Monday, December 7, 2015

Poem 2457. Reduction of sorrows

                                                         Reduction of sorrows
Sometime something which we love in life goes missing from our life in one point when we needed to just
Understand on every point one thought from inside life will have many things which we like those sort
Of things which touch our mind will slowly manage to touch our life then missing things will have effect
On our mind we want that things but sometimes just life take it away from us since destiny decide but
We need to understand we must not stop on that point in which we can see our life we need to just have
To understand on every point after all those things which will show this world wonderful feel in life so
Then after some point which are moving to proper point with one thought that we need to understand
That thought from inside which will show this world that feel from inside which is needed to show this
World we can move ahead in life so we just pretend on that point I know we all act that way but we can
Pretend before world on every point after all those pretending will show so nice feel from inside we need
To understand one thought from our mind then at some point missing is that feel which we need from
Inside so then at some point we have so much understanding in life that pretending will create so much
Reaction in life so then missing will have that feeling which  we have inside slowly it will create that
Effect which will change our life we have to least confess it in our mind then that sort of thinking which
Will touch our mind will seem as some thing which will show this world new start on every point when
We move ahead on just every point we need that thought which will open our life when life will show
This world new start of mind we need to understand life will not move that way which we will like since
Our destiny will have some rules in life which will show our destiny new start of our life when we will began
To understand our mind we need to understand those concepts which are showing new beginning of trouble
To our mind when we miss some one then we feel that pain from inside but when we hide that pain from
Others it is may be needed before others but not before us in life we can move each step with one thought
From inside that this thought which we desire will have one thinking from inside we have to pretend but
We must remember that is not truth of life when we move ahead on every point we have one desire from
Inside of mind which tell us on every moment one thought from mind that inside that thought there are
Many feels in life so those thoughts are having so much effect on life when we start to move with one
Sort of thought from mind inside that mind there are many sections in life so we need to manage to understand
That we can’t pretend it to our mind then at some point we have one thought from every concepts in life
That thought will show many concepts which are having so many hard effect on life when life will show
This mind just one thought we need strong sort of mind when we have so much effect in life but then
Our mind will have so much effect on that point that is just want to ignore and pretend it never happen
In our life but it is not truth of our life it is just that false thought which create on every point we need to
Just understand and fight to tell our life so then at every point our thinking will show this world just one
Thought from inside when thinking will tell us you are hurt then we must accept it in life we have to just
Move ahead and tell our mind then on every point pretending is that strength in life which will start to
Create so much troubles in life on every point those pretending will manage to hurt us from inside since
Pretending is basic need on every point since when we move ahead with one thought that pretending
Is need of life which will show our mind new understanding in life when pretending will introduce our life
That thought from inside those qualities which we have must not seem as if that pretending will show
Many reaction in life since those pretending will not help us on every point that thought of pretending
Will hurt us on every point because what happen will hurt us on every point when we desire from inside
Pretending will not help us from inside since pretending will hurt when we just never accept it in life so
Then we need to understand our mind when pretending will have so much reaction on our life when those
Pretending will show that wonderful feel which will have power inside so then pretending will have so much
Effect on life when pretending will have wrong type of quality in life when that sort of pretending will
Just hurt us in life then pretending will manage to enter weakness in life that pretending will form just
New effect on life when life will start to show effect we understand it is that poisonous seed which is just
Creating worst effect in life then those sort of thinking which will manage to show world with different
Sort of point we have to understand one thing from our mind that we need to move ahead with one thought
From inside pretending will just manage to hurt our mind we have to understand those worst thought
Will create worst world for our life when life will show new start we have just one understanding of mind
That life will look great when we just pretend before others and accept our sorrows inside since accepting
Them will help us to solve them in life and pretending will reduce those sorrows for show but accepting will
Reduce them from inside so never pretend to your heart accept them after correcting thoughts from inside.

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