Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Poem 45. Next

When I see a river flow it remind me of you after all
You are the first river in my eyes I just always remember you
First thing is just greatest But that will not reduce the next
First may touches your soul but who told you next can't the best
Some people say first thing special in your life I don't believe
Just by being next your importance will reduce from life
After all if I saw first river and I saw the sea next do you think
River will be more important and more best after all in life
Even if you see next river on next time do you think that
River can be less beautiful and less nature for your life
When ever you see something you like it first time but
When next time you went there do you think it will be bore on next time
I don't think first time is always best some times you get improve on next
After all in life we can do our work better on every next time
Practice was needed to make that work better and turn it in best
After all work is some thing which never perfect first time
So if you do some mistake on first time you will remember till end
If you do that it will be worst instead of best but I don't think
We do that and always remember our first mistake because
Life is about going ahead and not remembering our mistake
But after all in life we can't consider each time as first time
As our best many times in life first time make lot of mistake
Then why always consider first time as best by doing this
We are doing injustice to second time which can show our true talent
Some people may think first one is some thing great but
Many times in life you see many other movement as your best
No thing is bad and no thing is worst each movement have it's
Own value and importance why did in our life we make one race
Even in moments of our life we create fight between what is
Good and what is best those moments in our life are something
Make our life all wonderful as well as our best but in our life
We even create competition between those moments do you think it is best
I think it is worst for us all in life that instead of improving it
We just stick in thinking about past and moment in our life
Do you think it is good for person who is next to now that how much
Efforts that one will do still first one will remain for that person best
After all every one tries in life to get the best and after some time
Slowly that person began to see only that one will be called next
And so how much that one may improve but still that one will called next
And that one will be never good enough because it will not first
Always remember it that will be dangerous for person even if it is
Just some worker become every one want hear what is that one's best
And no one is interested in knowing what will be other person's best
After all in life every one have tired in every way the best so
Try to understand in life we always have very thing in perfect sense
Only when we stop thinking any thing was best because if you think
Properly in life you find one day you have done injustice to next
While consider first one best because next one was better than best
So when you watch some thing at first time admire it full from heart
But always try to say that not just first time every time was greatest.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Poem 44. Differences

I never seen the blue mountains and big moon in the sky
Snow seem miracle to me hard I wish I see it near my house
And before my eye but it never come by weather in my sky
But there are people who never seen brown mountains
And small moon dancing in the sky they always see snow
Which cover their mountains and moon so big in sky
How different they must feel when I say there is no snow
In my nature or never that big moon instead of small one in sky
They really seemed shocked because for them that is their nature
I born in a country where I always see crowded road
Where I see people sharing their jokes easily on road and
Where unknown people also smile to me because out of all people
I can't remember all faces I saw in my life any more because
In my country we see more people each day and talk to them
As if we are from birth related to each other and known
But slowly brain forget those faces and I lost count of them
So I start to laugh at even a person who is totally unknown
So for me lonely road and people who are not returning smiles
Are unique as well as for my world they are totally unknown
But there are some people who like to enjoy their life peacefully
And hated those crowded sort of roads after all life is something
Which required to discipline in life and not so crowded things
Which hurt us from each and every source for them that is
Wrong to have so crowded and dusty road they want some thing
Clean and peaceful and they don't want to talk with some person
Who have never their friend and for them that one is totally unknown
So some people want crowd while some people prefer to do alone
Because too crowd will harm their things they want few people
In their life and just few friend who to them fully known
So difference of opinion is basic our life because we come
From different place and enjoy different thinking and life but
None of the style is bad because all those styles are like different
Plants and flowers in life even one type rose have plenty types
Of colours and size after all these things have variety in our life
We all suppose to understand other things also have positive side
If we just think we are best we can never able to understand
Other side of our life after all other side is also have importance in life
May be you don't like it but still learn to give respect to other type
And other side no one is perfect and no thing is too bad
Snow is nice and peaceful while some times even cold hurt your health
But heat is not some thing always nice part so never hate or like
What others have some people just hate the difference while
Some get just obsess with their difference this is totally wrong
Even if you have any of this feeling we need to learn in life
To treat that difference easily as well as properly so in this life
How hard you may try but difference of opinion is truth of our life
We can't keep our view as other prefer and like and other will not
Agree to act according to our like and dislike no one is bad and
No one is good still difference of opinion is one of truth in life
You may hate it but still there will be always a fight in which
People want to you understand their views and opinion of life
So when we need to bring different people together in our life
We need to understand that we need to keep away difference from life
Those difference will never let us to achieve at any compromise
Because only then we can solve our problems in this life
After we all need to adjust with our life to live happily our life.

Poem 43. Planets and earth

                      Planets and earth
Many times I heard my teacher saying that earth moves around the sun
I nodded my head and repeatedly by heart it again and again
Until I write it properly on pages which means for examination
Because I want to pass not to fail then I saw it's picture
It is so beautiful in every way I first time feel the shock
It's beauty took my hold again and again who made earth and planets like this
Is one question which entered in my heart again and again but I just saw it
And draw drawing on paper in perfect way because I want to pass
In examination and it was my only motive then I never thought
About those question that how did that things suppose to be there
Because I know that we don't have enough time to have it explain
Every one was so busy with life on every day that neither teacher
And nor students who are my friends appreciated such question ever there
Every one was to complete lesson as quickly as possible to enjoy the game
In fact on that moment even I don't have time to waste because
I want to enjoy and play on every day some nice game which is
What child do on each and every day but that as time went ahead
I ask my teacher this question one day but she give me so many theories
That I can't reach to proper thinking or proper end in this answer
Ever again because after one question comes another question ahead
If some one tell you earth have come out of sun then my next question will be
Ready and it is fair that who created sun there so I never get any answers in life
Just get questions after questions again because we never have time
To search for answer in our life any where we want work and go ahead
Then for remaining time we need enjoyment then there will come
Relative in life with their ceremonies and wishes so we don't have time in life
To entertain such a questions in our life ever again because they will come
To us again and again after all life is something which change every day
We must understand meaning of life but when we got time to waste
Our work and our entertainment both gives us true happiness and
Then comes number of our relative which is a duty we must face
So our life is so busy on every day we can never have time for question again
Which tell us about out life how much we like them but we don't have
Time to understand things in our life ever again after all life is something
I think too complicated so we need lot of time to understand it again
So instead of wasting our time we just keep going ahead and
Without those answers we went ahead there are many people
And many generation like us in our life each and every day have
Same question in their life again and again but still they just remain
Like us working every time and every day after all we have that
Question in our mind again and again but still no one have time to get answer
For it properly any way some says god does it but we don't even have time
To understand god or show respect in our life we just run ahead
And we never look behind to see any thing which touch us ever again
Our lessons in school and tales of our god just remain in book every day
After some times we just forget every thing in our life's ways and
Then we don't remember it until in our life we feel that we need it again
After all in our life we just feel problems not every day because
Problems just visits us some times and only some days and only on that day
We remember all those things again and we began to think the same question
Which we have forgotten on our school days because human being just
Think when it is totally needed until then our question remain peacefully
In some corner of life and we never pay them attention or look at them.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Poem 42. Everywhere

I saw you on many faces and I saw you in many hearts
I feel you are staying everywhere and in every part
It's hard to capture you it's hard to control you when you are existed in some heart
Because you are something which capture every logical thought
That arises in any one's brain as well as in any one's mind and heart
You are the one who dominate the world from each and every part
How unknown you are to us even when you are our concrete part
We call you weakness but we all know we have you in heart
Because weakness is one thing which control in crisis every heart
After all we wish to win each person which feel nice for heart
But we thought our weakness stop us from winning each and every heart
But truth is that weakness will start when we try to win each and every heart
Weakness will prosper when we feel like loser and winner began taunt us
Since we are loser weakness is some thing which develop inside heart
When a person wants to win but future don't let that one win
Due to it is not proper time to win in that part we want to win
And for it we suppose to try but instead of trying we just feel sad
Then at that moment our weakness capture our heart each person
Have some problem but it become something big as a weakness for heart
So we feel sad when we feel weak but weakness is some thing
Which always inside you or me and weakness is not important
Until strength took hold of our heart problem starts only when
Weakness captures part of our each and every sort of heart
Weakness is something which always stays heart's part and
It never manage to help a person or that person's true heart
Weakness is some thing with which we die and live but
How much problem it can create depend on how did you view
That weakness is some thing just your life's part or that one is
Manage to capture full hold of heart then we never see any thing else in life
Expect weakness which capture world and other sights after all
Weakness is something interesting part it says with our feeling
And inside our heart but until you give me an importance to it
Then it can become important part how much do you think about
That weakness in life as human being tell you how much your weakness
Help you further in each and everything if you use it properly
In proper sort of thing if you are emotional you can turn them in dedication
If you feel sad about something you may try that it will not happen
To any other person so it is your view which decide what you do
So how you turn your weakness in your profit or in your loss
Is always depend on your own thinking as well as your own views
Just always remember one thing weakness is part of a human being
At it never help you until you turn it into some thing important and interesting
Never think that it is just you who got weakness in life
Just because some people show off their strength don't mean that
They don't have any weakness inside every one has good and bad point
It's up to us which to take ahead in like because it is your own life
You can take ahead your weakness and cry on every day and night
Or you can just keep weakness in corner and let your self win all your life
So weakness is some thing which is part of each and every human life
After all weakness is included in each and every part of life.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Poem 41. The changes of mind

                             The changes of mind
I know sky is blue I know earth is firm but still I feel
I don't know anything at all in this world and on this earth
Because these thing are what I thought they are not truth of world
We just can't claim they are true because they are not stable thing in world
But still we claim that we know properly about each and everything in world
Sky is blue that is one thing we always say from childhood but
Question is that do you really think that sky is blue because
On every sunrise and on sunset sky is never blue not at night
We can see the blue but we can't see it due to darkness but
What about rainy season when even on bright day sky suddenly
Change it's view and darkness began to capture all our views
So in seconds our one sentence shattered which we prefer to use
That our sky is no more blue it could be in any colour or any sort of view
So sky changes with time but that is not that much new
We all know that it is not true but we said it just for our comfort
And claim that sky is blue but at that spot we never able to see
All those colours which come in our view and instead of blue
Sky turns into many colours which always touch our heart
After all we all knew that sky is not blue we just said it because
It is one sentence common about sky and we always use
But what about earth we always thought it is firm because
It is carrying weight of so much people and we never see crack on earth
There are big trees which are rooted inside earth and earth give
Them food and strength to stood strongly on that earth
We also see many mountain and many other objects and even if
We throw heaviest object there is not crack on surface of earth
So we are so sure that our ground is firm but our hopes were shattered
When earthquake moves the earth and then all get destroyed
Which stood until then strongly on earth after all we all need
Firm base to stood on earth then all those trees will fall in few seconds
What ever until now carefully grow and cherished on earth will just in moment
Get broken and fully shattered on earth after all in life we never thought
That our own ground will move and destroy which was precious on earth
So mistake was not on surface and nor it happen because of too much weight
Because there is no rule that earthquake happen where is lot of weight
Wrong thing is not outside earth inside makes damage and
It move earth in just few minutes and harm many things which
Were until then on earth grow with earth's help on earth as it's base
But when slowly time will change and we see inside is something
Matter more every day after all inside earth is worst and it cause damage
So these are best thing to understand a human being
Don't you think some are like sky and some like earth in many ways
In sky you can see every change on each and every movement
You can't control it because it is out of your control but still
We see any light or any sort of change because that light is some thing
Which tell us time and any sort of weather that will surely change
In case of earth we never see any type of problem after all
On each earthquake we think earth is perfect before some moment
Then suddenly from inside everything seem to change after all
On each moment many things cause to sudden damage
After all our mind are same two ways some are seen properly
During their change while other are having all sort of hidden change
But one thing common in both type of mind they have their own spirit
They have their ways we can't control them nor we can stop that change.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Poem 40. God's gift

                      God's gift
Inside my sweet home god has given me many gifts
Some are really good and some are really bad for me
I hate to see a insect even if it is gift given by god
But then one day I know it's uses I decides to keep them all
After all insects are also important for our future and life
There are many uses of them which are written a book
I read once in life it describe them as worthy for all life
On each page of that book they told us how important
All insects are in this life even those picture some of them
Looked every beautiful not that much scary as I thought in life
So I decided that they are worthy gift so I must keep them
If I want to survive in my life after all everything is important
For us in this precious life but then after some days I feel
That I can't survive in life without searching for something
Which may replace those insects in use of our life because
When suddenly I saw it I killed it without a thought
It scared me with my life and after some days I read a book
Which told me how risky those insects are for us in our life
After all they spread diseases which harm many parts of my life
And by then I have already forgotten uses of those insects in life
Human memory is not that good when human decide to ignore
Some thing from their memory or life and in case of insects
I never want that trouble in my home as well as in my life
When I know they are needed for my planets still I want them
Out of my life after all just few are useful for me other are useless in life
If only I can understand there is life cycle in our life and due to it
We need every creature to be alive and perfect in our life
Earth is created with one structure which may not be as per our like
We may hate some items from it but still they are gifts of our life
Some gifts are so nice that we just love them from heart in life
They are so pretty and delicate or strong that their power surprise us in life
We want to them even if they are not as useful as we thought in life
Because they are some thing unique and they don't scare us in life
But some thing just trigger wrong feeling in our mind and so
We want to get rid of them even if they are useful in cycle of life
We claim that they are harmful to us but truth is that so are the other things
Which we prefer and like it is just beauty that capture our mind
But some thing are not beautiful so we find them scary in life
Even when some times when they are not that harmful still we run
After them in our life because they scare from our heart and
Destroy our peace in life so we want them all dead because
We don't want to destroy our peace of mind but I feel just one thing
Why I hate so much some creature in my life as if they are
My biggest enemies when they hardly notice me in their life
Some are even harmless one still they scare me out of my life
And I don't just scream but instead of screaming I try to kill them
Without making much noise so I can kill those incests without thinking twice
Then why did I blame the god when god decide to kill some human
Without any sort of reason or any sort of crime after all if I can do it
Then don't god have on us same sort of justice or same sort of right
After all if we kill others then why should we complaint
When one day god plan and we are told we are going to die in life.

Poem 39. Dream of a sky

                  Dream of a sky
When I think I always thought I just love the sky
I dream of it I read about it I just want to search it
I want go high and high and what to learn to fly
May it be airplane or may be it is something new
I just want to fly in sky for my pleasure I thought
That my dream may come true so I decided to turn
It into some thing which is true for my heart and me
So many days I thought I just run after that dream
But after some time I found out that I just don't like
That much to become pilot to turn into true that dream
I feel so confuse that when every day I have that dream
How can I reject that idea of flying if I hate to be a pilot
Why did I have every day that dream if I just don't want
Then why my subconscious is pointing at that dream
If achieving that dream is so impossible for heart then
Why did my mind is keeping alive my strange dream
Some dream are so strange that we never understand
What we want and why did we get that dream which is
In use for life not practical and was totally just useless
That dream is something which is fully meaningless and
That dream don't have any sort of sense after all in dream
We fly as we like but in practical life we just feel towards
That thing strange sort of dislike so if we dislike it so much
Then why we dream it again and again when it is not possible
Why strange attraction is felt it seems so easy in dream
To try to fly but in reality it was an impossible try
I have that dream day after day and it stay with me
How hard I may try to forget it or try to have it rejected
But that same sky comes and every day visit me
Like some unknown ghost I feel haunted by it but not that ghost
Which I don't like but some helpful ghost to my heart and me
After all ghosts are some time which we love to see like
Some playful ghost which is nice and lovely for my heart and me
I just want to see that sky and just want to fly in it
But when I woke up I just don't think I love that much flying
How strange I feel my wish which never fulfill me after
All in my life I never want to be pilot or air hostess on plane
As my destiny then one day when I look at my dream carefully
I found I am not human but a bird in it so strange was my dream
But slowly I understand it's true meaning I want to fly
But not in sky I want to live my life like a bird which fly freely
So I never wished to fly in airplane but fly in life freely
So in this life we just never understand what is our feeling
May be dreams are part of our heart but mostly they have different meaning
By understanding our dream in wrong way we just confuse our future fully
And we manage to hurt our feeling which are part of our feelings
So dream have some thing interesting but we just search it's meaning
But if we got it all totally wrong then we hurt us fully
After all life is some thing which have many parts different totally
In life we must find some thing which it means truly and officially.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Adventure story 18. Unfaithful

Dipesh was working hard on this project.All the staff was doing as per his orders.They all were working on days and nights.They just had to finish their project.Dipesh turned every stone for it's success.He wanted to do a job of which he would proud for rest of life.But his boss was not that cooperative.His boss never took much interest in work.But his boss always threw every failure on him and his staff.Last time boss put all the blames of his incompetency on Dipesh's best friend and threw him out of the job.Dipesh was very upset about it.He saw his best friend was crying.Still he get angry when he remembered the incidence.His friend still didn't got good job.He was still struggling.Dipesh tried to help him.But it was not working so Dipesh had to work hard and his boss was getting credit.Even the staff didn't like the way office was working.But everyone was scared to make complaint.No one wanted to lose job.So Dipesh was working hard and credit of it was going to his boss.Dipesh just wanted to stop this thought.He should have to concentrate on finishing his work.Dipesh once again turned his mind towards his work.
           Whole day Dipesh was working when he reached home.He expected Sapana to be home waiting for him and every angry.He imagined that she might be upset about his absence in home.He had been coming late for many days.He always thought she would fight with him about his work hours like his colleague's wife do.But Sapana was very patient regarding this matter.Some times Dipesh thought that Sapana's love is unconditional.But inside his mind he didn't believe a thing like unconditional love existed.He felt that it all had been rubbish and one day all the anger inside Sapana's mind would exploited like a boiler which was heated too much.He was just waiting for that day because these kind of things showed real love in his eyes.He wanted see his wife's boiling anger outside.He wanted a heated argument.He was pretty sure.Today he would have to bear with her anger.But as soon as he entered the home.He saw Sapana was happily smiling at him.He thought this was very strange.Sapana"What do you like to have?You must be very exhaust after working for whole day.""No,I am just fine."Sapana smiled more sweetly.He suddenly began to feel that she was hiding some secret from him behind her smile.Dipesh could felt it from heart.Sapana's smile was mask to hide her cheating.After this thought he felt,he missed heart beat.He suddenly saw it clearly Sapana in arms of the other man.While he was working hard to run their house.She was enjoying another man's company.Suddenly Dipesh felt a touch on his hand.He looked up.Sapana had brought tea and snacks for him.Sapana,"I made your favourite tea.I am pretty sure you will like it's taste.It will make you fresh."Suddenly Dipesh understood she might wanted some thing so she was acting such a nice to get a piece of jewellery.He was very happy by this thinking.It was putting every piece of puzzle in correct place. "What do you want?"Sapana looked surprised."Don't be crazy.I don't want anything expensive."Dipesh smiled.He thought it meant that she wanted something cheap.But instead of telling him her demand.She just came in his arms and said"I just want your happiness and I hope it will not be expensive."She looked at him lovingly.But he felt that she was a fox hiding in lamb's coat.He just had to keep a watch on her.
      Next day Dipesh came home earlier than usual time.He slowly went near the home.Dipesh was convinced that he was just doing it to give Sapana a pleasant surprise.When he went near the flat he clearly saw Sapana was talking to a man.She even smiled at him.Then that man suddenly ran away.Dipesh thought he must have felt his presence.There was no reason for running away like this.This time he straight a way when to Sapana."Sapana,who was that fellow?""Oh!that it was our milkman.He came to take his bill.""So late.""You are right.He is such careless fellow.I am telling you with this attitude one day he will be bankrupt.""But you are laughing with him.""What?what do you mean by this?"Dipesh saw anger in Sapana 's eyes and he got confused again.But he decided to stick to his statement.After all he needed to get his doubts cleared.He wanted to live peacefully.He asked her clearly,"You were laughing with him?""So.He cracked a joke and I laughed on it.That's it.Why are you behaving like this?What is in your mind?"After seeing in Sapana's eyes he clearly saw that he had hurting her.Dipesh started massaging his head.Dipesh"Sapana I am trying to tell you.Your too innocent to understand these people's meaning.I know their meaning .Don't be over friendly like that.Everyone will misunderstood you."Now Sapana looked confused.She just said"As you wish."and went inside.Dipesh silently followed her.
         When he went inside,he saw Sapana was busy with cooking.He suddenly thought if she was doing dinner now.What was she doing for whole time?Dipesh"You don't have time for me now.What were you doing for whole day?""Actually all friends from my college were gathered today so I went there.I thought you will come late as usual.You should have phoned me.I was not at all prepared for you.""So now a days I need to take your appointments."Sapana came out of the kitchen.Now she was giving her special smile which always used to melt his heart.But not today; today he wanted answers of his all questions.Sapana "Let go somewhere we shall eat dinner outside today.That way I don't have to waste my time for cooking and we can enjoy each others company.""Where do you want to go?I think to meet your friends again."Dipesh clearly saw a spark of anger in Sapana's eyes this time.But she stopped herself again and once again her smile returned on her face.Sapana"Now will you stop teasing?I like to watch cinema."After this Dipesh had no options but had to agree with her.So they went to cinema.
          As soon as they reached on the road,Sapana hurried towards a taxi.Dipesh was coming fast but just couldn't match her speed because his shoes were stuck in odd ways.Sapana stopped that taxi driver.Dipesh knew that she smiled because she got the taxi so easily.She hated to wait for taxi.But still he just didn't like it.When they sat in taxi,he noticed the taxi driver was looking in the review mirror.It seemed normal from outside.But still Dipesh found it strange.He was looked just like milkman.This thought disgusted Dipesh.He began to think 'May be he is Sapana's boyfriend.Who is wearing disguise to confuse him?This way he can go out with Sapana and he never know."When he was thinking this.Sapana suddenly hold his hand.He just looked at her with disturbed thoughts.Sapana"What's wrong with you?Why are you looking so upset?""Don't you think he is looking like our milkman?""Don't be silly.Our milkman is young.This man is very old fellow.Look at his wrinkled face.Now stop being paranoid.No one is following us."After this Sapana gave him a nice smile and put her head on his shoulder.He was shocked by her behaviour.She never came near him like this in public.She was doing it to hide her affair.He was pretty sure.She had an affair and he decided to first find the guy.Then confront her with the evidence.He decided to continue his search.
            For few days he just continued with his work.His boss was not giving him any vacation.Dipesh desperately needed one.He wanted to locate all clues to prove Sapana's guilt.Finally one day he got time off for some hours.He literally ran home.When he reached there.Sapana was in the house.He slowly opened the door with his latch key.Sapana was cooking in the kitchen.She must had felt something was strange because she came in the hall.But when she reached in the hall.Dipesh was hidden behind sofa.She just looked around.After some time she was convinced that no one was there.She thought that she must had imagined it.She went back in the kitchen.She was very angry with herself for being such a over imaginative.When she finally went in kitchen,Dipesh went to their bedroom.Slowly he opened their cupboard.Then he opened Sapana's drawer.Luckily Sapana had not locked it.She didn't seem to afraid of thief.After all no thief had ever robbed in their building.But still Dipesh always told Sapana to lock her drawer.He always got angry with her about this carelessness.But today he was happy about it.He easily opened the drawer.He slowly took out each and every item from the drawer.He was looking for her secrets.But there was nothing in that drawer.Finally he found some receipts.She had purchased some movie tickets so she was going on the date with someone.He wanted to ask her face to face this time.But he wanted concrete evidence.Then he suddenly remembered that his friend mentioned Private Investigator who did such a job.He was going to contact his friend.But he surely needed some evidence to prove his point before detective.He could go to detective if he had some proof to support his suspicion.Sapana's some extra expenses,her love letters, at least some pictures etc. were needed.By this he could at least convince his friend to support him.He would able to get number of that detectives.But if he took away movie tickets.Sapana was surely going to notice the difference.Then he found Sapana's telephone diary.There were many male names and numbers in it which were unknown to him.He just wanted to torn the every page of diary.Then he felt Sapana was entering in the bedroom.He literally ran under the bed.Sapana sat on the bed.She was singing happily.For sometime she slept on the bed and continue her singing.She was daydreaming while daydreaming she was looking every beautiful.Dipesh was fascinated by her beauty.But suddenly he felt sad.She was no longer his.She was surely daydreaming about someone else.Then she went to her cupboard.She opened it and took out her new dress.She slowly started moving her hands on it.Dipesh could feel her dream and he had become more and more sure that he was not part of it.He waited there patiently.He had to hide there.But he was finding it hard to tolerate her affair and watching her daydreaming like this.He had to expose her before whole family.He had to show them her real face.
           Next day he went to his friend and tried to convince him.But his friend didn't seem to be convinced."I don't agree with you.The things you are describing look very common to me.""You just don't understand.It's just gut feelings...""OK!OK! I think I will take you to Private Investigator tomorrow.""But I don't have everything.If you want to please your boss,forget Private Investigator.If you want to do it,forget everything else."Dipesh needed to prove his point so he decided to go against his boss's wishes.Private Investigator read all his case."I will give you all details.But I have gut feeling.You are imagining.""What?""These kind of disguise is just for films.In real life it's impossible.But still for peace of your mind.I will search in the case."Dipesh smiled happily.After that on each and everything he was looking at her with suspicion.Then the day came when Sapana was planning to go on movie with her mystery man.From the morning she was looking every happy.She was smiling at him unnecessarily.He knew her plan.But he wanted the proof.So he went to office and continued his work till late night.But after sometime Private Investigator's phone came.""Sir your wife never left the home.She was inside house whole time.When she didn't come out,I went near home. I watched through the window.She was wearing the dress you described and crying before cake.May be you forgot her birthday?""If I forgot her birthday,why didn't she told me about it in morning.No that fellow is late or not coming.You just keep a watch on her.""As you wish Sir."After that Dipesh didn't come home until early in the morning.By then Sapana had cleared everything and went to sleep.
      But from next morning Sapana was every upset.Her anger and frustration was clearly seen on her face.Dipesh thought she was mad at her lover.He was very happy about it.After all every cheater should had to suffer.Slowly her smile was vanished.She started getting irritated by him.Dipesh was convinced that one day she would confessed.But she continued looking more and more angry day by day.Dipesh was very sure that Private Investigator would give him some evidence.But Private Investigator submitted report that had given his wife clean chit.This was too much for Dipesh.He straight away went to his office."You said my wife is honest.I just don't believe it.May be you are double crossing me?"Now Private Investigator seemed very angry."Oh God!!This is too much.Your wife don't have that much money.""Then her boyfriend must have the money.""I just don't understand.Your wife is completely honest with you.Why are you wanted to prove otherwise.Are you interested in other girl?Do you want to divorce her?""Shut up!I know she is having affairs.I can feel it by heart.""Then may be you shall need a doctor.A psychiatrist."After this Dipesh left the room angrily.Then he began to go to other Private Investigator.He went to many Private Investigator.Everyone gave him same report as first one and finally he had to confess this to Sapana.
       Sapana was shocked hear it.Sapana"But it was our date.I planned for you.As a surprise.How can you think this way?I acted this way just to you my support because your best friend thrown out of job.I can feel your tension.But you just seem to be always blaming me.Why do you always act like this?Now a days even when I talked to shopkeeper you get jealous.You have to stop acting like this.I can't live like this.""I think may be we shall have to leave this area.If we got rid of that milkman...""Stop it.Please let's go to psychiatrist."Dipesh was not ready at first.But slowly it became unbearable to him and he decided to go to psychiatrist.
        The psychiatrist at first asked Dipesh general questions because of it Dipesh relaxed little.Then he slowly began to trust the psychiatrist and told him everything without keeping anything back.Then after hearing everything for sometime he sat thinking and finally he told them"I think he is suffering from Delusional Order.Jealous type is characterized by the delusion that one's sexual partner is being unfaithful.For example a man may be mistakenly convinced that his wife is having an affair and he may construct a set of "evidence"of routine domestic events to "prove" her infidelity."But looking at Dipesh it could be clearly seen that he was suffering from these symptoms."I think Dipesh has recently experienced tremendous stress at his job.Although he has avoided dwelling on his job problems.He has begun to develop irrational beliefs about his wife."Sapana"Can he become alright?""Of course slowly he will be alright."After that Dipesh's treatment was started.But next day when he went to office, first thing he had done was complaint against his boss.
                                                                  The End 

Poem 38. Truth

I am chasing my shadows I am chasing the truth
Truth and shadows don't differ when question come of finding truth
All clam that one day surely comes out our dear truth
But shadows are something important when question come of finding truth
No one tell you what is in that one's heart but you just need to look
That what is meaning of feeling in heart and what is meaning of truth
Some times person seem different and that person's shadow is different
Some time people says something and their gesture seems different
But sadly in life I spend more time while looking at person
Instead of looking at their gesture so I get so involve in listening
That I just ignore that gesture after all in life every one make mistake in it
But then some other person always points gesture to me
If you talk sweetly and keep their faith in you slowly after some time
Their faith increase on you so they will tell you the truth when
They are sure no one is listening while they are talking but
Question is that how can you win if you just know but can't prove it in life
After all your witness is such that he or she would never risk their life
But question is that do you really think always life is at stake
When such type of question arise in your thinking as well as life
After all life is some thing which is wonderful for heart but
Do you really think there is really any risk to our thinking and life
After all this is our future which is depend on truth not just our life
If you lie you may feel safe but guilt start to rise and it will give you
Restless as well as sleepless sort of nights after all in this life
We live each day and night on just one hope that one day
Sun of our beautiful future will rise but what is use of that future
If it always hurt us on day and day that we lied to whole world
When we know truth from our heart and in our peaceful life
That truth will stuck like a air bubble which hurt our body
From plenty of point and side after all this is our human nature
That we can't keep truth for too much days inside after all
God made us such way that we can't always let some people
Hurt others for their personal profit and personal revenge in life
So one day we will speak what is full truth inside our life
So why don't we even speak it before instead of waiting
Until it hurt us from many sides because life is some thing
Which help you to rise many times it shows you brightness of sun
But for it we need truth to rise after all truth is something
Which change our heart and our feeling about every thing in life
Truth is something which give us hope even when we don't know
When our future will shine so how can just due to some fear
We can left that truth from our life so I think one day every one
Will come and began to speak the truth it doesn't matter
If they really like it or from their heart they hate it and dislike
But only if I understand meaning of those shadows on proper time
Because this is what hardest task of life we never understand
What is hidden behind those shadow or any part of our life
Chasing shadow is not easy nor it is easy to chase the truth
Both have talent and meaning but both never come in hand and with us
After all playing with shadows is interesting and scary
And same apply to the truth it is also interesting and scary
But there is one difference in those two thing that
Shadows are part of darkness while truth must be part of sunlight and afternoon
But sadly some time some truth brings darkness out
And then shadows become one other name of that darkest truth.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Poem 37. One spot

                                           One spot
Many times I feel I am standing here for ages and life after life
Without any way and without any light just stood on that spot
For entire life and try to find a way since many times and life
When ever you say this understand it is depression of mind
No one was stood on one place entire life because no one want
To stop on one place and waste their time in their hopes and life
After all our life is never one place nor it is now not it is in future
How hard we may try it but still we are never on one spot for entire life
Because life moves us from one side to another side but never spot on one point
Just look at earth which moves every day still look like it is on same point
But do you really think earth is stood on just one point and if you think so
Then I think it must be enough for our life because after all earth have
Created this world as well as human life so if without moving ahead
We can change so many thing can some one tell me why we need to
Move ahead in life every one make movement which is suitable to their style
Some move ahead while other move from one side to other side
But they never take step ahead which may keep them on same line
But still it is good enough if we make some movement in our life
Some thing are just on one spot still they are important for our life
Like that lighthouse which stop ships from getting crash by staying one point
After all this our entire life so we must think twice before decide
We are wise or not wise after all in our life we each day find some thing new
Which may harm us from beginning of our life so going ahead on each day
Will it perfect for life after all some thing are important because
They stood on same spot and guide many life but after hearing every one
We feel we must go ahead in our life and it doesn't matter if we like it
Or may be we will totally dislike this life is something which is
Truly interesting for our thinking and advice because in this life
We have given some work to do and we are not suppose to spend
That life on some other person's entire advice after all in this life
After all those things which move ahead don't create like earth
And type of human being or life so why do we think that success
Will depend who went ahead in life we can be successful if we do
Our duties properly as we are told and we are advised
After all in our life we must know properly what we truly like
There are some spot and some sort of skills we are given in life
We must fulfill our duties according to those skill in our entire life
Each day we are force to do what people think going ahead in life
But what is use of that thing if that thing just don't make you some thing in life
Just by running ahead without knowing where are you going in your life
Is seem so useless for entire life after all in life we must think
Going ahead is like a job which is nice for our life but when
We do it without aim it will be useless for life so some times
Staying at one spot is not that bad for entire life after all
We all saw earth is moving around the sun but earth never went ahead in life
I know earth getting old day by day in our life but if by going ahead
You mean getting old then we are all doing it in our life
Just never went ahead after hearing wrong sort of suggestion and advice
Many people give you many but it is up to you that what you do with life
After all life is some thing which is precious for each person on each time
I don't know if I went ahead or not in my life but still I think
I am happy and I think that is enough for person's heart and life.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Poem 36. Rose

Whenever I see I just loved the rose in red I heard it from some person
In doesn't matter how beautiful other roses looked I just loved to see it in red
But one day I got a rose in yellow how hard I tried to like it but still I just
Like that kind of rose from world as well as in nature it is so beautiful
And peaceful for our mind out of many roses do I just like that rose
When I heard that person I began to think which colour is favourite
For me as well as for roses in nature and beginning I feel I like red from my heart
After all red is one colour which forces person to look at rose because
It is so bright from my heart since it is beautiful at that moment
I totally agree with that person from my heart but after some time
Roses will be seen in different colour and shown in different sort
Their beauty seem like some thing that touch my heart but one day
I saw one rose which is in different colour of totally different sort
But still I like that rose which is yellow it really touch my feeling and heart
That rose is so unique that every one loved it look who ever see it
Stop to admire it as well as stop to take at it one nice and perfect look
That rose was something which is nice for our heart and it's colour
Gives us some pleasure and happiness in our feeling as well as heart
But while looking at that rose I forgot I like red colour and began to think
May be I admire more yellow rose and yellow colour then
I suddenly felt that I am totally wrong rose is truly beautiful it's colour
Never touch or matter to our thinking as well as our pleasant heart
After all colour is some thing nice for us but it doesn't matter to heart
When rose is beautiful it may posses any type or any sort of colour
To please our heart after all we all think colour is something don't matter
When it look pretty to many types and parts that rose will look so lovely
In that peaceful nature that it's beauty takes us to some sort of heaven
It doesn't matter to us then which type colour really please our heart
Because every colour seem like have some beauty that will please our heart
When rose have some beauty which make us truly happy then
Some rose which look on tree very pretty and very fresh for heart
When we saw them we just wish to say one line that they are
Beautiful and pleasant sort of structure which will please our heart
Those lovely roses are nice and unique even in picture and we want
To touch them by our hand and our heart we want to go near them
And feel they are so nice that we feel they are so pleasant heart
I thought if I show it to that person that person will see it's beauty
And then that one will change heart and easily accept that yellow rose
Is also as beautiful as red one from that one's heart I thought
That one said it because that one didn't see that beautiful rose
Until then before eyes after seeing it that one will clearly realize
So I went ahead broken my rule of not showing other thing until
They wish from heart and showed that one this rose that one
I just wanted to show that one yellow is also as beautiful as red from heart
That one admire it at first but then slowly that fellow change view
By that one's last sentence it all changes views that one said that
Rose is beautiful but it will be more beautiful if it is in red colour
And more beautiful for every one's heart after that I understood
You can't just change some person's nature and heart they just
Continue to asking for things and never change their heart
How beautiful may other thing look they never change their heart
They are so stubborn for every one that admiring others and changing
Views because they are not true is never their life's part.

Poem 35. Beautiful sight

                                      Beautiful sight
Which window is nice and beautiful for our mind after all beauty
Is one thing which always affects our mind we spend many hours
And lot of time just to get beauty in our life we small design took
Lot of efforts which taken by you or from mind of your or my mind
Those sights are something which we like from our mind and
From our heart even while buying a house if that window have
Some nice design we will run after it just to please our eyes and mind
When we see something without any delicate work or design
Do you think we spend money on it because we feel we just don't like
Small sort of beauty which created by those nice design in our life
Shift up our spirit inside this life and slowly we forget to think
About use of that thing in our life and it just become part of our mind
Many times we feel so enchanted by that beauty that we just forget
Use of thing which is perfect and nice then when time come
We just look at beautiful things all surrounded us in life after all
Use is more important than beauty for life but after beauty is
Far more precious for our life than use of them in life but
Beauty is something which always remain part of our life and mind
But question is that if beauty is reward or curse for our mind
At one side beauty pleases our mind and some beauty like nature
Truly beautiful from outside as well as inside of their brain and mind
After all beauty is something which is very precious thing for mind
Beauty is some thing which is harmful as well as useful for mind
After all in life we all need beauty it is thing we really prefer and like
Then we all need that beauty in life then after all beauty are not bad for mind
But many times in life we all do wrong thing then we reject a beauty
Which works with good mind but we easily get attracted towards bad mind
Because mostly good one don't try to convince you for many hours in life
And bad one waste on us lot of hours because they have some motives in mind
They want to convince us and get result which are perfect for their plans
As well as their mind and they have lot of hours to spend it for their plan
Which are already cultivated in their mind and then after some times
They were convinced that it is perfect for our mind and life
It is what they want that becomes perfect for every one in life
It doesn't matter if that one truly posses beauty of face and talent
Of talking sweetly with people in life but they have some motive
Which totally occupy their mind then they use each thing with motive
That will help their plan and their life slowly they will harm others
In their future and mind but while doing this they use their beauty
As weapon against many life but that don't mean beauty is some thing
Harmful for any one's life beauty can be nice but people remember
Only that beauty which harm them in their future and their life
Because it is beauty which taught them lesson in their life
We after all always remember all lessons in life but when beautiful
Person do this people just think that one look so innocent still cheated in life
Don't look at face look at person's motive inside their thought and mind
After all face can be any way only motive matter in life so
Never go against any type of face just fight against bad motive in life
Because motive is most important thing which effects in this life
But beauty and ugliness is not as important part of life
Beauty or ugly doesn't matter if you keep bad motive every thing
Have bad as well as worst effect on our thinking and on our life.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Poem 34. The Shadows

                               The Shadows
Have you ever feel? You are working under the shadows
You are not growing enough because you are using thinking
Which is borrowed it comes from other who think they knew best
And you are already told what is good for you and what is wrong to borrow
There are some thought which told you to make friend but
You are told that if you make friendship with wrong people
You will without happiness and only with sorrow have you ever feel
You can never see clearly in your belief and prejudice you can never see openly
Because you are just watching those thing which are showed to you
And they scared you so much that you never dare to go ahead of them
Have you ever feel ?That your fear is used against you and
It force you from using your own brain for your personal type of use
After all in life every time you try to do what you want by their talk
They every time manage to scare you and your dreams just vanish
In thin air and sky they all went away with those horrible truths
Which told you again and again and slowly unknowingly truth used against us
Stop us from our proper thinking and thought after all in life
We never dare to take too much risk that began to scare you and
After some time you began even scared of each and every
Sort of thought because once shadows are plant against some one in thought
Slowly life become  difficult to make friendship with people of all kind
Because for some where already our minds are prejudice our heart
Once some thing told you as a child in goes inside your mind as well
Your heart and you never dare to cross that border which reacted in your heart
We hate that person or you are scared of that one but making friendship
With that person seems impossible for a person why do we prefer to plant
Such prejudice in our heart why don't we live and let other's live
As they like in their life as it's part I think because when a person suffer that
One want revenge and revenge is some thing which is without limit of time
As well as expiry date after all in life we all want to justice from our heart
And for it we just spend days after days in same prejudice and same thoughts
We never able to beyond that circle because we are scared even
Of that thought because it may hurt us in some way and we are scared of that
Thought but truth is that we no longer able to breath in pure air
Our thought are so prejudice and we are fully scared after all thinking
Is no longer in our control it goes in those people's hands who
Generate in our mind prejudice and wrong thought but sadly in life
We are so scared that we never went ahead we just prefer to stay in pond
And a fish of pond can never see whole world fully you don't need
Travelling to know the world you need proper liberal thinking
Because that will tell you what is the world and it will cure your heart
And slowly you will go out of those shadows which affect your heart
Because those shadows which stop your thinking never create
Proper happiness in our heart they are the one who help us
To create proper world in which we can choose what ever we like from heart
So if we want to make true friend in this world we must try
To ignore those scares which affect our heart and must learn to ignore
Those parts which are repeated just to scare our heart after all
Life goes ahead and many time people change for good
I know some don't believe in those changes but if we want to change
Our future we need to believe in goodness of change in me or you
Don't believe those shadows believe what you see and trust your heart
And close your mind and keep it away from all kind of prejudice.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Poem 33. Question

When I think there is always a question why don't I get ever an answer?
There is one question which always affects my heart  if I can ever get
For those all questions which entered in our life as well as our heart
Because our life is just full of questions from our each and every part
After all life is some thing which is full of questions which are from heart
After one question comes another question in our life which effects our heart
There are lot of question which are without answers in whole world
While after thinking when I act like with some thing which is so nice
For our life as well as heart we all want to live our life in some answer
But sadly in our life we all find some sort of question and that question
Is some thing which truly effect our life because these questions are
Something which never receive any type of answer of any kind
These questions just stayed there where they were for entire life and
They never manage to get any answer for any person in their whole life
These question are some thing which are full of our life's part
Which are full of confusions which we face every day in life's part
Some times I feel those question are so increased in our life
That our life become a question and we need answer for it but
We don't have that much time to spend on question in this life
After all life is some thing which is always remain in our life
Without answer because we can't spend our life on that questions
Which are truly and fully part of our after all those questions
Are the one which have special and interesting effect on our life
There are always questions which have special effect of anything in life
So we all decide to ignore many types of question which really
Touch our feeling as well as there are some nice effects on life
These things are full of lovely things which have worst effects on life
We all feel that if only we can ignore those questions of life but they
Seem on our door on any movement which we prefer in our life
And then they enter in our house and every thing changes with their sight
So how can we ignore such a type of questions in our life because
They are going to enter once again in our life by some other way or side
Then after some time they just enter in our future of our life after all
So we think that we must need solution for them in our life but
They all just can't get connected with any sort of answers in our life
They just turn from every side to totally other side and they are just one
But lots of questions in mind we feel so confuse by them that
Slowly we began to think question is your life but if you keep proper
Patience then one day these question will turn into some answers in life
But out of those plenty question just few get answer in life while
Others just remain question and hardly able to get anything in life
Those question are true question in my view because they never give
Any type of answer in our life they just irritate and put problems
Around us in this whole life these question are those things which
Stuck in our throat and can't let us speak properly in our life
Because if we don't know the question then how can we see answer in life
Answers are one thing which are required on each spot of life
But questions are the things which we get in our entire strong life
So on this question we have just one solution we can try to find answer but
If we can't then we can still ignore them in our life for some time
And at least live peacefully and hope when it come before us again then
May be we able to find some strong and powerful answer on it that time.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Poem 32. Meaning of freedom

                               Meaning of freedom
I can fly in a sky it is my freedom but if I hurt someone
Is it right to fly? same apply to some person if they hurt some one
Do you really think they have right to walk and talk as they want
Freedom is one thing but giving it to every one seems like a hard task
Because that person some times does those things which cause
Many person harm and that one will destroy other's freedom
Do you think let that one move as that one wish is proper freedom
How can you give freedom if that one hurt all other free birds in sky
Every one tells me it is world in which you have to look at sky
But you can never tell anything to some bird which are more strong
Than you when they fly so if we are free and we talk about freedom
Then why when strong person comes we suppose to forget our freedom
So strong bird have power to fly as that one likes in the sky
And cruel one which hurt other even wants a freedom to fly
If sky is going so full these people go you think we will be really interested
In trying to fly in that large sky because when that sky loaded with
Lot of wrong person may be we just don't wish the freedom to fly
This is what happens when freedom is given in totally wrong way
And in totally wrong try we give every thing to every one but
Some people just don't deserve that right and freedom to fly
Freedom is strange thing every one want it for them self but
When question arise of other's freedom suddenly people change
Their opinion and they began to say we can ignore question of their freedom
They may be want for them a full freedom but for other's they say
We can always ignore freedom they have excuses which may come in line
But do you think really those excuses really matter in our life
If we want freedom in every thing but when it comes to give freedom
To different person who have nothing fully common with you
When we see something which is totally different for us as well as for our heart
Then suddenly we began to think that person's freedom don't matter in all
We just want our freedom from our heart and freedom of those
Who are just like us in life's each and every sort of part but
When question arise about freedom of other human being who may
Seem to us totally different human being then we never care if they are
Free or under domination we just feel that we are free and that gives us
True satisfaction after all our freedom is some thing we need
And we hardly think about others in process of from heart feeling free
Because for us only thing matter is the freedom which is given to people
Whom we are like us in all ways and they all belong to our category or group
But what we don't understand is the truth that we never live in freedom
If we don't give same others because in life before asking for something
We must learn to give it to others because if we don't give them that
They one day they fight to get that freedom and then we all will be in problem
Because fight for freedom are not profitable for any one because they cause
A lot of problems to those who ask for freedom or those who give freedom
But some times freedom fight seem in such strange light that any cruel person
Do some thing wrong and claim it is just freedom fight so when you ask
For some thing when you give some thing just ask your heart twice
Do you think that one deserve freedom or that one is creating
None sense arguments and all useless type of fight because some times
Freedom is used just as one word to act per that person's wish
And just break rules as per desire freedom is not some thing totally
I understand it is complicated that after many hours I just don't
Get to the heart of one question that is what is meaning of freedom.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Poem 31. I try

                                             I try
When I try to touch the success I have to understand it in all parts
But I feel as if I am trying to run away from shadows which are hurting
Us in each and every part after all in our life we want success so that
No one can taunt us and tell us what is fully wrong with our heart
We think success can shut mouth of many person who hurt our heart
I know some want success just to please their heart but their numbers
are so limited to compared with others who fully want success just
To prove the world that they are winner and king of every heart
When I try to hide from the rain I know I am running from childhood
Because as child if I can't get sick by getting wet in rain how can I get
Sick by getting wet in rain in my adulthood after all adult is far more
Strong that small innocent child so how can I get sick by getting wet in rain now
But some where in my heart I feel I have my own fears and I just don't
Want to act like child because it will look odd to world but I can understand
That we run and dance in rain due to this but when we get adult
Even small drop of rain began to harm us as well as began to tease
Just when by some drops in rain we began to get wet then we feel
That getting wet is worst thing which may happen to us without any base
So instead of feeling childhood near our heart we just prefer to run
And instead of feeling child inside us we like to act like adult on every spot
So when I hide from rain I know I am trying to hide from childhood
When I try to stop myself from laughing I know I am running away from freedom
Because each person have right to laugh when that one wish for fun
But some times some people takes a laugh as if we are trying to insult
When we laugh on some thing else they turn it into their personal insult
When we laugh in loud voice we think some thing nice but people laugh on us
They make fun of our voice and we try to stop our self from laughing for fun
I know at that moment I am willingly surrendering my freedom to totally wrong person
When I try to sleep peacefully I know I am working too hard
That's why I want the sleep and peace from tension which I have
I know that I have worked enough and success is not in my hand and
Now even if people blame me it is not at all my fault because what I thought
Was just my views and those are just my feeling I don't work that hard
In whole world and it's views after all if I have already work hard
All else is not in my hand I can't win each and every thing which
I never like to expect but people never accept that I work so hard
So I try to sleep peacefully without thinking about them and with thought
That I tried my best in my life and I work as hard as I can
When I try to pray to god I know I must have to do good deeds
After all praying is not enough we must learn to do good deeds
God don't want me just to pray god want me to keep helping heart
God wishes that I must do good but some times even doing good becomes hard
Because when I try to pray I just concentrate on it because I have some doubts
What is truly right in this world and what is totally wrong part of all
But I don't know one thing when I know everything why did I try?
When I know success can be just mine why I try to prove the world?
When I know I can't get sick why I try to hide from rain?
And when I know I work hard why can't I sleep peacefully?
And these are mostly those question which never let pray peacefully from heart
After all if I know all those faults then why I can't just cure them instead of just giving try?

Adventure story 17. Ignorance

After marriage it was first time Neha was going visit her in-laws.She was very excited about it.Her marriage was love marriage and her in-laws were not happy about it.They wanted their son to marry in their caste.But finally everything turned out fine.Now Neha was very nervous about this first visit.She wanted it to be perfect.But it suddenly started raining on that morning.She wore sari to please her in-laws.The sari was damaged because of rain.The beauty of the sari was completely destroyed.There were patches of the mud many places.She wanted to go back and changed the sari.But after coming this distance turning back was stupid idea.Her husband,Saket also didn't encourage her for this visit.In fact he was against it.But her in-laws were staying same area.Even if the journey took few hours.Neha was not that busy.She wanted to improve her relationship.Saket told her that she should give his parents some time to accept her.But she didn't agree with him.She thought that she had to do some efforts to achieve it .When she reached there.Raining was started heavily.She entered in the building.When she entered the building ,rain was pouring out of clouds and there was thunder and lightening with it.She found it hard to locate the flat on board.Finally she found it.She entered the lift.Slowly she searched for flat.She was very upset when she started to get nervous.Finally she went to door.She prepared the artificial smile and about to ring the bell when she heard a loud sound of thunder and lightening.Then she suddenly heard a loud scream from inside.After hearing her nervousness was gone,she became pretty sure that some one was getting hurt inside.She had full intention of protecting that person.She started ringing that bell again and again.She got many images in her mind.In them she saw many worst things.She just couldn't guess what sort of crime might be happening inside.She literally started banging the door and calling everyone.At last her mother-in-law opened the door.Her mother-in-law was looking tired,upset everything expect a woman in danger."Why were you ringing bell like that?Don't you understand you are disturbing neighbours and creating a scene?""But mom some one screamed.""I know.It was your sister-in-law Prachi.She is afraid of lightening."Before Neha could asked any further questions,her mother-in-law went inside.Neha could feel that many people were looking at her.But she was convinced that it was because of scream.She followed her mother-in-law in hurry.As soon as she went inside.She noticed that her father-in-law was reading newspaper peacefully.He just looked at her and smiled.She felt that she must have overreacted on small thing.She wanted to impress her in-laws instead of that she created a scene on an imaginary scream and upset them.She thought that the scream might not be that loud.She was nervous that was the reason behind her overreacting.She thought that Saket was right.She should have waited for some days.Then suddenly there was a sound of lightening and thunder,then again she heard a loud scream from the bedroom.Her mother-in-law ran inside that bedroom.Neha slowly followed her.
         When she entered inside;she didn't see Prachi anywhere.She thought that mom must had mistaken.She was about to say it loudly.But then she noticed a movement under the bed.Mom went near the bed and started going under it.Neha was confused.She just remained standing there.Mom"Come on Prachi come out.There is nothing to be scared off.""No.Mom I will not come out.First let it stop.""If it continued to rain like this whole day.Are you planning to hide like that for whole day?""Yes Mom.I am safe here."Prachi was hiding under the bed and she was not ready to come out.Neha just couldn't believe her eyes.She couldn't accept that Prachi was just scared of lightening.She was pretty sure her in-laws were hiding some thing from her.Then she thought the attacker might be inside and he was forcing them to pretend.She saw Prachi at time of marriage.Prachi was nice and simple girl.In fact Neha really liked Prachi.During the marriage Prachi was only person who happily smiled at her and didn't complaint about any of her behaviour because of Prachi mom had to adjust many times.Now after seeing Prachi like this she started feeling that some one might be hiding inside the room.She slowly started searching the whole room while mom was trying to convince her.Then suddenly curtain moved Neha was pretty sure some one was behind her.She just started to open it.When Prachi screamed loudly"Don't open it.I don't want to watch it with my eyes.Mom stop her."She was literally screaming on top of her lung.Neha had already moved the curtain no one was behind it.She was at least sure regarding it.But now her mother-in-law was angrily looking at her.Her mother-in-law"Why did you open it?""Sorry Mom I just thought some thing is behind it.""Oh!My God!!Don't you think that one mad person is enough for this family?Now I hope you are not planning to act like her."Neha was very upset after hearing this.She thought she should have listen to her husband.It would have saved her from this embarrassment.At that point suddenly her father-in-law entered in the room."Now please stop screaming on her.We don't want to upset our son.Do we?""Ya and our son no longer cared about us.He just care about his wife."Neha was more nervous after her mother-in-law started blaming her.She began to think that she might cry so she just ran out of room.But she could still hear argument between her in-laws.Her father-in-law"Why are you doing this?What are you going to achieve by this kind of behaviour?""What is this nonsense?first we saw our daughter turning mad.Then this woman took my son away from me.""Now she is our daughter-in-law and you have to accept it."After this Neha clearly heard sound of her mother-in-law's crying.Neha was very scared by this.She decided to leave the house immediately.She went out of the house.
          After reaching on the road she started stopping vehicles.First she tried to stop the rickshaw.But when it didn't stop.She started to stop Taxi.But in that heavy rain no vehicle was ready to stop.She was started getting wet completely.At that moment her phone rang.Saket"Neha where are you?"Neha didn't know how did Saket react when he learn that she went to his parent's house.Neha just wanted to avoid that question.Neha"Why?What happened?""Don't you know that because of rain roads were blocked?Where are you?"After hearing this she couldn't avoid Saket's question.Neha"I am at your parent's house.""Why did you went there?Now you have to stay there for night.So enjoy your stay."After saying this Saket started laughing.Neha was relieved at least Saket was not angry with her.After all every dark cloud has silver lining.Then she heard noise of thunder and lightening.This time it really scared her.She didn't want to go back in that flat.But nature made it clear to her that there were no options.
          When she went back argument had stopped.But Prachi's screaming had increased.Mom was literally pulling her out from the bed.But Prachi was not ready.This time Neha's father-in-law was also trying to help mom."Come on you can't stay there all night."Her father-in-law was talking very sweetly to Prachi.Mom also started talking sweetly like she was talking to a little girl."Mom will take care of you.All windows are closed."Slowly Prachi came out of the bed.Her hairs were scattered.Her body was shivering with each lightening.Prachi hugged mom.It was awkward for mom.Mom could even walk properly.Neha went ahead to help mom.But Prachi didn't let her come near her.Mom"Neha will you please bring her food from kitchen.""Sure."Neha went in to kitchen.But food was not ready there.Mom must have forgot to prepare it.Then mom screamed"Neha yesterday's food is inside the freeze.You have to heat it."Neha didn't like the  idea of finishing yesterday's food.She thought that at least Prachi should eat fresh food.But she didn't want to argue with her mother-in-law.Still finally she asked"Mom shall I cook some vegetable?""As you wish.But just don't take too much time."Neha made one vegetable and curry in fast speed.Then she heated yesterday's lunch.When she brought all lunch on table.Her father-in-law was already sitting on table.When Neha served him food.He happily started eating it."You are a good cook."He said.His one sentence of appreciation was a big achievement to Neha.While serving her father-in-law she arranged food on the plate for Prachi.When she entered in the room.Prachi was crying  while sleeping on her mother's laps.She was still shivering with fear.Neha took the plate near Prachi."Prachi eat your food.I made delicious curry and vegetables for you."Neha started giving the plate to Prachi .But Prachi didn't move.Finally Mom took the plate from Neha Mom slowly started giving her bite of the food.Prachi slowly began to eat the food.After lightening stopped Prachi relaxed little bit.Then mom told her to sleep.Mom gave her a pill.After taking the pill finally Prachi slept peacefully.When mom became completely sure that Prachi was in deep sleep.She gestured Neha to come out of room.They slowly went out of the room.
        When they sat on the table for dinner;her father-in-law had already finished his dinner and went to sleep.This time mom didn't say anything.Just quietly she started eating food.Neha just didn't dare to ask her any question.Finally mom spoke"Sorry for all those things I said to you.I was upset because of Prachi.You saw it.How did she behaved?She acted like this in every monsoon.Whenever she heard lightening,she just started acting in strange way.You saw everything now tell me how do she survive in the life?If she behaved like this before people,all will think she is mad.People started avoiding her.She will be a loner.""But why don't you show her to doctor?"Now mom just kept quiet."Mom tell me don't you think I am part of family?"When mom looked at Neha there was tears in her eyes.Finally mom spoke"We took her to doctor told us to take her to mad people's doctor.""Mad people's doctor?!!You mean psychiatrist."Mom slowly nodded her head.Neha "Mom you are over reacting.Now a days many people go to psychiatrist.They are normal people's doctor.If we took Prachi there...""Papa is fully against it.""But you can't keep her like this for whole life.It will slowly effect her sanity.Mom you must convince Papa regarding this.""I will try."That day Neha slept in guest room.
          When Neha was about to sleep.She heard loud and angry voices from her in-law's room.She wanted to go and interfere.But then she thought she should not talk between elders.For many hours argument continued.Finally her father-in-law went out of house in that heavy rain.Neha ran out of her room and went near her in-law's room.When she saw mom was sitting on the bed alone and crying,she entered in the room.Mom"He will never listen to me.Now he will phone to Saket and complaint against you.I didn't tell him anything.But he guessed."Neha was really scared.This thing would bound to upset Saket.After all Saket didn't want her to interfere in his family matter.But she was married to him now.She was part of his family and Saket had understand it.Suddenly her phone rang.It was Saket's phone."Neha what happened?Why do Papa is upset with you?"Neha told Saket everything."It's not fair.You can't let him spoil your sister's life.""Do mom agree with you?"Neha looked at mom.Then she asked her.Mom once again nodded her head.Neha"Yes.""Then we will manage without telling Papa.""How?""Don't worry.Just trust me.Just show him that you are totally agreed with him.""But?""No buts.Tell mom what I told you?She will understand."When Neha told mom,mom smiled.Neha"How is he going to manage it?""I will tell your Papa that Prachi is joining drawing class.Actually one of the drawing teacher is my best friend.She will lie for me.""But lying like this is wrong.""But he will never understand and I don't want my daughter to suffer."Neha was not happy about it.But she cooperated with them.When Papa came,they both apologized.
               After some days they took her to psychiatrist.Psychiatrist"She is suffering from Specific Phobia.It means that whenever she see lightening.It gives her irrational fears.""Why did this happened?"'Her some bad memories must be related to lightening."Prachi"But I don't remember anything.""It was hard to point out such incidence.Any traumatic experience can do it like death,sickness,accident etc.They are not important to you now."Mom"But for curing her she has to remember it.Don't she?"Doctor laughed."This is not a film or television.She just have to obey my orders and you have to keep lot of patience.It will take some time."They all smiled happily after this promise.After treatment Prachi was slowly cured.One day when they all were eating dinner.Suddenly rain started with lightening and thunder.They all looked at Prachi.But she peacefully continued with her dinner.Then Papa laughed happily and said"Don't I told you.She would be okay when she will grown.Now she is fine.She never needed that stupid doctor."They all nodded their heads.But they all were secretly laughing on Papa's ignorance.
                                                         The End 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Poem 30. Token of happiness

                                       Token of happiness
Happiness is like a water drink when you can it will surely evaporate
Because that is what nature of happiness for us all we can't change it
How hard we may try after all happiness is something which is precious
For your feeling and important for our heart but still it can't kept
In place where it is first started gathering around that person's heart
That is nature of happiness we can't store it how hard you may try
So it is better to enjoy it on that moment when you still can without
Hoping for getting some thing which is further better for your life's stand
Happiness is something which pleased your heart so it is not surprising
That you want to store it in some form but storing is not crime but
It is not even possible for our heart because after some days
Happiness will just vanish in sky but still we are human and so we never
Give up in our try so we save it as our token in our pouch and pocket
And our personal sky after all happiness is some thing which may give
Us pleasure in our life that we want to keep to heart with all efforts and try
After all sorrows are something unavoidable in person's life they just come
And went away when ever we like or dislike in our life happiness is something
Good for a person's life it is some thing which give happiness to all
Human kind after all being happy means something so precious that
We just can't ignore it from our life and we can't feel it until
We have some shower of true pleasures like winning in some thing in life
After all we all know truths of our life those truth are that we can't
Keep happiness by just keeping those things as a witness of our happy life
Those thing can given us happiness as well as pleasure in our life
After all those thing are just past they are not at all any part of our life
Those happy moments are some feeling which stay with us in our whole life
But they are token which can help us only to remember moments in life
Those feeling of happiness vanish in just moment of time after all
We all need some thing perfect for our future and our brain and heart
So we can't keep happiness as strength which is temporary part and
It comes and goes out of our life in each and every part so in our life
We all need some sort important part which help us in getting us stable
And happy from our heart then one day will come when we see
Some thing nice for life as well as our future's interesting part
It should some thing like faith or confidence which never keep us apart
After all this life is some thing in which happiness always run in blood
But at same times  sorrow also keep same home with happiness in world
Happiness is not dependent on world's any circumstances or world's part
Happiness is some thing precious which always live in world for our heart
In those bubbles of happiness we live every day after all happiness is something
Which never comes in our world's ways after all happiness is some thing
Which will be nice and good for heart but it always vanishes so soon
That we just never have enough happiness for our feeling and our heart
So if we want to retain happiness we have to increase it from our heart
In happiness we smile always if it comes from inner feeling if our happiness
Depend on out side things then happiness is some sort of hardest thing
So happiness is some thing which evaporate only when it come from our side part
If you create it with your inner power it will stay strongly inside your heart
So learn to keep your self from inside feeling in your heart because
If you think by old token of past happiness can bring you pleasure
I know it from heart still why don't know I love keep token may be we just
Love happiness so much that even when we are happy still we keep those token.

Poem 29. Every one

                                     Every one
Every person have their likes and dislikes I just don't know
What to say? What will that one dislike? When I think this way
I never able to speak in life because we can't please every body
And remain truthful in our life so we must think what we like
And then decide what will be perfect for our life after all in life
On every moment we tried to make new friends and be up to their likes
But question is that while doing this do we think what we like
After all in life every day is some strange struggle which involved
Lot of things which we hated and disliked they suddenly one day
I began to understand my life after all every time I just got one person
Who understand my mind it is not me and it not any one around me in world
Because even those who stay with you hardly understand your mind
And we can't expect it because we don't know what is truly in our mind
Those people are such that they change their life and they change them self
With just small truth which come out even on our feelings are such and
Same apply to our like as well as dislike we never feel that we are sure
What truly we like in case of dislike we can be sure at sight but
Question is that do we inquire properly before showing dislike
About something or some part then how can I decide what is truly
Don't liked by our heart after all like is some thing which always remain
remain our life's part and that one will always remain near our heart
So when we choose it we need to change it many times in our life
According to needs of person and what person want from heart
But for understanding other's want we need to move every mountain
And every wall and then we can only reach to the thing truly wanted
By that person's heart but instead of doing this we just listen what
That person want from heart and then only we can decide
What truly wanted from our heart after all as human being we all need
Something which truly touches our feelings as well as our heart
But when person talks that one just nod on many things which are
Truly wanted from our feelings as well as from our heart
After all dislike is some thing we all really liked from our thinking and heart
I mean we want special respect for it and even it is okay even if
You just go ahead and totally ignore want after all like is some thing
That can be ignore by us but can't ignore by person's dislike or hate
How much you need to ignore that one's true dislike by giving
Preference to that one's want may person get carried away for moment
But finally dislike may appear so first ask your self can you spend
Whole life in searching what will be disliked by others so this is our life
And this is what we want if we don't want it then you must understand
You must learn to live as you like but must understand that before
Liking please understand can you get that thing because if we want to have it
We must think truthfully and logically no one can get sky by just liking sky
Because what are we going to have by just asking for sky after all in life
We may want many things but truth is that we can live our life
As per our liking when we manage to get proper type of like which fulfill
Then only one day we will understand what is proper kind of like and want
So interested of impressing other's likes and wants after all there are
Some person who is may want to just impress others and get chance
To spend some time in other person's life to fulfill their wants
After all everyone have their like and some person just like to fulfill
Other person's like and their wishes and their wants in life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...