Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Poem 2303. Judging ourselves

                                                                Judging ourselves
How you judgement about yourself on every point we need to understand those touch on every point
When life will show those wonderful judgement we just need one thought from inside that we must judge
Ourselves at every thought of mind we need to understand every step of life which will show this world
In totally different style we just need to understand on each point one thought that when we will judge
Ourselves then only we can see in proper way our future and life judgements which we will pass to show 
Our world some shine we just feel one thought from our mind that those judgments are showing new
Start on every point we need to understand judgement about ourselves are also of two type sometimes
We are too hard on us and just taking their own side is nature of some human mind we need to move ahead
On every point with one thought that we need shine with one thinking that will give our world that sort
Of appeal which will start to show world those sort of point where world will look great but we just don’t
Need great world we need true world also on every point but if we start to judge ourselves too strict it will
Just manage to hurt us on every point when judgement are showing world those powerful touch which
Will seem to show that feel from inside we have to understand those judgements that are needed to show
Those truthful effect on our mind when world will start to show those wonderful touch they will seem
As if that start on every point which will needed as truth in our life we need to understand we must judge
All people with care on every point since that will effect our life but judging ourselves is breathe of our mind
We have to understand criticising ourselves will not help us in life we have to understand those feel from
Our thinking and mind when we will start to move ahead on just each point criticism is that thought which
We have in life needed only when greed or wrong thoughts like it capture our mind we need to understand on
Just each point one thinking that it will show wonderful touch on every point when we will start to move
On each moment of life we have to understand criticism will not help us that much in life those point when
We move ahead criticism will start to have effect on our mind it should on every point show us interesting
World to our mind we need to understand those thoughts which will show effect on our mind we need
To understand wrong values of mind are just needed to be criticized on every point we need to understand
Every section of life when we will start to move ahead on every moment of life we need to understand
Evil thoughts are needed to be criticised what we need to understand is one thought of mind we have
Understand evil needed to be punished on every point what we desire is just one thought that will tell
Our world on every point that wrong desires must not get encouraged inside our life when we need just
Right sort of desire on every point we have just one thought from our mind that right desires are those
Feel which we want from inside we want to throw away wrong desires so we need to just keep them away
From our life but we just seem to criticize ourselves on wrong point we feel indicator of failures as starting point
Of criticisms in life those desires which we keep always alive in mind seem to show world in totally different
Way and style what we want is to just move in right way in life we never once feel need to not fail in life
We need to just keep correct our mind which never need wrong thought on any point what we want is just
One thinking from inside which indicates to us we need to see wonderful touch for our world at every
Moment and point judgement are necessary for our life to understand our mind and correct it from time to time
When we will start to understand those routes of life what we need is just one fact that we want to understand
Wrong facts should be removed from our life we want facts to turn right then we must stop wrong thought
And wrong turns of our mind we need to understand that wrong turns are needed to be corrected not
Any other fact of life those movement which we make to move ahead in life needed to be by correcting
Those thoughts from time to time when world will look nice it will be just because we have corrected all
Facts of life we need to reduce wrong thinking and need to make it right on every point of our life what
We want to do  that is correct ways of our life that is need of analysing on every point we have to just
Understand it in our mind that what we need is just one fact that is to find happiness from inside but it will
Never happen when we start to count failures since even right people will fail on sometimes we just feel
One thing that failures will have effect on our mind we have to understand them at every step of life since
We need those failures to be handled on every point with one thought that we need to see light in our life
Because sometimes right ways will fail that doesn’t mean we need to change them in life just accept them
And move with them then after some steps every thing will look perfect and right and manage to give
Our life that shine which we desire on every point with one thought that we need to understand we have to
Move right in right way at each point with positive feel from our mind at every point when we turn to
Negative way we need to increase criticism on ourselves and when we are on right way we need to understand failure as part of life.

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