Sunday, February 26, 2012

Poem 42. Everywhere

I saw you on many faces and I saw you in many hearts
I feel you are staying everywhere and in every part
It's hard to capture you it's hard to control you when you are existed in some heart
Because you are something which capture every logical thought
That arises in any one's brain as well as in any one's mind and heart
You are the one who dominate the world from each and every part
How unknown you are to us even when you are our concrete part
We call you weakness but we all know we have you in heart
Because weakness is one thing which control in crisis every heart
After all we wish to win each person which feel nice for heart
But we thought our weakness stop us from winning each and every heart
But truth is that weakness will start when we try to win each and every heart
Weakness will prosper when we feel like loser and winner began taunt us
Since we are loser weakness is some thing which develop inside heart
When a person wants to win but future don't let that one win
Due to it is not proper time to win in that part we want to win
And for it we suppose to try but instead of trying we just feel sad
Then at that moment our weakness capture our heart each person
Have some problem but it become something big as a weakness for heart
So we feel sad when we feel weak but weakness is some thing
Which always inside you or me and weakness is not important
Until strength took hold of our heart problem starts only when
Weakness captures part of our each and every sort of heart
Weakness is something which always stays heart's part and
It never manage to help a person or that person's true heart
Weakness is some thing with which we die and live but
How much problem it can create depend on how did you view
That weakness is some thing just your life's part or that one is
Manage to capture full hold of heart then we never see any thing else in life
Expect weakness which capture world and other sights after all
Weakness is something interesting part it says with our feeling
And inside our heart but until you give me an importance to it
Then it can become important part how much do you think about
That weakness in life as human being tell you how much your weakness
Help you further in each and everything if you use it properly
In proper sort of thing if you are emotional you can turn them in dedication
If you feel sad about something you may try that it will not happen
To any other person so it is your view which decide what you do
So how you turn your weakness in your profit or in your loss
Is always depend on your own thinking as well as your own views
Just always remember one thing weakness is part of a human being
At it never help you until you turn it into some thing important and interesting
Never think that it is just you who got weakness in life
Just because some people show off their strength don't mean that
They don't have any weakness inside every one has good and bad point
It's up to us which to take ahead in like because it is your own life
You can take ahead your weakness and cry on every day and night
Or you can just keep weakness in corner and let your self win all your life
So weakness is some thing which is part of each and every human life
After all weakness is included in each and every part of life.

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