Saturday, February 11, 2012

Poem 24. The scale

                                     The scale
Have you seen a scale of merchant in which we every day
Measure food and thing which are always required for our life
Some times I think life just alike when we hold scale of life
It balance some times this side and some times opposite side
When we get more food on that scale we are on top of the world
When we get less food on that scale problem arise and sadness capture
Our days and our life some times in life how easily we get what we like
And how cheap may it be on that day depend totally luck that time
Some times our happiness comes to our side and all efforts we have done
Pays proper price and once again we began to blossom in our life
We just always wish from heart our effort get that type of return every time
But it all depend on our luck and we don't have on it any right
Our life change according to each sight and our efforts never get return
As we like in our life some times we get as much we deserve in life
And some times more than what we deserve in our life but
Then we began to think how easy in life to get things we really like
We even began to give others our own advice about how to spend our life
We began to think that we got one formula of life which help us
On each and every day of life but truth is that we never have any thing in life
It's just our luck that the scale move on our side even those have formulas
Lot better than us will just stood and wait for getting chance which is must
So never expect that your formula will bring success in life
Because success never have any formula which is permanent in life
Since we feel we won we began to feel confident about our life
And so we never think we may one day fail in life but that don't mean
We should think every moment failing in life because we can always
Wish that scale can don't turn to other side but sadly scale turns it'side
Because some times scale turns to worst side and we don't get anything at all in life
We always hate all those times when we can't get what we like in life
We must accept one day scale may turn that side when it turn to that side
Suddenly that scale make us fail in every fight may be we are best
Still losing becomes our life and then from inside our heart sadness arise
How sad we feel when scale turns on wrong side we feel that
May be scale will never turn in life every moment will turn into worst
And we began to think we have lost everything in our future and in our life
But we must learn to accept both the side after failing is also part of life
Some times you may need many tries to get what you truly want from life
Our life is one scale which always change side it just never stood
Permanently on one side if we want to live happily in our life
May be we stop effecting our self by that scale's side because
If today it is failure one day it surely change into success which
Change our life but can we always change our mood according
To wishes of that scale and let that scale boss on our life
If you want to live you truly need a freedom in your life
And for that you must forget the scale which always change it's side
Why attach your self to that scale of success and failure of life
If we know it never going to stay stable on any type of side
So without looking at it we must learn to fully live and enjoy our life
Because that scale will never let us fully live and enjoy our life
It just tease us on each and every point and harm us in such way
Which we can't properly see or feel until it totally harm our life.

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