Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Poem 2486. Turning to right way

                                                        Turning to right way
When we see some desire from our mind how easily we forget what once we use to say in our life and
It is that moment which will decide if you are wrong or truly right since in troubles sometimes we force to
Act wrong way in our life but that doesn’t mean wrong way should be become our style we need to change
On every moment at every point we need to understand those effect on every section of life when we
Will start to move ahead on every point with one thought from inside those wrong routes which we just
Take due to mistake in life when we will began to understand those steps on every point of life we start
To understand those steps on mind after all those wrong routes are so wrong on every point we just have
One feeling from inside that desire will began on each point of life due to some need of our mind we need
To move ahead on every step with one thought from inside in every thought we have different concepts
Of our life when we need to understand desire from inside but we all need to understand those touch
On each and every point we want to understand those desire but then those concepts are moving with
Just one thought from inside but then those desire which are having so many effect on mind but still on just
Each moment we can have many thoughts which are important inside life so those wrong routes are just
Sometimes moving in wrong way in life we have just one feel from inside those effect are having impact
On our mind we need to understand each step in life we need to move ahead with one thought from inside
That thinking will start to show those touch on every point which will show world in totally different way
Inside life what we need is just one fact from mind that at every step we need to understand mistakes
Will not become crime until we don’t make habit of repeating them again and again in life only then those
Mistake become crime for our life they become those troubles which will take away light from our life
When we will start to move ahead after some time we need to correct route on every point when we will
Start to move ahead at each point so then those points are showing world in totally different on every
Moment there is feelings from inside when we will start to move ahead we have to understand we need
To choose right way since it is good start on every point we need to move ahead in that positive way in life
Those touch which are giving us hope are having so much effect on our mind we need to understand on
Just each point one fact from inside since those facts are having impact on our mind we need to understand
Those facts are thinking of life what we need is correct way on every point we just desire one thing on
Each point of life what we don’t want is just reward on every point inside life when those feelings will
Start to capture our mind we need to understand those thinking which is needed on every point what
We want is just pleasant feel from inside but still we have to do our duties on every point so we just began
To see troubles in our life when we will start to move in wrong way in life we just need to turn in right
Section and way on every point what we desire is just effect on our life what we want to understand every
Concepts in life but then those feel are showing proper desire they are moving in right way on every point
What we want is just one feel from inside when we will began to move ahead we just want happy feel
From inside of our life so those feelings are showing world in different style what we want is just basic
Thought of mind which will show those touch on every point but then we just feel one thinking from mind
That our thinking will show those appeal which tell us we need to move right way in life some people may
Tell you can’t but it is wrong thought on every point cutting trees is wrong and you can’t create them again
In life but you can grow new tree and that is nice start for your right way of life we can’t change past but
You can have future in right way on every point people may not forgive your sin but then they forget them
When you give them benefit in life how wrong it may seem but one system is truth of life we need to understand
That system on every point when we will began to move ahead we just need one thought that we need
Good way in our life what we desire is one thought that is to move towards happiness on every point
When we will have good effect on our mind we need to understand one thought that happiness is not that
Start which we need on any point what we need right way which will give finally happiness to our life when
We move in wrong way we just sense one thing from inside that those thoughts which are capturing our
Feelings and desire are giving our world positive light on every point we need that thought of moving
Ahead towards that point which will open for us new world which we desire from our mind but when
We will move ahead we feel right way is that thought which we all want from our mind when you act wrong
Just never think that you can’t act more wrong by acting wrong in life since wrong things will have power
To increase them on every point when we will move ahead we have one desire from inside when we will
Start to move in right way and it is never look wrong on every point of mind when we want to move ahead on every point.

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