Friday, May 17, 2013

Poem 855. When I pray

                      When I pray
When I pray to god I never thought this way
Until some one pointed out to me in my life
That I just tell my decision to god and never
Ask for god's advice,I tell god I want peace
And happiness in my life and then I start a list
Of what I want in my life and while making it
I think asking good future from god is not crime
I just ask it from my heart because I want a happy life
I even thought in heart I am not forcing any one
After all it's god's right to decide if he want
He can give it to me but he can ignore it otherwise
I even claim some times that I pray even for others
After all I am so unselfish that I spend my time and
Pray for other needy people so I do a great work
By praying for others before god is so nice that
It will give me a blessing which is otherwise
Missing from my life so this is what I do that
I just make my list then began charity before god
And then I claim that I am some thing with nature
Pure and soft but then one day I have one question in my mind
What kind of big work I am doing by praying before god
For day and night,when I pray I should give respect to god
And thank to him because he have given me so many things in life
Instead of doing that I present one list of demand before god
And hope they will be fulfill in life,when you pray for some one
Don't feel proud in heart after all we are not helping any one
We are just telling god what god already know by heart
After all telling some one else to do some work is not nice
Why should you feel proud because you given god
Just a list of your advice after all it is not right
What are we doing by listing before god what we prefer and like
God can't always fulfill list of our advice and we who once
Said god can ignore began to blame because god ignored our advice
We want from that list each item and thing we like and
Still we pretend that we are not forcing god just giving advice
So I began to thank god after feeling this but let me confess
To you from my heart still I some times found myself asking
Not for sky or moon but small tiny happiness and blessing
So this human nature always asking seem like a right and
Still we claim that we don't bow before every one and we have pride
What is use of that pride which stops us from progress and
Don't stop us from making mistake instead force us to do more mistake in life
How frustrating we can't bow before some one to do something
But every day bow before god and ask every thing to be perfect in life
If we want some thing we need to move in life and bowing before
Some one is not always a crime after all we can reduce our ego in life
And then one day we can always find some proper route in life
After all we need to do our thing properly after using all sources
Which are required and truthfully needed in our views and life
Then when we finish our work we can may go before god
And thank god for every thing then bow our head so that
God will keep us in control and not let us increase our pride
This is what shall be proper way of living our life and just
By asking every day before god we are confusing our life
We pray for our friends that is natural feeling some times
But never make it as if it is some procedure of our life
On each every day we just went there and pray same thing every day in life
When ever you are in need or your are in pain asking to god seem okay
But some people even in happiness ask for more things in life
And on each and every day just increase list of asking before god in their life .

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