Thursday, September 24, 2015

Poem 2331. Value of life

                                                            Value of life               
Now there is one problem it will be depend on our mind what we call it will you call it problem or
You call it just part of life at every moment we feel one thing from inside those sort of problems 
Which will enter in life it will show us many effect on many point we need to understand in our life
Different sort of concepts which will show our mind just one feel that we have one thinking from 
Inside that problem is present and that is truth of life it will create effect on us at every point when
We start thinking about it then it is up to us how we deal with that problem in life when we want to
Deal with those problems we will have understanding how to handle them in life but we never just
Understand them on any point those problems are creating effect on our mind we feel just one thing
From inside problem will be that effect which will show this world in totally different style when 
We start to move ahead at every point problem will create impact on our mind those problems which
Are part of our life it will differ as per our thinking and our choice when we start to call them big then
They will become big on that point when we call them small they will become small as per  
Our choice when we want to move ahead we have to think again and again on every point that do
We need to understand on every point just one thing in life problem will create so much effect on
Our mind those effect will create impact on our mind problem will show different effect on our 
Mind if we treat it like fun it will be easy in life I have seen lot of people saying this but hardly 
Find person doing this in life I just feel one thing meeting such a person is need of our life we have
To meet such a fellow and then move ahead in life with just one thought from inside that when we
Start to move ahead our life it will look much great on every point those thinking which will tell us
We are having good  life it should be encouraged on every point when we will have that thought
From inside which tell us life will have many effect on many point when life will show us on just
Every point that feel from inside since life will show us good feel on every point that feel of life
Will show us many ways on every point when life will have so many good effect on our life when
We move ahead on every section of life when we have one feel from inside life is good it will 
See many sort of looks on every point life will have good effect on our mind those good impact
On life will look so much great at every point when life is called good it will look good on every
Point but when we let that thought go away it will create effect on mind then when we feel just one
Thought from inside life is precious gift so at every problem it will be great for our mind we need
To understand our life which must look good to us on many points when life will create so many
Sort of effect on our mind we need to accept them as good one on every point when life will just
Manage to create effect on our mind it will look as if life will something good only when we will
Understand life from inside those feelings which are creating impact on our mind are telling us 
Just one thing life will be good only when we understand our life we have to understand how big
Can be one problem still it will not make useless our life we can live on every moment happily
When we understand worth of life our life is that precious gift and problem will not make it that
Much worst on any point life will look so much great when we will understand our life those sort
Of feelings which are creating effect on our life will not matter that much as our life after all that
Life will have many sections on every point which will show this world how precious is that life
When we move ahead those parts of life which are called troubles look so much interesting on 
Just every point life will have different effect on our mind when we start to understanding that 
Life is not that much easy to understand in life when in life we see many things each sort of thing
Will have effect on life we want to understand this life but we want it to be just interesting on 
Each and every point life will look great on every point we understand it's value from inside we have
To just understand what is meaning of life it seem so hard to absorb one fact that life is some sort
Of thing which will look great on every point when life will manage to create so many effect on
Our thinking and mind we just feel one thing that life will have so much effect on our mind when
We start to move ahead we have one thinking from inside that life will create so many different
Sort of part on every point life will show us different concepts of mind when life will move ahead
We need to understand our life that it is always get but we forget it's value on sometimes we just
Forget how much we like our life but just we need to understand how small is our problem and
How valuable is our life then we never feel our life is something less and our problem never become
Something bigger than our life it will always remain small one and life will become great than it
On every point life is most precious sort of thing on every point we must learn to value our life.

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