Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Poem 2495. Pat from god

                                                           Pat from god
Whenever we move ahead in life we need to understand whatever we do is not for appreciation from people but
For appreciation from that god who made us alive we are those child who went ahead at right and then when
That child suffer still no one helps that child went to Mom for pat on that point it doesn’t matter much if world
Will manage to understand or appreciate us in life we need to understand every sort of feel which will be existed
Inside our life at every step we need to understand with our mind just one thought that on next moment
That child just don’t care about failures but runs ahead with smile and start new things in life same way we need
To understand our life that pat will be from god if we went with faith of mind world will never act with justice
But then world will not always get pat from god on every point so we can just hope friendship with god when
We will act right but then comes next question will god give us every thing in life then I just want to ask to all my friends
Does that Mom give any thing to that child may be just small candy or just one small peck on cheek will give
That child get whole satisfaction of life then why can’t we understand that feelings from inside which possessed by that child
Why did we need to complicate so much our life when it can be simple between us and god on every point
We start to move ahead with one thought from inside that every one will prefer us and we will be loved by just
Every one inside life that is so wrong concept for our life we need to understand on every point just one thing
That we need to do right since it will get that pat which we desire from our soul on every point clapping may just
Please you on every point but it will help you in your life it will just please your soul for few moments and
For some time we need to understand that it is also increase insecurity of our mind we just need to understand
On just every point that we desire just one thinking from our mind when we will start to move ahead with
Every thought of mind we just have one thinking that we need light in our life but we just never sense one thing
From inside that on every moment we need to move ahead with one thought from mind when we will have
So much effect on our mind which will give so much to people who hardly care for us in life we need to just
Understand on every point just one fact of our life that we need to move ahead with one thinking of our mind
That world will look great on every point when clapping will start but when that world began to demand wrong thing
From us on every point that clapping will become curse of our mind when we are moving ahead on just each
Moment and point we just have one desire of happiness and we just feel clapping is giving us pleasant feel
From mind when we want to find happiness from inside that clapping which will have one feel from mind
Those pleasant feel will start to show world in wonderful style when world will look great we just have one
Desire from inside that we need pleasure but it is not due to others but due to our good touch of mind when
We will start to move ahead with every thought we will have so much understanding on every point when
Our life will move in positive way we need to move with one thought from inside that thinking will touch our
Soul and mind we have just one desire that will show pleasant touch to our understanding of life what we
Want is just one thought from our mind it is one good pat of that god and we can get it from other sources
Of thinking and mind those thinking will have same feel from inside that pat which we desire from our mind
I just feel one thing from my mind that every thought will have so much effect on life we just look at one point
That what people feel about us in life when we will start to understand each and every point life seem to change
It’s way from inside what we really need is just one understanding from our mind that we will move ahead
With positive thought since we will get that pat from god those clapping is not important in life but then after
Some moment and after some point we have to understand we must value claps of our mind when we will began
To move we just sense one thing from our mind that we need to understand at every step what we desire
From inside of mind after all clapping is not that lovely when it will come to peace of mind we need to understand
Those thoughts from inside which are telling us we need that sort of peace which we get by keeping quiet and peaceful mind
When we will start to move ahead on just each point we have same desire from inside that when we will began
To move ahead on just each point we have to think again and again about our future and life when life will
Show different concepts of mind we need to understand them as fact of life when we will start to move ahead
We just need to handle those thoughts from inside which are showing world wonderful effect on our mind
When we will start to move ahead on just each point we have to think again and again on every section of mind
What we want is just one thing from inside that we must find happiness from our mind when we will start
To understand every feel from life we must understand it on each step of mind then every concept we need
To think on every moment that claps are not enough for our life we need to understand them from heart
When they are showing so much effect on our future at each and every point of our life to understand our mind.

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