Sunday, December 6, 2015

Poem 2456. Tag of power

                                                            Tag of power
What is effect we have on our mind when our mind will show this world new style on every point those
Effect which touch our life seem to show this world wonderful shine at every point we feel from our mind
Just one thing our mind will have so much concepts hidden inside those thinking which are part of our
Thoughts and mind will show this world that wonderful thinking from inside since on every concept we
Need to understand those wonderful feel which will show world that intelligence from inside which will
Tell us new fact that we need to create effect on our mind those effects which are showing our world
In life will look great when world will show new start on every point those world will have so much power
Inside that will show us new feel from our mind that we want that power which is new on every point
When we move ahead on just every point power will show this world in unique style at every step power
Will show us new understanding of mind we all just wish one thing we must have power due to it’s shine
But that power must be right for our life that power can give strength to this world show new understanding
On every point when we want power those sort of power started understanding which will have effect on
Our future and mind we need to understand power is that thought which will take us ahead in life when
Power will start moving ahead we just have one feel from inside that power will take us ahead to that
Top where world will look different at every point power is that strength which we desire from inside
We need to understand power which will show this world many sort of effect on mind when we start to
Understand power which will have effect on life that power will create effect on our mind we will think that
This power will have impact on life but power will show concept which will have different effect on mind
Those power have strength hidden inside we need to understand those powers on every point since those
Power will have many effect on mind but trouble of life is just one fact on every time that power can’t be called
Negative and positive in our life power will have both effect hidden inside they can’t be classified in this way
In our life when power is tagged it seem so wrong for our life since power will show different effect in life
But then those powers are showing many qualities which are having impact on mind when life will show
Thinking which are having so effect on our life power will show so much effect on our mind we need to just
Understand power will show new sort of appeal to our mind when power will have many sort of effect
On our mind then those sort of effect which will have so much effect on our mind when power is tagged
We just get confused inside our life since we just assume something is wrong and something is just right
When power is just classified we need to understand power will have effect on life in one single power
We have two different effects in life we can’t just say that power will have two different effect on mind
Inside that power we need to understand good feel will never look so great on any point when world will
Show us new thought from inside I just feel one thing from our mind power can be tagged on every point
To some thought in our life when life will show this world new understanding on every point we need to
Just understand power have to be tagged on some concept of our life but that concept is not enough to
Understand our life so never believe that tag which will confuse our mind when world will show different
Feel from mind we just never understand how can people tag something in this way in our life we just
Never understand tag are some thought which are just placed on that power to understand it in life we
Need to ignore that tag and need to touch power then we can understand those power from inside when
Some power will touch our heart and our mind we will sense just one thing what we assume about that
Thinking and power is wrong many times since in one touch we can sense some power are wrong since
Our heart cry against it on every point but we have to understand power can’t be tagged inside our life
We have to judge it with our own power which sort of power to understand new thoughts from inside
So mind will need those concepts which are desire from our mind in every power we can feel things which
Are tagged with every concept and with every thought of mind we need to understand tagging is just never
That much right since we have different concepts and we can see that power in totally different style we
Have to understand just one thing from inside power will not be needed to be judged by tag on any point
So those tags will become troubles of life since those power are those truth which will show this world
In different way but we need different power in life never look at tag while choosing power in life just
Choose it with your brain since it will tell you what you need on every point of life power will have that
Strength in life which never needed to tagged in life but people will do it for their benefit and it lead to
Lot of troubles in life since we wanted that power which is right but when we read and choose power
We does mistake on every point by choosing that power which others decide by reading tag in life so just
Move ahead and choose your power not with their tag which have written on it but with your need in life.

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