Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Poem 2330. Feel with ornaments

                                                        Feel with ornaments
Ornaments are having those sort of shine which will have wonderful sort of shine when we have just
One thought from inside how much money and prestige they will give us in life but just sometimes
Only on sometimes they have those moments which we love to cherish in life but some people just
Have them as memory of life while some have them just for investment in life when we move ahead
On every point we just see those ornament but what we see in them will differ on every point when
We start to move ahead in life we need to understand those ornaments which will have beautiful look
In life when that look will have so much appeal in life when at every point that ornaments will have
Those sort of design which will appeal to our mind those ornament will no longer look that much
Great in life we have just one feel from mind that ornament will show us different sort of feel for
Our life some will just count them in money while some count them as emotions in life some sort
Of feel from inside those sort of ornaments are showing different meaning for each person in life
We need to understand ornaments are nothing but just money for some people in life while some
Will see dreams in them at it is up to you in life what we want to see will decide your future on just
Each and every point life will show us different meanings of mind those ornaments are nothing but
Just one feel from our mind they will have those looks which will form effect on our mind when
We start to move ahead those feel from mind after all those sort of feel which will have so much
Feel from inside when ornaments will have emotions inside those sort of ornaments will have same
Feel when we decide it is up to you how you will see things in life when these ornaments will show
Our life new feel on every point we just feel one thought from inside those emotions will show this
World in new style when ornaments will create so much effect on life when we have attach those
Sort of emotions in life when we move ahead at every point life will show in great way those sort
Of things will have so much effect on our mind when we attach those things which will have so
Much effect on our life when we start to understand our mind we see those ornaments in that gold
Which will look so much great but same way even dried rose will look great in life when we have
Emotion with it every thing will have some interesting feel in life when we start to move ahead
Even with small and simple peanuts in life when we start to move ahead at every point we have
To understand many sort of things in life at every ornament we have so much feel inside those
Feelings which those ornament create will show our world in different way in life we need to just
Understand one thought from inside every thing will have some emotion inside which will just
Manage to show this world in new understanding in life so then we will have understanding in life
So then things will have different effect on every point meaning will have so much effect in life
But then things will show our feeling then those things are looking so much appealing to our
Mind and those meaning will show this world in new light we feel one thought from inside those
Sort of feel which will take us ahead are needed to be attach to that thing at every point when things
Will show us emotions then only they are worthy of something in life those sort of things will
Just show our mind different world at every point those things which will touch our mind will just
Seem as if those things are not any thing worthy on any point until we start to move ahead with
Emotions in life those ornaments which will have effect on our mind when we relate things to
Some emotions at every point then those ornament will have great feel inside when our emotion
Will show us good and pure feel in life after all ornaments will show us design will have so much
Feel to our mind when ornament will have attachment inside because when those ornaments will
Look so much great on every point because those ornaments are creating world for us at each point
Those ornaments are having that golden touch of our mind which will show us in different way in
Our life when in ornaments we will see those feel from inside those ornaments will create so much
Appeal to our mind we need to understand ornaments will look so wonderful with feel in life but
For some they are having that feel of money which will look so wonderful on every point when
We began to move ahead with one thought from our mind that money will be great thing for their
Thinking and mind but we need to understand in our life what will be great for us at every point
After all it is our thinking which will create effect on our life we need to understand our thoughts
In our life we feel just one thing from inside when things are give with emotion it will create so
Much appeal to our thinking and our life so ornaments will have emotionas at every feel in our life.

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