Thursday, May 2, 2013

Poem 830. Diary

When I was alone I use to think I have many problems in my life which are my own on
Every day of life but then one day I found diary of other girl on that day of life we feel
Just one thought from our mind that our problems are not common but just go ahead and
Read someone else diary with their permission sometimes you feel as if you are reading
Your own life same complaints from others and same thoughts from every side people
Will have different thoughts inside life but still they seem to feel same way on some point
These diary we can see different thoughts on every point we see those different section
On every mind I feel one thing from inside that diary is full of many concepts of our future
As well as of our life we feel just one thought from inside that as if someone is painting
On canvas portrait of our own life how can we stay on two far away in life how can we
Belong so different background in life still we have same thoughts and problems on every
Moment and point I just never understand one thing from inside that diary will look so
Nice on every point I feel that diary will look so nice on every angle of life that diary will
Have good concept inside which will look so similar on every point I feel just one thing
That some times in those diaries we feel one thought from inside that different diary will
Look better from one point to another point I feel in that diary I see those different sort of
Stories will began to appeal our life I feel just one thing from inside that diary will look so
Different on every area of life I feel one thought on every area of life these diary will have
Some important concepts in life in that diary will have different sort of life stories on every
Area of life so then I feel one thought from inside that these diary will have different pages
Are full of stories inside life so then diary will look nice on every concept inside life so then
I feel one thing from that there are different types of stories which will have life stories in
Life on every point I feel one thought from inside that diary will have different stories so
Then I feel that these diary will  have different stories on every point I feel that on every
Pages inside life these stories of life will have different concept inside life because these
Concepts of diary will have part of life because those diaries are something which are that
Part of truth on every angle of life I feel one thought from inside that may we stay on any
Place in life we still need one thing from inside same kind of thoughts and same kind of
Concepts in life on every point we feel diary will look so nice when it will have different
Sort of stories in life because whatever place we may say if we have thoughts of same kind
Our problems will not differ we are living same life which tell us on every point that we can't
Win on any angle of life we just feel that in those diary we can see different sort of concepts
On every point we feel just one thought from our mind that those concepts which we want
Inside our life are full of those stories which will appeal to our mind we feel that on every
Page there is one story of life I feel one thought from my mind that when we move ahead
Then we move in same way of life we feel that we need to see light on every point we feel
Just one thinking from inside that different concepts will help us but after all we all have
Same kind of problems with just different shades of life never read any one's diary without
Asking but just find some one who once let you read diary in life then you will understand
That you are not only one who have problem in life you can see many people who have
Problems on different parts of life we see that they are same on every concept of life when
We move ahead we feel just one thought from inside that diary will have so many different
Thoughts on that day of life I feel one concept inside life I have one thought from inside
That diary will have so many occasions when we feel that we are living same life we need
Different thoughts in life we feel that in those diary that will have different stories of life
I feel one thought from my mind that different diary will have many types of stories on every
Moment and point I feel just one thing from inside that diary will look so nice on every aspect
In life when I read that diary I feel that those concepts will look so different inside life so
Then I feel one thing from inside stories are having complaints inside so when these diaries
Will have different concepts in life but then I feel one thought on every point diaries will
Have complaints on every point but I feel that they are same so we never suffer unique
Problem in life so when you feel that your life is hard and unique just read some diaries
Of other person like you in life then you don't need future teller in life you need to just read
That diary on some point I feel one thought from inside complaints are that part which
Will help us to understand different concepts of our life on every point inside future and life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

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