Saturday, July 26, 2014

Poem 1602. Designs in life

                                                             Designs in life
On every point inside life I have just one design which will look so wrong on every point
But then I see those designs which are so interesting inside life those designs which will look
So bad on every point I feel that there are plenty of designs are totally wrong on some point
But then those designs which will look totally wrong on every point but then those designs
That are leading to confusing inside life I feel one thought on every point I feel just one
Thought from inside that some design which are leading to lot of problems in life on every
Moment I just have one thought from inside that designs which look so wrong on every point
I feel that design which will look good to many people inside life feel they are so good in life
Those feeling are leading to lot of problems in life because those design which are making
Totally wrong reactions in life I feel that those design which will look so good on every
Point to those people who are so obsessed with that dream in life which just seem important
To them inside life so they just want that design which will look so perfect to our mind but
Those thoughts which touch me on every point look so wrong when they enter inside mind
That design which touch me on every point is that one which will look full of right thoughts
In life but problem is that such design never give you false promise of success in life but
When we move ahead as days went ahead in life I just feel one thought that I just don't like
That design of life which will take me ahead on every point after all those designs which will
Make our life better on every point are something so precious to set in life we never understand
When we began to design our life when we are baby someone else manage it but when we
Grow up on every point we set those designs which are having horrible sort of design then
I want those thoughts are leading lot of problems inside life there are designs which will lead
To problems in life after one step we just move to another step in life I feel that from step to step
We have to move ahead on every point those things which are moving in horrible things in life
Those designs which will lead ahead step by step in life after all those designs which are making
Plenty of designs that life is leading to many problems in life on every point then I feel just
One thought from inside that designs which will move to those problems that will manage to
Move ahead inside life those design which are making our life those designs which we choose
To move ahead in life I feel just one thing from my mind that when we start moving ahead
We need to understand that we are moving in one design on every point those steps which
Will move ahead on every point are leading to many area of life on every moment I feel just
One thing from inside that we will move ahead on road of life those roads should be made
In proper way inside life those designs which are taking us ahead in life but then I feel just
One thing from inside that design which will make road on every point from one way then
I shift to another way in life so those designs which will take us ahead on every point in life
But then those designs which will lead to lot of problem in life on every moment those things
In life those designs which are taking us ahead on every step in life those designs which will
Have next steps as per our wishes inside life I feel just one thought from inside those sort
Of design will look so complicated inside life but they will repeat in same way some times
I mean to say when one bad thing happen then another wrong thing will lead to problem
To life those designs which are moving ahead on every point I feel just one thought from
My mind that after some step of wrong thing I need to another step in life so then those
Designs which will always stay wrong on every point but problems is that on some
Moment and time we just don't understand those designs we just confuse them inside life
I feel when those designs which are operating our life are not that much good inside life
Those designs which will look so good on every point are made in different way inside life
Those designs which are so complicated inside life I feel that those designs which are so
Nice on every point I feel one thing from my mind that designs are moving ahead from one step
To another step inside life I feel that those designs which will move ahead on every point
Because those designs are connected on every point because those designs are related to
Our future on every point I feel just confused by those kind of designs which are creating
Reactions in life those different thoughts which are mixing with each other in life so on
Every moment I feel that one thought from my mind that designs of life are made in such
A way that life is creating designs on every point of thoughts as well as thinking of mind.

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