Saturday, January 2, 2016

Poem 2510. Thought of anger

                                                                Thought of anger
Just one thought of anger will start to understanding that will have so much power from inside but then on
Each point we have to understand anger which will have effect on mind but sometimes even anger arise just
For our good on some point when we are about to get caught in trap on that point anger seem to give our
Thinking and mind that rise which will manage to hurt our feelings from inside we need to understand anger
As basic fact of life which can be good as well as can be bad on many point what we desire is just one fact
Of mind that anger will have different feelings hidden inside when anger comes from good heart it will always
Look great to us on every point but when anger comes from selfish heart it is so wrong on each point what
We want is just positive feel from mind but that doesn’t mean it will start from those perfect smiles which
Are giving pleasant understanding to our life we need to have one thought which will give our mind that feel
From inside which are showing world in interesting way on every point since anger will give our world that
Sort of light which we desire from our mind what we need is just one thought on every point that is to understand
True shine for life when world will look so great we have that desire of our mind which will show world in such
A interesting way that we will see our harsh looks are not that much harsh for our life when we will start to
Move ahead on just each point we have to understand thoughts which are having impact on mind when we
Will start to find those touch to our mind when those effect will start to show world in interesting style when
We will have those understanding which are showing to world even anger is so wrong on every point when
We will began to move ahead those touches are so good for our life we need to understand anger as that
Sort of basic thought which will start to move our thinking in such way that we will feel happiness from mind
When we will began to move ahead every thinking will give our world that sort of understanding to our mind
We need to understand every step of life anger will start to move with one thought from mind that it will
Our world power to understand our thoughts and mind when we will start to show world in new style that
Will began to form world with one understanding that will give happiness to our life what we need is just one
Thinking and thought from our mind that we will find hope from inside when we will start to move ahead
With one thinking which will start to form effect on mind when we will start to move on every point of mind
Which are showing those touches that are showing world in different style when anger will start to enter
On every point sometimes anger will start to move with one thought from inside when world will start to
Show new desire we need to understand them as basic of life when we will began to move ahead those touches
Which we feel from mind are showing world in good way on every moment of life what we desire is just one
Thinking from inside that anger will show those feel which are showing world in good style seem to have on
Understanding from mind we need to have just every desire from life when we will start to like good feel we
Just need to understand them as some thought which will give happiness to our mind when world will look
So great we just have one desire from inside when those touch will start to show world in great way for life
We need to move ahead with one thought that desire will have new feel of happiness for our mind we need
To move ahead with one thinking that we must find people who want to understand those touch which are
Showing world in interesting style anger will start to show it in positive style of life when it came from someone
Who have so much understanding that will create effect on life since understanding will show effect on mind
Anger will start to show those sometimes good effect on our mind we need to understand when some feel
Come from that soul who care for us in life it just shows one thing that we need to understand every point
We have to move with one feel from mind anger will start to understand those understanding from mind
When we will see those touches which are having so much effect on our mind we need to just move with
One thought from inside that we have to understand every concept of life anger will change our world on
Just every concept of mind anger will start to show those understanding in life when we will start to understand
Anger will start to have effect on our mind we need to understand that sometimes it can be from our good wishes
And it will have worst effect on our mind we have to understand those thoughts from inside on every point
We need to understand anger as truth of our life which will change after some moment and points when we
Will start to move ahead with hopes which are giving world new chance in life what we desire is just one feel
From our mind which tell us on every moment one thinking from inside that at every point we need to move
Ahead with one thought from mind that we all have just one understanding that will start to show world in
Interesting style we need to create new feel for our mind anger will start to create world in new way and in interesting style
We are having anger which will look so much great on every point we need to understand anger as start to see shine in life.

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