Saturday, June 1, 2024

Adventure story. 660. Getting back her life

                            Getting back  her life

Tina was watching TV carefully. Her entire attention was just on it. She began to feel so restless when she sensed her parents were not coming home. She knew that she was big girl. Actually not girl anymore she was a woman. She needed to handle all. She was grown up. But still she felt strange fear when it came to handling things. She didn’t feel confident about them. She felt so restless. She needed to feel positive but she kept feeling negative. She told herself that everything was normal. She was trying so hard to control her fears. But she kept looking towards her mobile with hope that her parents would text her. She wanted them in home as soon as possible. She was so nervous. She smiled towards her nervousness & began to laugh. She was grown up girl. She needed to feel positive about all. She knew that she could handle everything easily. It was totally normal. She didn’t want to feel nervous. Especially she must not get sick. She knew that she was alone so staying healthy was most important for her. She began to feel upset. She told herself that she was getting so nervous without cause. She began to watch TV again. She wanted to be sure about herself. She was so scared that she didn’t permit herself to enjoy. It was long time since she was alone. She wanted to spend day alone. But she wasn’t capable. She kept looking behind herself as if she was expecting someone to jump on her. She knew that no one was in home. She was alone. Her house was not haunted. She knew that surely too. Still she felt one unknown fear. She began to get so restless. She started to enjoy program on TV. It was her favourite comedy show. She loved comedy & she could laugh for hours on few scenes. She was so happy when she got first one. She began to enjoy every dialogue of that comedy show. She started to listen carefully. She began to force herself to enjoy it. She needed to laugh naturally but soon her laugh became forced one. She was no longer happy person. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She sensed that she might not want to feel negative but she was feeling it. She tried her best to calm her thoughts. She knew that if she permitted this fear. It would become hard for her to survive in life. She needed to get over it. She kept telling herself to calm down. She stopped looking towards TV. She told herself that she needed to look around. She needed to confirm in her mind that nothing scary was moving around her. She knew that was fact & truth. But still she decided to confirm. She slowly opened one door. She went in one bedroom which they had. She checked windows. She tried hard to push them but they didn’t open so windows were perfectly closed. She kept trying windows. Finally she managed to cut her finger. She felt so scared. She began to look towards her finger! What if it got infection. She began to get tense. She didn’t want to fall sick. Now she managed to hurt her finger. It was so bad. She looked around to find first Aid. Then she found first Aid box. She kept bandaging her wound for some time. It was big bandage. It was perfect for her. She knew that it looked like bandage in hospital but she didn’t care. She needed to keep her wound safe. She totally forgot about her fear about shadows. Her thinking that some one might be in home was vanished. She was more concerned for her wound. She carefully sat on sofa. TV was still going on. That Comedy Show was in middle but she no longer interested. She was watching her finger carefully. She was still not satisfied with it’s dressing. She began to look carefully towards her finger. She knew that it was okay but still. She didn’t want to go to Doctor. Her Dad would tell her that she needed to visit. She hated that Doctor. Then she once again turned to TV. She needed to smile so she was dutifully laughing on some scenes. It seemed as if this became essential for her. She kept watching TV with full attention in her heart she was so scared. She took breath of relief when door bell rang. Her parents came back. She smiled. Her Mom looked so tired. Her Mom “ That function was so irritating. I was so bored.” “ Come on. It’s nice one. You are bored since you want to stay with your daughter whole time. Let her live by herself. Why does you need to remain stick to her like that? She need to find some man now? You can observe her age for dating boys long gone.” Her Mom gave angry look to her Dad. But her Dad started laughing. Her Dad always had strange sense of humour. She didn’t like it that much but she didn’t even dislike it. It was okay. She didn’t mind his taunts. She immediately went near her Dad. She began to look carefully towards her Dad. He was looking so exhausted. She was so concerned. She asked “ Are you okay?” She was so concerned about her Dad. He was so important. Her Dad smiled & said “ I am okay.” Then he immediately screamed on her Mom “ Go & make some tea for me.” She turned to Mom & said “ Mom add proper sugar in it.” Her Mom was so angry. “ I just came..” “ Fine. Do you want me to order tea from hotel?” Her Mom didn’t say anything & went in kitchen. Tina kept looking towards her Dad. She immediately ran towards chair. She removed all things which were on chair & said “ Sit down..” Her Dad sat peacefully sat on chair. He began to smile towards her. “ It was your Mom’s idea to let you stay alone. I never approve it. I mean it doesn’t suit you. You need to stay alone.” Tina immediately got convinced. She didn’t wanted to stay with parents not alone. Tina “ Mom always kept saying nonsense things we don’t need to pay attention.” Her Dad smiled happily. Tina began to get relaxed. They waited while her Mom brought teas for them. Her Mom was not happy by it. Her Mom said “ I am going out. Need to do some shopping.” Her Dad immediately nodded. They didn’t want her Mom at house. Her Mom kept telling things which they didn’t like. They needed her Mom just for cooking. Her Mom was just useful object in their eyes not a human. Her Mom sensed it so she preferred spending time outside. After finishing cooking mostly her Mom went out immediately.

         Tina was so happy. She knew that she didn’t need to live alone. She smiled happily but then she was planning to marry one day. She wanted to marry since all got married. She didn’t want to be left out alone. She began to think about boys around her. Sadly none of them was as worthy as she wanted. She was talking nicely with them all. But she didn’t wanted to select them. She wanted well educated & rich boy. She wanted best for her. She knew that it was written in her destiny. Many fortune tellers told her. She smiled. She knew whenever she went to fortune teller at beginning they tried to say negative. Like she might had some issues but she immediately pointed towards her present situation & they convinced that it was just her situation at her parent’s house. She slowly dig about her husband’s house & all began to change. Fortune teller began to say positive. She knew that she offered money few times before that but it was needed to get true fortune out of them. Whenever they said something nice she gifted them better. Her friends didn’t give anything their fortune were all wrong & sad. Since Fortune teller didn’t work hard to understand their future. That fortune teller just remained on their past. Their future were great. Especially her! She was great person. Her Dad told her many times that she didn’t work hard enough to bring out her inner strength & she was planning to do that. She smiled & said “ I will prove myself. People would admire my talent.” She knew that she was great. She slowly sat on her computer. She needed to do her work. She got one job since her Uncle knew owner of company. She knew that it was not just that it was her talent too. She was so smart. Her Uncle was her Uncle just due to her great destiny. She knew that she was lucky so she found this Uncle by her birth right. She felt that she managed to get all by her strength. She smiled. She was sure that she was great person. She deserved appreciation. She began to work on computer. She knew that now she was earning. Her salary was nice. She knew that she was earning large amount. She deserved admiration. She didn’t want to waste her money so she kept putting it in her bank. She wanted to concentrate on work but then she suddenly began to think about boys. She needed to select one. She began to think about those boys carefully. Finally she selected one out of them. This one was not rich but she sensed already that rich boys were not planning to marry her. She didn’t got anything special in him which would be worth appreciating but she had selected one. She didn’t want to left behind. She wanted to choose one boy. She needed to get one. She was feeling so nervous. She started looking in contact numbers. She needed to select one out of them. She calculated which one would have okay earning. She checked about his house & called him. Tarun took her call. Tarun was so happy to hear from her. Finally Tarun managed to get a girl. He needed a girlfriend. His friends were getting married one after another while he couldn’t find suitable girlfriend. He immediately started to talking with Tina through attachment. Tina smiled happily. She was going to marry to Tarun. It was essential. She said slowly “ I was thinking you might meet.” “ Ohh sure what about this weekend?” She was so happy. He was actually inviting her on date. She was going on date. He admired her beauty & invited her. She went to mirror & began to admire her beauty. She was looking so beautiful. She was unique. Then she suddenly sensed that she didn’t have nice dress. She needed best dress. She began to think about dresses. Then she remembered her Uncle. His daughter had plenty dresses. She could always borrow one. She called her Mom. Then she sensed her Mom couldn’t be at home. She was so upset. Why did her Mom needed to go out? Her Mom was eating & enjoying her life just thanks to her Dad’s earning. She was also earning just her Mom was useless creature. Her Mom supposed to serve them properly. She decided that she needed to call her Mom. She called “ Mom call Uncle & tell him that I want to use dress of his daughter.” Her Mom didn’t say anything for sometime then she said “ But it is her dress.” “ So what? Did her dress get damaged if I use once?” Her Mom was so speechless. She didn’t understand what she could do. It was so upsetting. She screamed on Mom “ Call Uncle.” Then she disconnected call. Tina’s Mom was so upset. Tina was treating her like slave. But now Tina was treating her Uncle & cousin like servant too. Tina’s Mom knew that Tina’s cousin didn’t like to share her clothes. It was so wrong to force it on her. Tina’s Mom didn’t understand what she could do. Then Tina’s Mom called Tina’s cousin. Her Cousin said “ Sorry Auntie but I can’t give my dress.” “ It’s okay.” Tina’s Mom was glad. She immediately called Tina & told. “ Such a selfish girl! She needed to learn to share otherwise she will never become nice wife. She just kept grabbing everything.” Tina was so upset but Tina knew that she didn’t have option but to accept that decision. Tina disconnected call. She immediately ran to her Dad. She told about her date. Her Dad was so happy. Her Dad was so angry when she started to tell how did her cousin didn’t give her clothes. Dad “ She is so selfish. She needed to give. Any way you can buy some from market?” She nodded immediately & her Dad immediately gave her money. She took it & went for shopping. She purchased all dresses of her choice. She knew that she had great judgment while selecting dresses. She was perfect in everything. She smiled to herself. She began to talk loudly “ I know what I need. I can manage to get all whatever I want.” She was talking loudly. She didn’t sense but people in market were watching her with shock. Some assumed that she was talking on mobile but remaining people didn’t. She was not concerned. She knew that she was perfect & she deserved appreciation from all. She smiled sweetly to herself sometimes but sometimes she began to abuse her cousin for not permitting borrowing of dress.

       Tarun was so happy to finally get one date. He just needed to marry & start his life. Tina was pretty girl. She was perfect as his wife. Tina had job so she could increase his earnings. He knew that she didn’t give him salary but he just needed one security. She had it. Tarun waited then he noticed her. She dressed nicely but he could clearly saw that she was talking to herself. Now this was complicated. He needed to discuss it. But he wanted to marry her so if he discussed it on first date then it would be disastrous for his marriage so he decided to discuss it later. He kept talking with her through love. He kept admiring her. She kept appreciating it. During this one small kid suddenly pointed her & said “ Dad this is that Auntie who was talking to herself.” Tina was so shocked. She didn’t sensed that public was noticing it. She decided to joke. “ Wow I must have some twins in mental asylum. ” He immediately came to her rescue “ It’s common. Nothing unique.” She felt so relieved. But she knew that she was not normal. She didn’t understand what was wrong. She decided to call her Dad. Her Dad knew best. She was searching for his number. She needed her Dad & on that point her Dad called. She smiled happily. She said “ It’s my Dad!” Tarun felt so frustrated. She was strange way of obsessed with her Dad. He would have preferred if it was ex boyfriend then he could have stopped calls immediately. But she kept talking to her Dad. He decided to wait. Then he slowly began to count in his mind. How many times he had waited? He waited for girlfriend so many years & now he was dating this crazy girl! He didn’t like this idea. He wanted to stop it. He just stood up & said “ I am getting late. Bye.” He went away. She felt so angry. She immediately told Dad what happened. Her Dad “ That boy was not much good. He might had wanted to avoid paying restaurant bill.” “ Ohh Dad I don’t need such boy who acted this way.” “ Then come back.” She was very glad. She didn’t want to date Tarun anymore. He suddenly became useless. She decided to return home. When she came back she was totally convinced that she didn’t need Tarun. Her Dad was waiting for her with suggestion of another boy. Her Dad “ He is perfect. He will listen to me & that is very important.” She immediately nodded. She was totally convinced that she needed to someone who would obey. Then she went home. Her Mom shocked to learn those changes. Her Mom didn’t say anything before her Dad but when her Dad was gone out her Mom slowly said “ Do you understand importance of situation?” “ What situation?” “ You were talking to yourself?” “ I know.” Tina laughed & said “ It’s just common habit.” Mom took hold of her shoulder & said “ I spend my life with your Dad. I know how did he try to take hold so I sense that he is not letting you live your life.” “ Mom why are you talking like that?” “ Since that boy which your Dad suggested is absolute wrong one! He had lots of bad habits. He gave your Dad company in his every wrong move. You don’t need husband like mine! Listen to me. I will take you to Doctor who will cure this habit to talking to yourself.” Tina didn’t want to agree with Mom but she didn’t have much option. She was so scared. She nodded. She went out with Mom but she was not expecting psychiatrist. It was shocking for her. She needed a psychiatrist! She was not mad. She stopped. “ Mom I am just..” she was about to turn back when Receptionist said sweetly “ You can go inside.” Tina said “ I am fine.” “ Then let Doctor tell you. One extra visit will just refresh your mind. You can tell all your burden like confession in some confession box & came out.” After listening to Receptionist she suddenly felt encouraged to visit psychiatrist. She nodded. Then she went inside with Mom. Psychiatrist began to ask questions & she slowly started to answer. Psychiatrist said “ I feel your daughter is suffering from personal dependence disorder. It develops when parent admire too much unnecessarily with few to keep child happy or in this case under his control. Her Dad wanted to control her so he didn’t permit her to have her own life which lead to other disorders.” Tina slowly asked “ I am talking to myself..” “ I will explain you slowly..” then he told her Mom to go out. After that Tina talked with Psychiatrist for hour. Then she came out with name of medicine & after fixing next appointment. She clearly told her Dad that she didn’t want to meet next boy so soon. She decided to wait. She then messaged to Psychiatrist about her confused mind. She demanded earlier appointment. She got one. She visited by herself. She needed to get over her fear. She talked with psychiatrist for hours. She was so tense. Step by step she learnt to cope up with situation. She began to manage all. She started to live happily in her world. When she began to move in her world her Dad started to taunt her. She became odd person in his eyes but she was glad since she was no longer following her Dad’s order. She was not talking to herself & she was doing what she desired. She started her one podcast the way she wanted. She was so happy. She was not earning much so she couldn’t marry Tarun but through that podcast she met one fan. He was very nice man suitable for her. Her Dad didn’t like him but her Psychiatrist okayed him & she decided to marry him. Soon she stopped her treatment. She was no longer attached to her Dad. In fact she started avoiding him. Her husband many times went to tour & she stayed alone in her house but it was okay now. She was no longer scared of shadows.

                                          The End 

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