Friday, July 18, 2014

Poem 1587. Work in life

                                                                 Work in life
Sometimes  went ahead on some points I feel just one thought from inside that those
Things which touch my thoughts on every point I have just that area of life which tell me
That sometimes we are forced to do some work which we dislike but we just can't express
Our thinking on every point I feel one thing from inside that those work which we dislike
Are something which will look nice when some people come and convince us that we must
Not dislike them in life those people who are moving ahead on every point don't get things
As they like but then on some points I feel one thought from my mind that those work that
Which is so important on every point after all those work which will look so perfect in life
After all those work which we will do daily on every point because work is so precious
On every point I feel that sometimes we can loose in life but when you think this way that
If you do work which you dislike failing will not matter that much in life because when we
Went ahead inside our life we just can't say we will do just that work which we like but then
For doing that work which we dislike we need proper sort of training on every point those
Thoughts which are precious inside life I feel one thought from my mind that those people
Which are giving us happiness from inside even when we fail I feel one thought from mind
That even after some times work is something which is so precious inside life I have one
Thought from inside that work is not about winning or losing of life it is about those things
Which are having effect in life are not about capturing thoughts in life but it is about one
Thing from inside that work is something which is so important inside life I have one thought
From my mind that work is something which is not about likes and dislike it is about winning
On every point inside life I have one thought from my mind that those work which are that
Sort of things in life then work is something which will have positive reaction inside life
Work is something which happen to be important inside life after all that work which will
Have some sort of effect on future and on life those thoughts which are about work on every
Point inside life but then work is some sort of thing which will have effect inside life that work
Which is important inside life because it is one thing which is truth of life it will give us
That meaning which is needed on every point after all work is something so important to us
Because we do it to move ahead in life but every time work will look so good on life but
Then I feel one thought from inside that work which are leading us on totally wrong way in life
This work is something which will impact on every point work will have effect on our future
On every point work is something which will have effect on results on every point but then
Work is something that will have impact because on every point I feel that work will have
Reaction on every point I feel that work is that sort of thing which we must have to do it in life
Work is that thing which will tell truth of life because it is one thing for which I feel one thought
On every point I feel that when work will look so good on every point I feel that work is
Something precious in life then I feel that work will have reaction on every point after all those
Work which will have reaction on life at every point I feel one thought from inside that this
Work that is totally hard to do in life because it will always needed to be done on every point
Because work will look so difficult on every point since we need to do it on every  day of life
Sometimes when we do same thing again and again it seem not that much nice but when we
Choose something we like it seem so better in life but then I feel one thought from my mind
Work is so important on every point but then I feel one thought from inside that work is that
Thing which are so important on regular point inside life I feel one thought from my mind
That work is that part which will remain with us on every point after all work is something
That will look so important in life that work which is so nice inside life I feel one thing from
Inside that work is so routine inside life I feel one thing from inside that work will become that
Part of life I have work on every day of life I feel one thought from inside that work is that
Part of life which will always look same important part of life after all those work which is
Have positive effect on us in life these work is so important inside life we want to win in life
Work is something which will have continuous effect inside life because work is always part
Of our life I feel that work is always with us on every point so we must keep faith on work
In life and forget to dislike any thing in life then only we will understand meaning of life but
That doesn't mean every time you will win in life but it means you will be happy on every time
After all winner is that person who smiles and that is always rule of our life on every point. 

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