Thursday, December 3, 2015

Poem 2451. Joy in life

                                                            Joy in life
Joy is that spirits which enter in life with it goes away every sorrows in few moments of life then we start
To understand life at every point that sort of joy which will be important on every point then those feel
Of joy which will show nice feel on every point after all joy will have power inside those feel of laugh which
Will show wonderful feel in life will began with one thought from inside that we need happiness on just
Each and every point when joy will enter in life we need to understand at every point then joy will bring
Happiness from inside then joy will bring pure sort of effect on our life that pure feel will take away our
Sorrows on every point so then at some point we need to understand our life that joy which will open
New start on every point when joy will show this world new start on every point it will bring happiness to
Our thinking and mind since joy will have so much understanding in life after all joy will start to show new
Feel of freshness to take over our pain on any point we need to understand joy is that beginning which
Is needed to find new start from inside but joy is not always there on every step of life we have to search
For it sometimes since on some occasions it is hidden inside we need to understand joy as basic need
Of our life when life will show those joy which will have so much enchanting feel inside so those sort of
Joy which will enter on some point seem to show our world that point where world will show joy on every
Second and point then we start to understand one point joy is basic need but it can’t be achieved with
Our fights then at some point joy will become part of life when joy will show our thinking new start on
Every point then joy will have show wonderful look in life when those facts of life which will have so much
Impact on mind then joy will have so much effect on our mind when joy will show new start on every point
Joy will give fresh feel in life when joy have so much impression on every point mind will give this world
That kind of shine we feel one thing from our mind joy will show so much happy feel from inside then
That joy will show new start on every point since that joy will began to form understanding on every point
In life when joy will look so much great at beginning of life when joy will have that pure feel in life since
Joy is new start on every point then joy will have so much good start on every point when joy will show
This world that start to our mind that joy will create so much troubles on every point when joy will have
Show those feel which are opening for us new start in life when joy will start to introduce new start on
Every point then joy will show fresh feel from inside of mind joy is need of our life we have to understand
Joy as basic on every point that joy which we desire from inside will show this world in new style since
We all desire joy which will show wonderful touch for our life which will create effect on our mind when
Life will create on every point just have one thinking from inside that life will show wonderful feel to our
Thinking and mind joy is that basic need which will have so much impact on our mind then those sort of
Mind which will have effect in life since those sort of fresh feel which will have so much powerful effect
In our life when joy will start to create understanding in life when joy will bring happiness to our mind
Then life will have so much joy which will show world in new fresh style in our life then joy will have so
Much effect on mind then joy will start to create worst reaction on mind when joy will enter in life then
Those horizon will show those strength in life since joy will have pure thought of understanding in life
When life will show joy which will start to show happiness in life when joy will show our world inside life
That pleasant sort of feather which will be light and soft feel from mind when life will start to show joy
From inside that mind will be needed on every point that joy which will show new feel from inside then
Our mind will show that joy which we want to start on every point that sort of understanding which will
Give life new start to our mind when joy will start to show happy touch to our mind then joy will began
To show world wonderful things in life when joy will start to understand different concepts in life then
Joy will began to give fresh feel from inside when joy will start to give fresh start on every point when
We start to move ahead at every point joy will give pleasant feel of happiness to our mind we need to
Understand our life those sort of joy which will enter after some time that joy will form new start for mind
Since joy is that touch which will bring happiness to mind but to find it we need to fight and we need to
Move ahead on every point with just one thought that joy is that spirit which we will desire from mind
Since joy will create new feel from our mind we need to understand joy as basic jewel on every point we
Need to see it’s shine which will show this world with one thought from inside joy is that basic which will
Show this world that point where joy will make world worthy on every point so search for joy on every point
We need to understand joy in life it will show that joy which will show world in different sort of feel in life
Joy will have show that pure feel in life for which we need to search for joy on every point in wonderful life.

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