Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Poem 2891. Question with hidden answer

                                                Question with hidden  answer
In every hidden question answer is written on some point we can read it and we can sense it if we decide
On every step we need to learn those impact on mind we need to sense every question will have so many answers
Which are giving hopes to our life we sense in those questions those facts which are giving hopes to our mind
We need to understand questions that will start to show those answers that start to open world at every step
Of our life at each step we sense question will open our world in different style we need to learn those answers
Which are opening world in different style we will just need  to learn those concepts which will start to show
Those thoughts from inside which will tell us questions are having hidden power in our mind we never sense
Those thoughts and equations which will open our eyes we need to study on every step one thought that
We must move ahead while reading that question since it will have hidden answer inside on every step and
On every point we sense questions will have so many concepts that will open new light we need to sense
Just one thought that question will open our eyes inside every question we can see hopes since they seem
Like some answers to our life we need to sense on every step one thought from inside that those questions
Which will give hope to us will open in new way of our entire life when questions will start to open answers
Which will show new touch to our mind we need to learn from questions many concepts which will have new feelings
Hidden inside at every concepts in life when question will have answers hidden in them at every step of life
We just need to sense them at each step to move ahead towards that step which will start to show understanding on every point
Since those concepts that will start to have appeals at every point which start to open world in that style which
Will give beginning of new kind we need to sense in every word there is an answer which will change our life and
We just need to sense it on every step and point we need to understand words which are with hidden meanings
At every step of life since they are giving new meaning to entire world with their concepts which are changing
Our thinking and our life we need to learn those steps which are forming new start for our mind we need to just
Feel and sense one thought that every question will have hidden answer which can change our world on every point
We need to learn and understand on every step one thought from inside those concepts which are opening
World in new way which will start to show concepts that are giving hopes to our world and start to open new meanings
To our thinking and life when we will move ahead in every question we can see answers hidden on some point
But we just never have talent to understand it in world on every step with different meanings on each point
Since those touches will start to show those feels that are opening our world in that style which we desire from soul
And which will create new meanings for our mind we need to understand that every question will have answer
On every step of life those question will have curiosity that will start to show those touches which will give power
To have so many thoughts that will hidden at every step of life we need to learn from questions so many meanings
Which are showing those effect that are changing those reactions on every point since those concepts which
Are having so many touches that will start to show those directions which will have effect on every step in life
Since those questions will start to show those meanings that will start to have so many thoughts hidden from inside
We start to sense meanings hidden in every question which will open our world in new start on every point
When we will learn inside that questions there are many meanings which will form different appeals to our life
We need to sense different questions which are having so many directions that will start to change our ways in life
We need to understand that feel which will open new start to form those effect which are having so many
Understanding that are having so many touches which are opening new feel from inside but then those impact
Which will change those touches that will manage to give different look to our life we need to understand from
Our soul and mind just one fact from inside that on every step we need to understand feelings which will
Start to show world in different effect on mind we need to learn on every step one thought from inside that
We need to just learn those concepts that are giving hopes to mind are started from questions which will give hope
To our future and our life we need to understand it from inside with one thought that we can manage to locate answers
To every questions with new meanings from inside we need to sense those questions on every point since they will
Change our ways of life we need to learn those questions which will form new start to our mind we need to learn
Those feel from mind since those questions are changing our life we need to understand question since they got
Their answers hidden on every point we need to sense those questions from inside on every step we sense
Those questions are new meanings for our life we need to search for their answers and ways to move ahead in life
We need to understand questions with those meanings that will change on every step our future and life we need
Those answers from inside since questions are making us some thing worthy than answers in our life since when we question
Then only we move ahead in life after all answers will come only when we learn to question our heart from time to time.

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