Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Poem 864. Changing views and sides

                 Changing views and sides
One thing I never felt sure about in my life that is
What I like as well as dislike because on each moment
I feel change in my mind,I just don't know what I truly want
From my life because I feel I wonder from one point to
Totally different point on one small thing I feel my heart
Can change as it wish and like, it feel so strange that
I can't sure even about a colour which I really like because
Some time I like one colour and some time totally different
Shade that make me feel that my heart is on top of delight
But I feel it is so hard to be honest if I just don't know
What is my like and dislike and how can I stood some one's
Side if I don't know what I truly feel in my own life
On each day if my life is changing with my thoughts
Then how did we manage to decide what is wrong and
What is fully right after all in this life we suppose to know
What we truly think before taking some person's side
But still we have to take sides in life because it is
Human nature that just can't live without taking sides
This is one want which like air always enters in our body and
Then we all starts to decide what is wrong and what is right
With this want we starts our game and then we just decide
But we are not even sure on that point do we take a right side
After all a person who can't choose colour just can't decide
What person think and what is in that one's views right
May be there are some person who are determined and
They just knew what they like or dislike but can those person
Are also sure about their likes or dislikes or they are just
Stuck to them because they want to prove their point
And that is far more scary than my thoughts because
Some time they may stick to totally wrong and bad side
And then they never change it because they will surely
Think changing side is world biggest fault and biggest crime
If we don't know properly basic of things may be we should avoid
To take any one's side which could be wrong or right
But worst those who stick to wrong side because they can surely
Manage to do damages to right and fully truthful side
So it is better to just change side or more better option is keep quiet
Until you properly know which one is better and truthful side
Because if you give your self some time then only time will tell you right side
And give you for your future proper and truthful advice
Because your advice goes on totally wrong side many people will
Lose faith in you and you will do just every thing from totally wrong side
Life is not some thing which so easy as decide with just ruler
What is short and what is long and what is truly perfect height
Life just shows us many colour on each and every sight
So when we decide to right and wrong we just need some thing
Proper measure to know if it is fully perfect side for our life
After all many lives are depend some times on what you do in life
When ever we walk on some side we need to be sure that one is right
Or our all effort will just waste on one hopeless and useless side
But in life we all have to hurry up due to pressure from both sides
And we are fully force to decide what is wrong and what is right
No one gives enough time and experience to decide which is proper side
No one have that patience they all want to just grab people on their side
May it be a wrong one or may it be a person who is fully honestly right
But both don't have time to waste on us so they don't give us enough time
To decide what is truly right and truly wrong type of side in life
And worst is that some times both sides have some thing right inside
In such case we just can't decide which will be right in our eye.

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