiding will differ at every point of life hiding never help us on any point
Since hiding will not help us that much on any point since those appeals which are showing those effect on
Our mind since hiding will start to move ahead with one thought from mind that we need to just understand
Every concept of mind hiding will not help us on any point since those hiding will have so much effect on mind which
Will start to move towards that side where world will look so much great on every point we feel that hiding
Is helping us a lot in life but it is nothing but just taking pain killers and forgetting pains in life it never help
Our soul or our mind what we need is just to understand from inside one thinking of mind we have to treat
Our pains on every point with one thought that we must understand just forgetting pains will not help us
That such on any point we have to understand every concept of pains which are showing so many concepts
In life pains are showing world in different style we need to understand pains are having so much effect on mind
We have to understand pain killings on every point we have to understand killing of pain are forming effect
On mind we have to understand those concepts of life when our world will start to look different at every point
We have to understand pain needed to be treated on each point we have to move with one thought from
Inside of mind when we are having so much pains hidden at every point when hidden things are having so many
Concepts in life there are many hidden concepts they are showing those effect in life pain are needed to be handled
Not by just stopping on every point when we will start to move ahead with one thought from inside we have
To understand one thought from mind we need to understand every concept of mind which will show world
In interesting style we need to understand those concepts of mind which showing hidden concept on every point
We need to understand those touches of life which are having so many concepts that are showing world in new way
Or in new concept on each point hiding is having so many effect on mind when hiding is not helping us on just
Each and every point since we will start to move ahead on every point we have to realize one thought from mind
We have to hide those effect in life some things are hidden on every point of life we have to understand those
Hidden concepts which are showing world in different style but then hidden things will show world in different style
We must understand hiding is running away and running away from things will never help us on any point of life.

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