Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Poem 852. Busy life

                              Busy life
How busy is our life on each and every day and
Slowly we forget many people who are part of it
Once on each and every day ,forgetting some one is not right
But when we get busy on each day it is not crime
Life is some thing in which we many times feel that
We are walking on a thread so while walking on it
We forget many things on each and every day and
Then we feel sad that we just forgot and don't went
Meet some one who was once part of our heart
We know that life is short and that one is old still
We can't manage our time or our day,they say it is ruthless
Not to have a time but when your life is hard task
How can you manage time and when you went there
You want it to be with pleasant face when every day
We have so tired life how can we manage some day
But some people say if you have a wish you can manage
Some time but if we manage it and then we lose
Promotion do we able to help that person when
That one really need money and help in life so life is confused
Don't jump on conclusion by just facts you see
Many times person want to do many things from heart
But lack of money don't let them,we have enough for us
So we can say it's okay but some people hardly got money
Still try to pretend that they got plenty for them
And then there are also some people who are rich
But they have such life that money like a water
Always washes away so never guess and never try to blame
We don't know truth behind the act what we do is just guess
But still many times my mind went to those thoughts again
And again,may be one day I know what is life but
Until then I never going to blame any person whom
I like or dislike ever in my entire life again after all
In life we hardly able to guess problem and pain that other suffer
On each and every day our life goes on our route and we manage
It our way but when some one take some other route
Some people just love to come ahead and start to blame
What we really know about other and their problems in life
We just live and manage our life so we know about it
But we never know about other's life or their problems
Blaming is one of most simple and easiest game of our life
And some people just enjoy that sort of game and play it
On each and every day in this life we live as we wish to stay
But expect from other to do all duties which we do each and every day
But we have our resources and they have their problems
In life it is easy for us to do some sort of duties which is not easy for them
Just by listening to other's when we start and began to blame
It is biggest mistake of our life because we need to pay for it in our future
And it can damage us beyond repair just never trust one person's opinion
Or talk in fact if it is not necessary just don't listen to those talk
Because people love talk and that is their favorite game and
If you once get involve in it they will pull you again and again
So play that game in life with most patient way and never try to lose in it
Ever in your life when you play that game just try to listen them
And instead of saying bad began to say good thing again and again
Slowly you will win the game and gossiper run away and
Never comes back to poison your ear and your heart or brain.

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