Thursday, February 23, 2012

Poem 38. Truth

I am chasing my shadows I am chasing the truth
Truth and shadows don't differ when question come of finding truth
All clam that one day surely comes out our dear truth
But shadows are something important when question come of finding truth
No one tell you what is in that one's heart but you just need to look
That what is meaning of feeling in heart and what is meaning of truth
Some times person seem different and that person's shadow is different
Some time people says something and their gesture seems different
But sadly in life I spend more time while looking at person
Instead of looking at their gesture so I get so involve in listening
That I just ignore that gesture after all in life every one make mistake in it
But then some other person always points gesture to me
If you talk sweetly and keep their faith in you slowly after some time
Their faith increase on you so they will tell you the truth when
They are sure no one is listening while they are talking but
Question is that how can you win if you just know but can't prove it in life
After all your witness is such that he or she would never risk their life
But question is that do you really think always life is at stake
When such type of question arise in your thinking as well as life
After all life is some thing which is wonderful for heart but
Do you really think there is really any risk to our thinking and life
After all this is our future which is depend on truth not just our life
If you lie you may feel safe but guilt start to rise and it will give you
Restless as well as sleepless sort of nights after all in this life
We live each day and night on just one hope that one day
Sun of our beautiful future will rise but what is use of that future
If it always hurt us on day and day that we lied to whole world
When we know truth from our heart and in our peaceful life
That truth will stuck like a air bubble which hurt our body
From plenty of point and side after all this is our human nature
That we can't keep truth for too much days inside after all
God made us such way that we can't always let some people
Hurt others for their personal profit and personal revenge in life
So one day we will speak what is full truth inside our life
So why don't we even speak it before instead of waiting
Until it hurt us from many sides because life is some thing
Which help you to rise many times it shows you brightness of sun
But for it we need truth to rise after all truth is something
Which change our heart and our feeling about every thing in life
Truth is something which give us hope even when we don't know
When our future will shine so how can just due to some fear
We can left that truth from our life so I think one day every one
Will come and began to speak the truth it doesn't matter
If they really like it or from their heart they hate it and dislike
But only if I understand meaning of those shadows on proper time
Because this is what hardest task of life we never understand
What is hidden behind those shadow or any part of our life
Chasing shadow is not easy nor it is easy to chase the truth
Both have talent and meaning but both never come in hand and with us
After all playing with shadows is interesting and scary
And same apply to the truth it is also interesting and scary
But there is one difference in those two thing that
Shadows are part of darkness while truth must be part of sunlight and afternoon
But sadly some time some truth brings darkness out
And then shadows become one other name of that darkest truth.

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