Sunday, January 10, 2016

Poem 2515. Many sort of houses

                                                        Many sort of houses
Many sort of houses are having different sort of appeals in life inside every house there is one feel from mind
In every house we will start to understand those house which will start to move towards that point when
World will start to move ahead at every point house will start to show those touch in life house will have so
Many appeals that are showing those effect on mind houses will have understanding that will have that effect
On our house when inside that house we start to move with one thinking from mind we just feel one thought
From inside after all those appeals which are having so many effect on mind then house will have so many
Effect in life so then house will show those impact on mind then houses are having so much part on every point
House will start to  show those appeal on our mind due to every part of house that appeal change on every point
All houses are having individual appeal in life so those appeals are showing those understanding on just every
Moment and point we need to understand house at every point inside that house we need to understand that
We have to move with one thought from inside that house will start to show those touches which are showing
Those appeals in life but then house will start to show those emotions that are locked inside which will open
New touch to our world and our life show different appeals that shock mind when we will start to move ahead on just every
Moment and on every point in life then house will start to show those appeals in our life but then those things
Will start to understand those touch which will began to move ahead at every point house will start to understand
Those touches are showing world in wonderful way start on every point which will start to ahead with one
Thought on every point house will start to show emotions on every point those emotions are showing those
Effect in life when we will start to move ahead at every point when house will start to show emotions in just
Every point in life but then emotions are hidden in house that emotions are showing so many appeal to our life
Emotions are showing that understanding that will start to show world in different style every house will have
Some feelings hidden on every point inside life those houses are showing those many touches that are showing
Those appeals which are showing those understanding on every point when world will start to show those
Houses which are having so much feel they will have those emotions hidden on every point we just feel one
Sort of thinking that houses are having not just walls on every point they will have so many hidden effect on life
When house will have those feel we just have inside they are not just concrete but they are with our feelings
On every point we need to understand those touch in life which are showing houses that are having power
On every section in life but then those appeals which will have so much houses that are showing world with
One thought from inside houses will start to show those appeals that are having effect on life when we will
Start to move ahead at every point we need to think at every point house will have so much touch from mind
On every angle of life we need to understand houses which are forming new effect inside since they are made
By people who are showing effect on our mind we need to understand on just each point that we must not
Look at house just as stone and rocks but we need to see those dreams inside when we will have so much
Appeal on our mind since those feelings and touch will start to move ahead at each point of life when we
Will have to start to study all those feelings of mind we need to understand one concept that we must have
To move ahead with one thought that we must understand houses as people’s mind when people have some
Good thoughts hidden inside then only houses will have some feelings for their mind we have just one thought
From mind that they are nothing but rocks and stones on every section of life what we never believe is just
One thought they will have hidden feelings inside we need to study those houses and find their feelings on
Just each point since those houses will have feelings which are hidden on every moment of life when we will
Start to move ahead those houses will make world so alive we just never understand houses as basic part
Of our life what we never understand is just one fact of life that when people stay in that house suddenly
They will soul of it and that house will become alive we can’t just change that fact that house will have life
Hidden inside on every point since house will be that thing which is made by our mind not by some architect
But by thoughts of our mind we need to understand on each point just one feel from mind which tell us on just
Every way one thinking from mind that we need to understand every concept and thought in life which will
Show our world in interesting style since it will show those appeals which are having effect on our mind needed
On every moment inside life what we want is just one feel from mind that house is not about building but
About creating it on every point when we will start to move ahead on just each point towards that hope which
Will have some appeal to our mind it is created by those who stay in life at every point of our life at every section of life.

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