Monday, February 29, 2016

Poem 2601. Effect of thinking

                                                        Effect of thinking                     
Since thoughts will began to have different feel on every point in each section of life when those thoughts
Are having effect will shatter on every point when thoughts are beginning from our mind we need to just
Understand those thoughts will start to have effect on mind since thinking will start to show those lights which
Are having effect on our mind when thoughts will start to have impact on mind since thoughts are showing
Our world in different reaction on every point thinking start to have effect on our life since thinking will have
That soul on every point since that thinking will start to hurt our mind from inside when we will start to show
World in different style we will manage to understand thinking from our mind when our thinking will start
To hurt our soul from inside we need to avoid that thinking as basic need of life when thinking will start to show
Those different reflections on our mind it seem as if that thinking will open new world for life what we want
Is just one thought from inside that thinking will open new world for our mind when thinking start to give
Our soul right thought of peace is seem as if one different purpose and soul for our mind but thinking will
Never give us that effect which we desire on every point since thinking will start to have different look in life
It seem as if thinking is not moving to positive side we need to understand thinking as basic stone of walk
On which we will walk in life we need to understand thinking as basic thought from mind when thinking will
Start to have that appeals which will start to understand impact on mind then thinking will show that knowledge
On every point when thinking will start to appeal thinking will have so many words on every point since those
Words are showing those effect on life when we will start to understand thinking on every point it seem as if
Thinking will start to show world with one thought from inside since thinking show those effect on our mind
Thinking show those effect on mind when there are many sort of appeals in life thinking will change our world
On every point thinking start to change those understanding which are having so much appeals on mind when
We will start to understand those appeals that are showing those effect on mind since those thinking will
Have so much effect on mind since those thinking will show world in interesting style we have to understand
Those touches which are showing world in right way on every point when thinking start to show those understanding
That thinking began to different meanings will hidden on every point then thinking will be that soul of life
When thinking will have so much meanings in our world on every point those words are full so many meanings
On every point since those effect which are having knowledge in life since those understanding are forming
Thinking will start to show those effect on mind which are creating world in different way in life when we
Will began thinking with one sort of appeal which are showing world in that sort of appeals on each point
When we will start to have just one effect on mind when we will began to understand thinking from inside
When thinking will meanings and knowledge on every point it seem as if thinking will start new world on just
One thought from inside that thinking will form effect which will manage to change understanding mind since
Thinking will start to understand those impact on mind those thinking will start to have effect in life we need
To understand thinking which are having so much effect on mind when thinking will start to have those ideas
On every point when we began to learn every concepts in life when thinking will show different reaction in life
When thinking will show world in different style when those concepts and those effect on life thinking start
To change our life when we will began to see those effect on every point when thinking will learn to have
New touch on every point we need to understand thinking will show those meanings will have so much effect
On our life when thinking will start to move with it just one thought began to have effect on our mind since
Those concepts which are having fresh sort of thinking will appeals to our mind when that thinking will start
To look wrong to our mind since thinking is that basic need which will decide our future and life but how careless
We are about it to show world indifferent on every point seem to be handle just without care in our life when
We will start to move ahead on just every point need of thinking will become basic of life which will open
New world on every point of our life when we will start to understand methods on every point we just feel
One thought from mind since those thinking will show many sort of understanding which will show world
In different style at every point life will seem as if some thoughts from inside those thinking will form effect
In our life at every point we need to understand those thoughts which are having so much appeals in life when
Thinking will start to show world in different style that will start to understand life with different effect on life
Since that thinking will show new meanings on every point we just never understand that thoughts from inside
We have just one thinking which will give meanings to our mind we need to understand those appeals in mind
When thinking will form effect in life thinking will show those appeals which will have so much effect on mind
Since thinking will open new door on every point we need to understand thinking is that basic which is needed in life.

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