Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Poem 2520. Good day

                                                                        Good day
I just want to live that good day again and again on life’s every point I just feel one thing that those days are
Giving wonderful touch to our mind but still those effect in life when world will show good touch on every
Moment and point good day will have so much effect on life some days will have effect on mind when we
Will start to understand days good one are needed in life on every point since those appeals will start to move
Ahead on just every side of life we need to think every effect in life when life will start to move ahead at every
Moment and point each day will start to show that world wonderful shine which will desirable on every point
Of our future and life when good days will start to show our world wonderful shine at beginning they will
Look so much great but slowly they will look as perfect as we thought after some point since good days are
Our desire from mind it will start to move ahead on every point with one thought of happiness but repetition
Is not that much good on every point we need to move with one thought just sticking to one day is not helping
Our mind because we need changes since that is requirement of life when we will start to move ahead we
Just need one thing that is moving ahead so we have to understand those feel of mind what we desire is just
One thought from mind that which feel will show new world to us when we need those feel on every point
When we will start to move towards hope we just have one desire from mind that we have to move ahead
With one feel that we must move ahead with one thinking that life will show our world new light what we
Want is just one feel that will show new light what we never able to think will be that issue which will start
New feel on every point we need to understand them as thought of life when we will move ahead we need
To understand issue on each point we need to understand changes step by step as truth of life when we will
Start to move every concept seem so different on that point when world will start to look so wonderful that
Life will start to touch my soul and my mind but that will not happen just due to good day even sometimes
On worst day I see that shine since when my friends don’t quit me on my worst day that will be best day even
That good day of my life when life will start to move towards hope we just need to understand every step
Of our life when good days will start new touch we just have to understand those good days are beginning
Of worst days in life what we want is just one feel from inside those good days are showing those success
But worst days shows true friend which I feel basic need of my life since when I will fall I just wish to see that
True world on every point we need to understand every concept of our mind we have to move ahead on just
Each and every step of life what we need to realize that is one concept of mind that when on worst day our
Friends will become best buddies we just sense we are true winner in life since life is not about success but
About finding that person who stood you on worst day then every day will become good day after trying for
Some moment and time when every step which we tell for success will start to confuse our mind we just have
To remember one thing that worst days will have good basic days on every point when life will start to show
World in good ways we just have to realize that worst days are beginning on every point of life when we will
Start to move ahead on just every step we will find those things which are great and perfect at every point
Are truly touching our soul and life when we will start to move ahead all those moments which make our
Hopes alive and starting that thinking which will show world in different style we have to understand that
On every step we just need to move ahead with one thought from mind that will show our thinking in just
Bright way on every point when world will start to look so much great it will start to create that sort of effect
On our life which will seem to show world in different style that will start to move world with just one thought
From inside that when we will find friends we are winner in life what we need is just to understand friends
Are basic breathe of life when they will enter world will look so much great that world will start to show new
Appeal to our mind we need to understand every concept of world with one thinking that we have to understand
Every fact of life which will start to show world in that way which will look so much great on every point when
We will start to move ahead every concept will start to show world in different style what we need is just
One fact which tell us that we have friend even on worst day since those friends are our life when we will
Start to move ahead on every point we just feel one desire from our mind when we will start to move ahead
Those feel and concepts are showing world in different way that are hurting our feelings from inside at just
Each moment we need to understand those thoughts which will have different feel hidden at every point
When we will have to understand those touch from inside we just have one feel from mind that those concepts
Which are having so much appeal to our mind but friends will start to have new feel on every point we have
To understand every concept with one step that was we must find friends then every day will look just nice day for life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

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