Monday, August 15, 2016

Poem 2890. Talking in life

                                                                    Talking in life
Since when we start to talk it will began to form new impact on mind since talk will start to show those effect
Which are indicating world in different style we need to sense those feel from mind we need to talk those things
On every step of life when we will start to understand talk we will sense true meanings in life but then at just every step
We will start to learn talk will have so many effect on life we will start to sense those touches which will start
To show that talking which will give meaning on every point we will start to understanding talking which will
Manage to show power on every step of life we start to sense with talking hopes which will start to show those
Reactions which will open our life but then those directions which will give light to our talk on every step of life
We need to understand talk from our mind which will give power to us to move ahead at every point with one thought
Talking will open new world to our mind it will start to show new meanings to our mind when we talk about something
Then we will sense those thoughts which began to feel those effect which will start to have so many reactions in life
Since talking will show those effect which will have so many directions on every step of life we need to understand
Those talks which will form thoughts that will have reactions in life but then talking will began to create so much
Effect on life but then those talking will start to have so many impact on mind since talking will show those
Effect will start to show those effect which will start to show those effect which will have effect on mind since
Talking will have so many understanding from inside we need to sense talking will show that world which
We hope from inside but question is that talking is not enough in life since some people are expert in life on every point
We start to show those effect which will give new start from inside we need to have so many emotions inside
On every step we need to understand talking will have effect on life which will start to show those effect in life
We need to sense those pains in that talking which will began to form so many effect on mind at every step
In our thinking from mind which will start to show talking to that point which we sense from inside on every point
We start to sense from thinking and talking as part of our life which will create different effect on life we need
To understand talking from mind which will correct our world at every step of life we need to learn those moves
Which that talking will provide in our life since every word will send some moves which will manage to change
Our world and life we need from inside on every point that thought which will open talking to that way which
We desire from our life we need to sense that talking is not enough but still it can create lot of troubles in life
Specially when people spoke false words and start to open our world in different style we need to sense on just each step
We start of mind which will open our world in totally new style we need to understand talking in that way which
We desire from mind we need to learn by those words new start at every step of life we need to sense that feel
Or that thought from mind which will start to open world in different style talking will open new route but
How much promising is that way will depend on our thinking and our hopes from soul of mind we need to just
Sense one thought that we must talk on every step with view to do it but some just talk without having thought
Of doing things in life since those words which we talk will open new door to our life we need to learn those
Thoughts or concepts which will open our world in new way and starts our life with one thought from inside
We need to sense those desires which we feel from our mind that tell us we must talk on every step with one thought
That talking will give new hope to our life when we tell some thing then it will manage to change our life we need
To sense that talking will open our world in that way which we sense from inside when we will began to form
Those words we sense one thought from mind that talking will give new start to our world and not negative effect
To our soul or our mind we need to learn on every step one thought from inside which tell us we need to talk
With every concept and with every move of life but then at every step we sense from our mind just one thinking
Which we need to learn from our mind we need to understand every concept with one thought that we must
Move ahead with one thinking talking might be good but does that one act as per talking in life if that one don’t
Then we can never get that right thought on any point we need to sense those thoughts which will open our world
In that way which start to open our mind we need to sense one thought that every concept might open our world
Which tell us on every step talking will give power to our world at every step of life we need to learn on each step
One thought from inside talking will give power to our world and it can open new day for our life we need to just
Feel and sense on every point one thought that talking will start to show different effect in life we feel them from inside
On every move we sense one thinking from mind that talking will have power but if people not mean it then
It will have worst effect in life talking can make one seed grow into plant and talking can also manage to destroy it in life
We need to understand value of talking on every point we have to learn talking will open new start for entire life
But if it is good or bad depend on what we say in life we need to show world in wonderful way and in positive light.

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