Thursday, December 3, 2015

Poem 2452. Just like water

                                                               Just like water
Those things which happen in world seem to touch me as well as you when things will happen we just
Have to understand what are we going through when life will turn on many points we just have one view
That in our life we just need to understand things will really matter to us on every point and on every view
When things will happen we need to understand world will have effect which will start showing world
That it will have so many meanings on every point that world will seem to show new start on every point
And we will began to understand meaning will show this world many sides which will have effect on every
Point since world is like water it is going to move we need to understand that every thing will have some
Meaning from inside which will create effect on world which will show this world just one view that when
At some step we start to move ahead in life with just one view that those meanings which are hidden on
Just every point are made by those things which will have reaction on mind that we have to understand
Our mind and it’s like water so on some time it will touch you that water which manage to touch on every point
And at every view when life will show every time that touch to our life which will show those things which
Will touch our life will have effect on our mind and have just one view that we need to understand on
Just every point one thinking and view those touches our life since liquid thing will touch on every point
When it touch to some thing we just have one feel from inside that it will touch us but we never sense
Same way all other things will touch our life when they happen in our world they seem to create impact
On our mind we feel just one thing each thought will have many shades of life when life will move ahead
On just every point we need to understand meanings which are hidden in our life when world will show
Different forms on every point of life we need to understand those meanings which are creating meanings
To our mind we never feel some things will never touch us in life we have to just understand what ever
Happen in our world will show new start on every point those thoughts which will show this world new
Beginning of life will have that power in world which will give this world shine we need to understand on
Just every point one thought that every thing will touch us in life we have to move with care on every
Step of our life we need to understand those steps will show this world those sections which will need
Movement of hope in life will also touch us same ways as unwanted things touch us in life those sort of
Things which touch us will have good side but some things are just touching new feel of life when world
Will form new effect on our mind we just have one thought that our thinking will start with one thought
From mind that at every movement of hope will give this world shine we need to understand those movement
That will hope and pleasant sort of feel from our mind it just never have one understanding from inside
That mind will have different parts some of them have hope and some of them have just tears but both
Will touch like water in life but same way like water they are just have empty look inside they will look
That way in which way emotions are added with feelings will have effect on life when we start to move
Ahead at every point of life then those effect on our mind which will show this world which will have so
Much effect on our mind when emotions are empty then those feelings which are attached on every point
Those feelings are having different effect on our mind when those empty thoughts will show those feel
From inside when aggressive feelings will enter in life we need to understand empty things on just every
Point those sort of touches which are showing additions of different feelings which are having so much
Pressure on mind we need to understand feelings which enter in life since empty sort of feel have so much
Emotions that will began to create new effect on mind when those emotions will enter after some points
When those thoughts are empty on every point emotions and feelings are included after some time when
World will create so much effect on us we need to understand on every point that touch of liquid on every
Point those sort of thinking which will have so many effect on mind then those wrong thinking which will show
This world wonderful feel from inside we need to understand those sort of points which are opening new
Start on every point those empty sort of feel which will enter in life can add with feelings which are based
On situations at every point but we can change them on every moment in life when situation will enter
We need to understand it’s results on life we just have one thinking from inside that when life will show
This world on every point just one touch from inside that world will look great when we introduce new feel
In our life we sense one thing that new feel will start to move ahead on every point life which will show
Our world in bright light that will show us shine we need to understand we can feel it with different sense
In life we can change our sorrows into happiness on just that point when situation touch us it is like water
In life we can change it with our thoughts on many times some sorrows are worst like lost of some one
In our life at that water have red colour inside but still we have to change it in life since we have to understand
It is our need of life we have to change every thing in positive way and smile it is must to live our life with smile.

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