Sunday, September 13, 2015

Poem 2312. Those sentences

                                                           Those sentences
Can you understand what I say was one of those sentence from mind which just keep entering in world
On every time but one thing I have never understood troubles start not with others understanding but
With thoughts of my mind since my thoughts never accept it world seem to create so interesting reaction
On every point when words will began to look great we just feel need of those sentences in our life since
Those sentences never show light to our world they just manage to hurt our thinking and mind when we
Will see something from inside one thought will manage to create impact on our mind when we need
That thought on just every point we need to understand sentence which will create impact on our thinking
And on our mind what we desire our thinking which are having so much effect on our world at just each
Movement of life since those words are telling world need to understand our thinking but our need on
Just every point we have to understand every word of sentence which are telling us what we need from
Our mind we just never understand what we desire from our thoughts as if we never understood our own
Thinking and point what we want is just one thought that we need to understand our own mind but when
We have to do that we just start to tell others on every point what we feel from inside but when we start
To tell others mostly we just forgot our own point we just keep guessing what others feel from mind and
While doing that we forget our desire from our mind which just lead to those troubles in our life that are
Just managing to hurt us on every point since we need to understand that sentence in our life when we
Will move ahead on just every point we have to understand that sentence from inside when we hear those
Sentences on every point we need to move ahead in just one way that it to learn our sentence from our
Own mind but we just never heard them from inside which will show so many troubles to our life when
World will start to move wrong way we just have to understand one fact that sentence will effect our
Thinking and mind are those which needed to be understood on every point sentences are those which
Will have effect on our life since in every sentence words will have impact on our life we need to understand
Each and every point which will create so powerful effect on our mind in every sentence we will find that
Word which will show us world in different style but we are just too busy in explaining it to others in life
When word will began to give meaning to our mind we just feel words are showing our thinking in just
That way which will show our mind that sort of light which we desire from inside when we move ahead
On every step we need to understand our mind we just have one thinking that we must have to tell others
Just one thing that world is so wonderful on every point when world will look great our thinking will start
To get effect from our thoughts from inside since that thinking is nothing but just one thought which tell
We must start to understand those sentence are having so much effect on our mind we need to just move
Ahead at every step with one thought from mind since those sentence are having words which are just
Full of meaning from inside we need to understand those words from our mind when we will move ahead
We have to understand each sentence which we said in life since those sentence will have so many hidden
Sort of meaning from inside in every sentence we need on flow of right touch for our mind we need to
Just understand that sentence are showing world in that style which will manage to show world in just
Different colour for our life when we need to move ahead we just have one hope from our mind that when
We move ahead we can move step by step to that world where there are many concepts of our life those
Touch are showing that power on our mind which will seem to show world in that style those feel will
Show sentence that are having effect on our life we need to understand those sentence since they will
Touch our world and show our world that concept which are having so much effect on our mind when
We will start to move ahead those sentences should look perfect only when we understand them at just
Every step of life we need to move ahead with every sentence that will show world in totally different
Sort of thought for our life when we need to move ahead those sort of meanings which are hidden in sentence
Seem to create effect on life we have to just understand that sentence as fact of our life when we will
Start to move ahead with one thought we need to have one feeling that we need to understand our world
Which will have sentence that are with meaning from inside we need to understand those touch which
Are having so much wonderful touch which are so interesting inside life but then those feel which will
Show world with wonderful touch to our mind we need to understand those feel from inside but we need
To have those touch which are having impact on our life we have to understand it never matter what others
Will understand and not what matter is just one thing what we understand inside our life that will only
Show us positive side when we will start to move ahead on every point we need to understand those concepts of life

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