Sunday, September 6, 2015

Poem 2299. Understanding our mind

                                                          Understanding our mind 
How interesting it seem to think about mind when mind will show different concept of life but it is just
Easy to understand others mind we need to first understand our own mind but when it comes to understanding
Our mind there will be different thoughts in life but those thoughts are showing that feel which will have
So much pleasant understanding from inside  we need to understand every thought of our mind when
We will start to move ahead one thinking will manage to capture our mind that is one thought which tell
Our world on every point just one thing that we need some great thinking from inside but when we don’t
Want to understand our mind how can we understand any thing else in our life since our mind seem to just
Show different shines we have to understand those shines as basic need of mind when understanding will
Show this world with different concepts of life we just sense one thing we required to understand those
Thinking and thought which will capture our world at every point those thoughts which are showing world
In different light seem to show us that understanding which will have different feel that are capturing our
Thinking from inside when we have to show this world in talented side we have to just understand that
World by one basic thought it is need of time when we show this thinking which will have impact on our mind
We need to understand those minds from inside when we will began to show new sort of light what we
Truly desire is one thought from thinking and from mind that tell us we need to understand every step
With one thinking that our world need shine those touch which we have in our life seem to just have those
Concepts that are showing our world wonderful sort of shine those desires which we have from our mind
Seem to just have understanding which is never needed inside our life at every step we need to understand
Those thinking of mind which will tell our world one thought at every step we need to understand those
Bright sort of shine since those shine are showing those colours which we want from inside but then we
Also keep wrong colours and touch inside this mind and we are so scared of them from inside that we
Just never mange to understand those touch on any point we never feel them as truth of life we just feel
One thing that is one thought we required to understand at each step our mind world will look great when
It will have shine it will show our life in such a way that it will bring wonderful touch to our mind when
We will start to move ahead on each step of life we just desire one thing that is happiness from inside
But still at that spot we need to understand every step of mind which tell us we need to move towards
Spot which we want from our mind at every step which we take we will see our world and our life what
We will never understand it just one thought that our desire from inside when world will give our thinking
That wonderful shine we have one desire on every step of life what we want is just one need of mind that
Will tell us we need to understand every step of life those movement which we take inside our life will
Just manage to show touch from our mind those thoughts are desires which we keep inside seem to just
Show world in that way where world will looking interesting on every point we just have one thought
It will same in our mind but when we look in our mind it is not always nice then we just prefer to run away
From it instead of understanding it from inside we need to understand that power which we have inside
Unless we don’t understand that power we will never understand on any step our mind what kind of feel
We have inside seem to show world in interesting way that is wonderful touch for our life when mind will
Start to have that power then we have to judge it with our delight we all just need to understand our mind
With one thought that we need to understand every step of our life when our world will move ahead on just
Each point we just kept one desire alive from inside since that desire tell us on every point we need to just
Judge our right and wrong with just one thought that we need to understand those thinking of our mind
When world will show new start what we really want in life seem to give new meaning to our world and
To that thought which we have from inside when world will give us new start we just need to judge that
World from inside but when our heart is too busy in judging things we just never need to understand any
Part of our mind those touch which we possess are enough to understand our life when world will show
Us such a wonderful way to look at world why should we need to judge us in life that is one thought which
I feel start to dig for us our grave even when we are alive we need to first judge ourselves then others in life
We need to first understand our soul then we can say what we feel about others in our life when at some
Moment and step we manage to judge world but we can’t judge ourselves then what is use of that judgement
Inside life we need to understand those judgements which are showing our world wonderful light on each
Moment and on each angle of life which will give our world strength on each and every point of our life
We need to understand those facts on every point which are inside our heart since our heart is true mirror of our life.

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