Friday, September 18, 2015

Poem 2322. Understanding principle

                                                    Understanding principle
Understanding others is hardest task of life when we try to understand we just find many sort of
Troubles in life understanding principle which are moving our life to that point where understanding
Will have effect on our mind when understanding will have so much reaction on mind that sort of
Understanding will show us new principals in life these principals will having so many effects in life
Then understanding will have so much effect on our mind that understanding will give many sort of
Appeal which are forming many effect on life when understanding will create so much effect on life
Understanding will show us different effect on our life then we start to create that understanding
With good feel in life that understanding will lead to see so many feel on our life when those sort of
Thoughts will have understanding to our mind that understanding is created by step by step in life
That understanding will have power to take us ahead to that point where understanding will show
Our life new concepts which will give us that shine which will create so much effect on mind we just
Need to understand our mind which will tell us understanding will take us to that point where life
Will show us nice shine I feel just one thing from inside understanding will take us to that point then
When we move ahead we need to have logic in life understanding will form many effect on mind
But understanding is that basic need of our life those sort of understanding will show us different sort
Of thought in our mind understanding will have so much effect on our life understanding will form so
Much effect in life when we start to create good effect on our mind when we move ahead then on
Just every point understanding will create so much appeal to our mind when life will start to just
Create just one appeal in life when understanding will have effect on life after all understanding
Will have so many parts in life when understanding will create so much appeal on our mind we need
To understand every part of life that when life will show us new feel from inside when we truly
Manage to understand our many parts of life then only our understanding will create so much effect
On our mind but every point just understanding will not help our mind we have to create it with
One thought from inside that understanding will create so much feel from mind those sort of feel
Which will help us on every point understanding will show us new feel of life when we start to move
Ahead at every point those understanding will show us new sort of interesting appeal to our mind
Understanding will show us that appeal of mind we have to understand just one thing that we need
To move ahead on every point but understanding will tell us those thoughts of mind which are
Creating reaction on us at every point understanding will show us many points in such a way that
We need to understand our thinking on every point those sort of thoughts which will give effect
To our life seem as if they are creating so much feel to our mind understanding will give so many
Effect on our mind those understanding will show us those parts of mind which will help us with
Just one thought that understanding will show us in new way our life that understanding will just
Manage to take us on those point where our world will differ with positive thoughts of life we need
Just one thing from inside understanding will create so much effect on our mind those sort of feel
Will introduce our thinking on every point which will show us new feel from our mind then in that
Thought we feel one thinking from inside those sort of feeling will introduce to us that point which
Will show us our world in different style we need to understand our thoughts and mind we have
To find some part which will understand inner thoughts from inside when we find some thing so
Good feel to our mind we need to have one thought that we want some shine that will give our
World new feel on every point when we start to move ahead at every point we need just one
Thing that understanding from inside those understanding which will be so precious in life will just
Help us when we create it in proper way in life when we will move ahead we need happy feel from
Thought and inside never in life we can find anything important for our mind until we don’t just
Understand thoughts of our mind at every moment we feel one thinking from that those sort of
Thoughts will make us alive when we start to think positively how wonderful becomes our life
At every point understanding help us with positive side we need to use every incidence in life
Just to create positive feel for our life those positive feelings are making us alive that positive
Need of life will show us that point where life will look great due to not having understanding
On any point when we start to move ahead at every point we need to think again and again that
Understanding will be touching our mind that understanding is need of our life at every step
We just need to think positive way for our life but we need understanding for positive feel will help us in life.

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