Friday, July 11, 2014

Poem 1575. Practical thinking in our mind

                                                     Practical thinking in our mind
Sometimes logic fails in our life because we just began to think with heart and other began to
Think with just practical mind we just never understand how can logic fail in life because even
Our heart is having logical explanation for every thing in life but sometimes when money become
Desperate need people began to make mistake in life and then they feel just one thing that they 
Are doing nothing but just using their practical mind just for thinking money is not smart thing
For our life we just have one feeling that we are not going ahead as we thought on every point
But when those want began to capture our mind we forget what heart told us and we began to
Think kindness is stupidity of our thinking in life but just always remember one thing that kindness
Is never some thing which can forgotten when we start to need money in life I am not saying this
Because we need morals to match with god in life I feel that we can never match to god in any
View and points but when you felt your morals behind then one day you face failure in life since
Morals are those things which should be kept for our own good not for others in life those morals
Which we keep for ourselves are telling us what truly a person in life those morals which we 
Keep for others never make us winner in life because then when we start to think about ourselves
We feel morals are burden in life so we just count mistakes of other person and then we say 
That we can skip morals inside life those thoughts which touch us on every moment will look
So good for us in life when logic fail us on every point we just feel one thing from our mind 
That those things which we want are not coming near us when we forget morals in life because
Morals are something which are not that much nice when we keep them on wrong point we 
Just need to understand one thought from our mind that morals are needed in our life not just
For some moment but on every time because they will tell us to differ from good person to 
Bad person in life so some one is bad doesn't mean we have right to act as we want in life but
That doesn't mean you have run and help every one but how did you act with that person will
Tell your character and your future in life there is no need to make best friend out of enemy 
In life because I know that it is hardest task of life but we can at least act as human and ignore
Those enemies on every point we will just never understand it and just keep jumping from one
Thought to another thought in life I just never understand what is logic of our mind we always
Keep thinking one thing that we want many things but what we got is just useless things in life
Because we never obey our good and honest heart and we never have practical mind which can
Tell us our tomorrow is depend on how nicely we treat people in life those thoughts which
Touch us right way in life are kept behind just because we feel those dark road of success are
Something so nice on every point we just never understand one logic of life that our happiness
Is depend on how we move ahead in life we are always struck between two concepts of life
One told us that we want to win as fast as we can and other tell us that we have to wait to get
Things inside life but one thing is so clear that we want happiness from inside and to get that
Happiness we need to understand those thoughts which we feel from inside because when
We move ahead we just feel one thinking from our mind that those thoughts of just getting
Money are wrong on every point because money can't give you every thing which we want
In our life we can get success with money but question is that can unkind person give you 
That money in life because kind one can know how to give and unkind never know how to 
Give in life but most hard task to judge kind one from unkind one in life because every one
Have their own mask which confuse us in life kind fellows have mask of ruthless one and
Ruthless one can easily pretend how kind they are inside life so we just can't able to guess in life
What is truth of life on every point those practical thoughts which are capturing our thinking
And our mind where taking us on different location of life I just have one feeling from my 
Thinking that we need to understand first our heart in life before we start telling other about
Practical thinking in life because understanding heart is most practical thing in life because
We are going to spend with that heart our days and our life those thinking should be based on
What our heart think from inside you may call it your brain, heart or mind but basic is just
One thing understanding it fully important in life those thoughts which are capturing our
Thinking on every point are totally wrong on every angle of our life so I just feel one thing
From my mind that if we want to become truly practical then we will understand first our
Thinking and our mind which will open our positive thoughts on every moment of our life.

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