Friday, July 25, 2014

Poem 1599. Fog of uncertainty

                                                       Fog of uncertainty
From those thoughts which troubles our mind are included those thoughts which touch our life
We feel just one thing from our mind that troubled thoughts are those which will manage to
Hurt or confuse our mind I know some will hurt but some just confuse so much my mind
That even those thoughts will look scary for life when we start to move ahead on every point
Those thoughts which touch me look totally wrong in life because when thoughts are not clear
Every thing seem so full of fog in life that we just never understand if we put our feet before us
What will we get in life those moment in which troubles will invited in mind will look totally
Wrong on every point when thoughts are not clear about future on many times I just feel one
Thing from inside that those troubled thoughts which are leading to troubles on every point
So I feel one thinking from inside that those thoughts which will capture our mind are not that
Much good inside life when they will lead to just another fog in mind after all from beginning
We have one confused life since we don't know our future we don't know what is before us
Inside life so when I have some thoughts I want them to look clear on every point I have just
One feeling from inside that one fog of uncertainty inside life is enough for my mind on every
Moment I feel just one thing from inside that those fog which will give so much fear on every
Moment and point will look so wrong inside life these fog which will lead to confusion in life
Seem just extra pain for my mind those thoughts which will hurt us on every point will lead to
Lot of problem on every moment of life I want at least my thoughts to be clear in life but then
Some one told me how can my thoughts become clear if I kept thinking about uncertain future in life
When you think about fog then you just get fog inside life on every moment behind that fog
You will get that darkness for mind I just never understand what I feel from inside but when
I see that fog I feel just that I am confuse on every point of life fog is one thing that can never
Show what is ahead in life it will just lead to problems on every point I will never understand
What I think from my mind but I feel one thing surely that my thoughts are so confused on
Every moment and on every point those fogs which are leading to troubles on every point seem
So hard to cross in life when we think of those troubles instead of solutions we just find more
Troubles for mind because when we think of fog we just see that fog around on every moment
And on every point of life I feel just one thing from my mind that fog is one thing that surround
Our thinking on every point those troubles which are creating problems in life fog will look so
Harsh on every point that fog which will not let us see future which is ahead in life will create
Troubles for us on every point those thoughts which are creating so many problems for our
Future and life are like that fog which will have risk but there can be pleasure also on other side
But still when I thought of my mind I just want it to be clear because I feel that I prefer fog
As part of nature but never prefer it as part of mind because in case of nature we can judge
And avoid some disaster from use of mind but when we have it in mind we are totally confused
And we have lost whole light from our life that thoughts which are part of our mind but then
When fog will enter it will be that truth of life that it will always enter after some time in life
Those thoughts which will lead troubles to nature on every point these troubles which hurt us
In life will mostly have that confused fog with them in life but worst thing is that even our
Happiness will have that fog sometimes we just never know what will happen on next point
We just keep guessing on every angle of life that fog of uncertainty which touch our mind
On every moment I just feel one thought from inside that thinking is that uncertainty which
Will not help us in life that those things which are always part of our life on every angle and
On every point I just feel one thing from my mind I don't want uncertainty in life but future
Is better not to be known because that is one suspense which will look interesting in life but
If that same thing happen to my thoughts I hate it from inside so on every moment in life
Because those things which are part of my life should certain when they are my thoughts and
My mind I feel just one thing from inside that my mind don't seem to agree with this concept
Which I feel from inside my mind just manage to get uncertainty on some point it want from
Start to future to be certain for life so I will move ahead as per my want on every time and
It will create trouble for me because future can't be certain and my mind dislike that thought
From inside so in my life on every point I just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts
Which are so precious to me are not that much right that certainty can't be part of my mind
On every time so fog is my future and from it I need to learn to move on every time but then
When I think peacefully I feel one thing from inside that this fog is so precious thing for my
Future and for my mind because it is that adventure which can teach me to win inside life
Just when I think this way I can able to enjoy each moment in life but hardest time is that
When even in sorrows I need to force this thought to my mind but I can able to do it and
I think that because I have read so many books and watch so many movies of people who
Do it in life so I feel I must put it in my mind because I don't want to prove that it is just waste
Of money because I don't understand those thought which are written and shown to me in life.

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